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Overwatch Moira Hero Guide


Meet Moira, a Talon genetics scientist that gives just as much as she takes. What we mean by that is that Moira sort of a hybrid DPS-healer who possess a move set that requires you to deal damage in order to be able to heal. The truth is that Overwatch has been hurting for a new support hero for a long time now and thankfully, Moira feels that void perfectly. With Moira, there are a lot of little details that we should pay attention to, so let’s get started with our in-depth OW Moira hero guide. In this guide, we are going to break down all of Moira’s abilities as well as give you some advanced strategy tips on how to play this exciting new Ow support character and make the best out of what she has to offer.

You should, of course, expect our Overwatch Moira Guide to go through many updates as our boosters get to experience more and more playtime with her on different maps. We’ll make sure to always give you the best insight to help you improve your game and reach your goals a bit easier. Of course, our Overwatch Boosting Services offer everything that you could possibly want to accomplish in the game - from Overwatch Rank Boosting to Top 500 Overwatch Boost, Overwatch Level Boosting, every single achievement in the game and more. Now let’s take a close look at Moira’s abilities.

Moira Abilities

  • Biotic Grasp
  • Biotic Orb
  • Fade
  • Coalescence

Biotic Grasp (Primary/Secondary Fire)

Moira’s Primary and Secondary fire make up the ability known as Biotic Grasp. You’ll be using these two skills the most so it is very important that you understand the nuances of using them. Your primary fire will shower friendly heroes with yellow healing biotic energy that heals at a rate by 80 health per second. The Primary Biotic Grasp does not use ammo as in the traditional sense like, for instance, Anna does, but instead uses an energy bar that slowly refills after use. It can provide about 9 seconds of non-stop healing. However, that energy bar refills really slow, so you’d want to use your secondary Biotic Grasp fire which fills it up a lot faster. Moira’s secondary Biotic Grasp fire is quite similar to life drain where you damage your opponents while healing yourself by doing so. It does not track as well as Symmetra’s Photon Projector beam so you should not be jumping around too much, however, the range of Moira’s beam is surprisingly long which makes up for its tracking.

Biotic Grasp Tips:

- As we have already mentioned it is extremely important that you use your Biotic Grasp secondary fire as often as possible in order to have enough healing fuel to help your team when you are most needed. Make sure to splash a bit of damage whenever you can and do not overuse your healing ability when it is not that necessary.

- In order to be able to make the best use out of your Biotic Grasp, you should really be aware of its range. It might be a good idea to have some playtime on the Training Ground so that you can get a sense of the range of this ability.

- Try not to use up all of your healing bars at once, take your finger off the button as soon as you’ve healed your target. Moira’s resources run out fast so you should be really careful with how you use them.

-In situations where you are healing a number of teammates all at once, you should try and spray them in the shape of an arc so that each can get a bit of healing and be able to stay a bit longer in the fight.

Biotic Orb

Biotic Grasp may be Moira’s primary attack, however, what makes her a really interesting character is her Biotic Orb ability. WIth Biotic Orb, you are able to launch either healing or damaging balls that can bounce off of any surface. On their way, the orbs will heal any nearby player or damage every nearby enemy, depending on what type of orb you’ve chosen to launch. They do travel rather quickly towards their destination, however, if the orb makes contact with a player it will slow down to maximize the effect, regardless of whether it is to heal or to damage. WIth Biotic Orb, it’s all about using the different maps to your advantage.

Biotic Orb Tips:

- Lots of beginner players think that in order to maximize the sphere’s healing effect they should launch it at their feet, however, a way more effective way to get the most out of this ability is to use it as a healing effect for the whole team not just for yourself. So instead of launching it at your own feet, you should launch it into your team.

- Keep in mind that the healing sphere has a healing limit of 300 health, however, that should be enough to make the needed impact on your team’s life with a healing rate of 75 Health per second.

- Despite being a really good way of healing your team, the Biotic Orb is probably best used as a way to deal damage. You should not underestimate what the damaging Biotic Orb is able to do. It’s a good strategy to throw a damaging sphere then fade close to your team and start spraying them with your Biotic Grasp healing.

