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Xenophage (Exotic Machine Gun) Weapon Guide

Ahoy there, Guardian! Have you heard of the Xenophage Exotic machine gun? It's the new star of Destiny 2: Shadowkeep's Festival of the Lost event, but it won't be easy to acquire. You'll have to go on a wild goose chase to find it, but don't worry, we've got your back.

First things first, you'll need to complete the main questline of the Festival of the Lost event. Once that's out of the way, head on over to the Anchor of Light on the Moon and look for a statue of a knight. It won't be hard to miss, as it's surrounded by candles and has a creepy vibe to it.

Once you've found the statue, interact with it to reveal a hidden rune. Memorize the rune or take a screenshot, you'll need it for later. Now it's time to venture into the Pit of Heresy dungeon, so gather your fireteam and buckle up.

Inside the dungeon, you'll come across four statues, each with a unique symbol on them. Your job is to match the symbol on the statue to the one you saw on the knight's statue earlier. It's like a game of memory, but with deadly consequences.

After you've matched all four symbols, a secret door will open, revealing a hidden path. Follow the path to a room with a giant door and a big circular plate in the center. Stand on the plate to reveal a series of symbols on the walls, and use the runes you've collected to decipher them.

The symbols will lead you to four different locations on the Moon. Each location has a puzzle you'll need to solve to reveal the next location. Once you've completed all four puzzles, you'll end up in the Chamber of Night.

In the Chamber of Night, you'll come face to face with the final boss, a giant ogre. Defeat the ogre and claim your prize: the Xenophage Exotic machine gun!

Phew, that was a journey. But hey, it's all worth it for a new exotic weapon, right? Happy hunting, Guardian!

Xenophage Weapon Guide - The Xenophage Quest

  • Step 1 – The Journey

Ahoy there, Guardian! Are you ready for an adventure? Great! 'Cause we're about to embark on a mission to get our hands on the Xenophage Exotic machine gun. But let me tell you, it's no walk in the park.

First things first, we need to find the quest that will get us started. And where is it, you ask? Well, it's hidden on the moon, of course! Head over to Sorrow's Harbor and enter the tower. Follow the tunnels until you see a light in the middle of the cave. Easy enough, right? But don't be fooled, we're just getting started.

Once you reach the light, walk past it and jump into the hidden hole in the wall to the right. It's like we're playing hide and seek with our guns! Follow the tunnel inside the hole until you reach a platform with two statues on either side, overlooking the pyramid. And you know what to do, interact with each of the four statues! But wait, there's more. The code we used was right statue closest to the entrance, far right statue, far left statue, and finally close left statue. However, some Guardians on the Destiny 2 subreddit have reported other codes that worked for them, so feel free to try those out too.

If you entered the correct code, a new chest will appear on the balcony. Open it up and ta-da! You've got a new quest that will take you to the next step of this grand adventure. Buckle up, Guardian, there's more to come!

  • Step 2 – Anchor of Lights

Ahoy there, fellow Guardian! So you're ready to take on the second step of the Xenophage quest? Good for you, because this one is all about finding some light and shining it on some hidden lecterns scattered around the Anchor of Light. Easy peasy, right?

First, you'll need to head to the Anchor of Light, where you'll find a small ball of light waiting for you. Pick it up, and get ready to light up some lecterns! The first one is conveniently located right next to where you picked up the ball of light. 

Now, all the lecterns look the same, but don't be fooled! You'll need to light them up in a specific order. 

Once you light up the first lectern, you'll have a measly 60 seconds to make it to the next one. Don't worry, the timer will reset every time you light a new lectern. Most of them are easy to find, but the fourth one can be a bit tricky. It's up on the third floor of the tower in the Anchor of Light, so make sure you're ready for a bit of a climb.

When you've finally lit up all six lecterns, you'll get a message telling you that "You are ready to emerge from the dark." Sounds ominous, but don't worry, it just means you're ready for the next step. Deposit the light where you're told to, and get ready to take on the final step of the Xenophage quest!

  • Step 3 – The Four Fragments

Listen up, guardians! Are you ready for the third step in the Xenophage quest? Well, grab your guns, because we're heading to the moon to collect some fragments.

To begin, you'll need to complete the Lost Sectors on the moon. Easy peasy, right? Once you've finished each one, you'll find a puzzle waiting for you at the end. Now, don't get too intimidated by these puzzles - just take a deep breath and remember to match all the symbols together.

But wait, there's more! Each puzzle has its own unique solution, and they're not exactly a walk in the park. Luckily, a Discord user with the mysterious name of "Haiku" has taken the time to put all the solutions together for you. So, make sure to give them a shout-out for making your life a little bit easier.

Once you've collected all the fragments, you'll be ready to move on to the next phase of the quest. Are you up for the challenge? Of course, you are! You're a guardian, after all.

  • Step 4 – Enter The Dungeon

Are you ready for the next challenge? This step of the Xenophage quest requires you to enter the treacherous Pit of Heresy dungeon. First, you'll need to talk to Eris and complete her quest line to gain access to this dungeon of doom. Once inside, keep your eyes peeled for a hidden door that lacks any symbols. It's like finding a needle in a haystack, but with less hay and more deadly enemies. This door is located on a wall with many other doors and symbols, so don't get too overwhelmed. Just find the right door, give it a tap, and move on to the next step of the quest.

  • Step 5 – The Pariah

Welcome to the final stretch of the Xenophage quest, Guardian! If you've made it this far, then you've proven yourself to be quite the capable adventurer.

In this next section, you'll be taking a trip to the Pit of Heresy dungeon. Don't worry, it's not as scary as it sounds. Just have a chat with Eris, complete her quick quest line, and voila! The dungeon is open for business.

Once you're inside the dungeon, you'll need to keep your eyes peeled for a sneaky, symbol-less door. It's like trying to find a needle in a haystack, but with a little bit of patience and some sharp observation skills, you'll get there.

The next step is to find a ledge near the Pariah Ogre encounter and step on a plate to make three platforms appear. This part is like an extreme game of hopscotch, so channel your inner child and have fun with it! Once you reach the third platform, grab the light and take it to a door with fiery pits, which should open and lead you to the final boss.

During the boss fight, you'll be assigned a "dread" that corresponds to one of four elements: Arc, Solar, Void, or Neutral. Don't worry if you're feeling a bit, well, "dreadful" - just grab the ball at the center of the chamber and dunk it near the symbol for the element that matches your dread. This will give you a powerful buff and allow you to damage the boss with the corresponding elemental weapon.

Once the boss is defeated, it's time to head back to Eris and collect your well-deserved prize: the Xenophage! So go ahead, give yourself a pat on the back, and enjoy your shiny new toy.

Author teodoran
Published 2023-04-03