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Valorant Bind Map Guide

Riot’s new FPS took the world by storm. Many players from other games flocked to try out the new 5v5 tactical shooter. Released on June 2nd 2020, it’s shaping up to be the next big title in the genre. In Valorant there are two teams of five players each, duking it out on different maps, that each have different layouts and strategic points. The setting and the story are in the near future, in which your characters are agents from different real-world countries. Each agent has unique abilities aside from the normal weapons. It has some similarities to CS:GO and Overwatch, although it leans more towards CS. It’s more like a methodical and tactical type of game, where you have to plan out your moves carefully. Even the layout of Valorant maps promotes camping and there are a lot of tight corners and angles you can take advantage of!

A short analysis of the maps

Are you ready to "teleport" into the world of Bind, the wackiest map in Valorant? With teleporters, you'll feel like a magician, warping yourself and your team from one side of the map to the other in the blink of an eye.

But that's not all, folks! You can also send your abilities through the teleporter to support your team from afar. Need to get a glimpse of what's on the other side? Use your recon abilities like Sova's Recon Bolt or Cypher's Spycam and teleport in for the kill!

But wait, there's more! Did you know that you can even hear enemies passing through the teleporter? You can use this to your advantage, surprising them as they try to make their way around the map.

So get ready to warp your way to victory on Bind, the only map that lets you teleport to new heights of strategy and fun!

 Couple that with good coordination and communication with your team and you’ve got yourself a very solid strategy on any Valorant Map!

Valorant Bind Map Guide

Valorant Bind Map Overview

Welcome to Bind, where teleporters are the new cool kids on the block! It’s a two-site map, but don't expect a mid-area to make an appearance. No no, Bind likes to keep it simple, and hard to fake rotations. But, let's talk about the stars of the show - the two conveniently placed teleporters in A Short and B Long!

These nifty devices allow players to send abilities through them to support their teammates from the other side. Need backup? Just hop on over and lend a helping hand.

And let's not forget the importance of the teleporter sounds. Taking the teleporter makes a loud sound, but if you throw a weapon in, it'll get teleported with a different sound. Tricky, tricky.

But beware, using abilities like Yoru’s Decoy or Omen’s Shrouded Step will make a player sound, and your sneaky tactics could be foiled!

Now, let's talk strategy. Bind’s sites are usually attacked from two fronts. B Site is attacked through B Garden and B Hookah. A Site is attacked through A Short and A Bath. It's unique that you can attack each site from two fronts without gaining mid-control first.

This puts a ton of pressure on defenders to hold sites perfectly without rotating too quickly. And even though Bind is probably the smallest map for rotations, it's still tough to play for a retake once the spike is planted.

So, the next time you find yourself on Bind, remember to utilize those teleporters, and who knows, you might just surprise your opponents and be the teleporter MVP!


If you're venturing onto the famous Valorant map, Bind, there are a few things you need to know to make sure you're not wandering around aimlessly like a headless chicken. Bind has a lot of locations that you need to remember to help you communicate with your team and secure those all-important victories.

Here are the callouts for Bind that you need to keep in mind:

  • A Tower (A Heaven)
  • A Site
  • A Lamps (U-Hall)
  • A Bath (A Showers)
  • A Cubby
  • A Short
  • A Lobby
  • A Link
  • Spawn Cave
  • B Link
  • B Short
  • B Fountain
  • B Long
  • B Window (B Hookah)
  • B Garden
  • B Elbow
  • B Site
  • B Halls

But wait, there's more! Here are some additional callouts that might come in handy:

  • A Site Default
  • B Site Default
  • B Short Cubby
  • A Rafters (when they push out A Tower but still on top of the ledge)
  • Tetris (A Site boxes – also called triple box sometimes)

Remember, communication is key when it comes to playing any team-based game, so make sure you memorize these callouts and use them to help your team dominate the competition. Good luck out there!

Valorant Bind Map Guide - in game

Positions for Attack

Hey there, let me break down some useful strategies for playing Bind in Valorant. But don't worry, I'll keep it fun and humorous!

First up, we have faking teleporters. As an attacker, you can confuse your enemies on which site to execute by using the teleporter in A Short, even if your team is attacking A Site. Just teleport to make some noise and then come back to A Site. If all the remaining enemies are in A Site, you can quickly teleport and go to B Site for an easy win. Just make sure to confirm their location first, unless you want to be the fool that teleported straight into a trap.

Another useful strategy is playing for picks. This involves picking off enemies and gaining information to whittle down the opposition. When the teams are even, the team with more information always has the advantage. Take your time, play slow, and execute your plan with finesse. And don't forget, you can always take the teleporters to get a faster rotation and catch your enemies off guard.

Next, we have the fast two-front execute. Bind is the easiest map to push a site from two fronts. For A Site, you want to take A Short and A Showers simultaneously. And for B Site, push B Garden and B Window (Hookah) at the same time. Timing is everything, so use your utilities for fast executes and rely on your initiators to gather information and lead the way.

If you want to fake out your enemies, try committing to a fast A push in A Short and A Showers while putting one player on lurk in B. The lurker will gather information and pick off any defenders that push B Link or B Fountain. Meanwhile, your team pushing A Site will throw their utilities to take A Site, but can still use the teleporter to attack B Hookah. If B Garden is clear, the team can rotate and take over B Site. Just make sure to communicate and coordinate effectively, unless you want to be the team that fumbles around and gets picked off one by one.