- Same as with the healing orb, your damage orb will slow down when making contact with your target, making it really strong with a 50 DPS. Keep in mind that the maximum damage that such orb is able to do is 200 so don’t expect too much from it.

- The most effective way to use both of Moira’s Biotic Orbs is in closed spaces where you are able to launch the orb at the wall allowing it to bounce around your team in case of healing orb and around your enemies when you want to use your damaging orb.


Fade acts as a quick dash that makes Moira invulnerable to damage and healing and causes her to disappear from sight for a moment. From the opponent’s perspective it can be quite disorienting to try to find you after a fade, so make sure to use it in order to disengage from fights whenever you feel threatened. While Moira is able to drain life from her opponents, she still has only 200 health so she isn’t really that hard to kill.

Fade Tips:

- It’s important to get a feel of the Fade’s cooldown length. You can use the ability every 6 seconds, so once you get that awareness, be sure to use it every time you need to escape from a losing battle.

- One thing that makes Fade an awesome ability is that you can basically use it in any horizontal direction. You can go front, sideways and go back, making it that much difficult for your opponents to predict your next move.

- While Fade is a great ability to get out of a losing battle, it can also be quite useful when engaging one. However, do not forget that it should be mainly used as a defensive tool.


Coalescence is Moira’s Ultimate ability and it is a good one! A massive beam will fire out of her hand, damaging foes and healing allies within your crosshair, as well as granting a small passive heal and speed increase for yourself. Again, much like all Moira’s abilities, the Coalescence excels when used in closed spaces.

Coalescence tips:

- While this ability looks super cool and you’d want to use it whenever it is charged-up, you should save it for the times where your team is pushing and needs a little extra healing juice in order to outlive the enemy.

- The damage of Coalescence isn’t really that great so we highly recommend that you use it mainly to heal your teammates, that’s where it really becomes powerful.

- Moira’s Ultimate ability can be extremely useful when your team is pushing to take the control of a point on maps like Hanamura, where you can provide your allies with strong healing as they are breaking through.

- It’s also good to know that Moira’s Coalescence beam is able to penetrate shields such as the Reinhardt shield, so you might want to point it in such direction.

Moira Counters

Since it is too early for a more complex understanding of Moira’s role in the meta and in different team compositions we are going to give you just a few examples of heroes that Moira is strong and weak against. (this section will be updated during the season)

Moira Is Strong Against

Genji - Genji is simply not able to deflect Moira’s primary Biotic Grasp fire, which puts her in a really good position against him, also Fade provides a great way of confusing Genji and going back at him from a different position.

Orisa/Reinhardt - Moira should be quite effective in facing these two heroes since her beams penetrate shields. That will also often leave any Basion hiding behind a shield quite vulnerable.

Moira Is Weak Against

Pharah - Even though Moira’s Biotic Grasp has a pretty long-range, Pharah will always be able to outrange you and ultimately win the fight.

D.Va - It turns out that D.Va is able to deflect Moira’s Biotic Orb damage with her right-click Defense Matrix, so you need to be very careful when approaching D.Va, for now, we put her in the ‘weak against’ category.

Tracer - Even though Moira has a good escape mechanism in Fade, you are still most likely going to struggle when facing Tracer due to her mobility.

McCree/ Soldier: 76/ Reaper - Each of these heroes has the necessary tools to finish you off pretty quick. It’s gonna be a bit harder for Reaper due to the range of his weapon, however, if he is able to get close to you, you know you’d probably die really fast.

Roadhog - It is going to be really difficult for you to out-DPS Roadhog as he will most likely outlive you due to his self-healing ability.

Ana - As soon as Ana is able to hit you with her Biotic Grenade, you are going to be locked out of your abilities to heal yourself and your teammates.

As the season progresses and our boosters play more and more with Moira, we will be constantly updating the guide to always give you current information. Don’t hesitate to get Moira’s Antipode and SImple Trigonometry Achievements with our Overwatch Achievement Boosting Services!

Author Zagakek
Published 2022-09-23
Views 406