Lastly, we have the Sage Wall Plant. The most common planting strategy is planting the spike in default near the boxes in A Short. But if you haven’t cleared the back site, you can wall it off and plant the spike. Just make sure to control A Lamps and defend the Sage if the wall gets broken. And when pushing A Bath, you can also wall off the defenders and plant the spike in the corner. But be careful, it's much easier for defenders to stop the plant even with a wall if they control the whole A Site.

So there you have it, some helpful and amusing strategies for playing Bind in Valorant. Just remember, communication and coordination are key, and don't be afraid to take risks and have some fun!

Valorant Bind Map Guide - in game

Best Defense Practises

Are you a Valorant player looking to up your game on the Bind map? Look no further! Let's talk about positioning.

On defense, the standard Bind setup involves three players on A Site and two on B Site. But did you know that A Short is one of the most difficult areas to defend? Attackers don't even have to clear the back site to plant the spike. Yikes.

To combat this, you'll want to have someone supporting from the back site, another player covering A Bath, and someone pressuring from A Lamps. This setup allows you to throw utilities and make it harder for attackers to plant the spike.

Make sure to have a duelist and a support on A Site while your sentinel anchors B Site. This forces attackers to choose between attacking three players on A Site or your team's sentinel and another player on B Site.

But what about a 2-3 positioning? This setup allows one player to anchor the site while the other two make a play in B Long. B Long can be scary for attackers because there's no cover and defenders can peek with a flash or other utilities.

If you get a pick-off in B Long, rotate another player to A Site or have the other player lurk and push B Fountain to gain more space. If the attackers successfully push A, at least you'll have another player running on the flank.

And don't forget about teleporter support! Agents like Skye, Raze, Gekko, or KA/YO can support B Short with flashes, Boom Bots, Trailblazers, and other utilities. Defenders can even overextend a little in B Window to control it. If attackers try to push B Hookah, the defender in B Hookah will get picked off for sure.

But with good communication and timing, you can teleport yourself to B Short and sandwich many enemies. It's a risky move, but it could pay off big time.

So there you have it, folks. Get creative with your positioning and have fun out there on Bind!

Check out our descriptive Valorant Agent Guides here:

Best Agents for the Job

Welcome to the wonderful world of Bind! This map is chock full of opportunities for some serious agent action. Let's explore which agents are best suited for this exciting map, shall we?

First up, we have Raze. If you're looking for a powerhouse, she's your girl. With all the slopes, jumpable boxes, and B Hookah, she can fly higher and further than a bird. Her Paint Shells are perfect for clearing out those pesky cubbies and tight corners, and she can enter B Site like a boss with her Boom Bot. Just when you think she's done, she can throw her Paint Shells to clear the back of B Site and Blast Pack on top of the tube from the boxes in B Hookah. If you're looking for an agent to help take B Site, Raze is your go-to gal (or robot, rather).

Next up is Skye. Her utilities are especially helpful on Bind. Her controllable blind is perfect for those pesky teleporters, and it can even support teammates who are far away from her. Her Trailblazer can go through teleporters or clear tight corners, and her ultimate is just the thing for tracking enemies. Plus, her blinds can gather information - she even says a voice line when an enemy gets hit by the flash. Skye is a great pick for those who like to play support and keep an eye on the enemy's movements.

Let's not forget about Sage, whose Barrier Orb (wall) is a game-changer. Her ability to put up cover for a safe spike plant is already a huge advantage. Her Slow Orbs are great for preventing enemies from jumping down B Hookah or slowing enemy pushes down. Once she slows enemies under B Hookah, they're sitting ducks inside the B Site. Sage is definitely a solid pick for those who prefer to play defensively and protect their team.

Gekko is another great choice for Bind. His abilities can be thrown into teleporters for support, and he can use them multiple times thanks to his recharging pets. Dizzy is especially handy for clearing countless areas every 10 seconds. His Thrash is tough to destroy from a short distance, making it perfect for close quarters combat. Plus, Wingman's ability to plant and defuse is unmatched. Gekko might even be the go-to agent for players who love planting and defusing.

Fade might just be the best initiator for Bind. Her Haunt can clear sites if timed and positioned correctly, and her Prowler is great for clearing out B Elbow, A Showers, and A Lamps. Her abilities can even go through teleporters, which is a huge advantage. And once you hear spikes being planted, you can use Seize to keep the planter stuck and vulnerable. Pair it with Raze's Paint Shells, and you've got an easy pick-off. Nightfall can clear both sites from both angles too - Fade is definitely one to keep an eye on.

Finally, we have Viper. She's a strong agent, but she really shines on maps with long and wide areas. Fortunately, Bind has a few spots that work to her advantage. Her wall is perfect for blocking B Hookah and B Garden, and she can use one-way smokes in A Shower or A Short to cover both sites. Plus, she can block entry paths from anywhere. If you have lineups for post-plant situations, she's a great pick because she has two of them. And let's not forget about Viper's Pit - it can close a whole site and make it hard for the defenders to go for post-plant situations. Viper is definitely an agent to consider if you're looking for a map specialist.

So there you have it - the best agents for the Bind map. Enjoy it!

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Author teodoran
Published 2023-04-28