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Apex Legends Bangalore Tips and Tricks Guide

Bangalore Tips and Tricks

Bangalore has always been one of the most remarkable Apex Legends characters, known as the military specialist who can easily deal with any enemy. Being an Offensive Legend, she is one of the hardest-to-be-killed characters. Of course, if you have chosen to play with Bangalore, you will need to spend some time mastering her skills. Today we will share with you some of the best tips and tricks you should keep in mind when playing with this amazing character.

Bangalore General Tips and Tricks

Bangalore is a powerful Legend, having great evasiveness as a main trait. She can easily make some space between her and the enemies, but this is not all her power. Choosing Bangalore as your hero, then you will need to know that the aggression is the key to success. Her abilities give her the opportunity to make some aggressive movements that can easily deal with her enemies.

Furthermore, if you are playing with her, then you need to get the shotgun or the SMG weapon. She is a hero that can easily eliminate her enemies when they are close to her, so choosing a Peacekeeper, or an R-99 is a great option for her. In addition, her kit gives her the great opportunity to easily run away from some bad situations. For example, her Ultimate creates a distance between the enemies and her, which gives her the chance to run.

One more tip – her Smokes are one of her best weapons. So, use them when needed, and you can completely change the game. For example, they should be used when death boxes are looted, or when reviving is happening. Same when you are attacking an enemy, or when you are defending yourself from one.

Even though Bangalore is a defensive character, she requires a lot of communication with the team. When using her Tactical, she has the opportunity to change the whole atmosphere. So, if you have decided to take some action, better communicate that with your teammates, so you don’t affect them badly.

Bangalore Passive Tricks and Tips: Double Time

Bangalore's Passive ability gives her the chance to move faster with 30% for some time. This happens when she is hit, or when there is shooting nearby. This gives you the chance to run away fast from any bad situation. There are not a lot of tips that can be given about the Double time – it is important just to know about it and keep it in mind in some bad moments.

However, one tip – you don't need to be hit to activate the Double time, shooting nearby is enough. So, if you need it – keep moving until you find the right place to activate it. Furthermore, don't use it only for defense and escaping – using it as a way to attack is also a great option.

Bangalore Tactical Tricks and Tips: Smoke Launcher

Bangalore’s Tactical Ability gives her the chance to fire a canister that will explode into a lot of smoke. The cooldown of the Smoke Launcher is 33 seconds. You can use two charges of the launcher, which are located next to the icon of the Tactical ability. Each of the charges is independent, so they are charged separately and with each of them a smoke will explode and last 20 seconds. Only Bloodhound can see through it, or the heroes having the Digital Threat sight.

Let’s get to the tips and tricks – the Digital Threat is essential for you if you want to see through the Smoke you have made. So, make sure that you find it, or if your teammates do – they give it to you. Keep in mind that the smoke will make 10 damage to an enemy if it hits it.

Furthermore, if you can fight when the smoke is on, better go to its edge, instead of being in the middle. Your vision is not fully obscured, so you can see through the smoke, and if you have to – you can escape. One tip – better put the smoke between the two teams, instead of putting it directly to your enemy or your team. This will make sure that you are not making a problem for your teammates.

One more trick – if you need to heal yourself, but you can’t find a place to do that – using the Smoke Launcher may be one great decision. You will have 20 seconds to help yourself, so make sure you use that in the right way.

Bangalore Ultimate Tricks and Tips: Rolling Thunder

Bangalore’s Ultimate Ability gives her the ability to throw a canister away from here. When it lands – rockets will start raining down across the area. This will last 4 seconds, and after that, all rockets will start exploding and making 40 damage to everybody they hit, including you.

Most important – better use the Rolling Thunder for defending yourself, instead of attacking. If you have to reposition yourself or to get to the enemy team slowly, then it is best to use the Ultimate ability. Furthermore, you should not use the Rolling Thunder without giving notice to your teammates! They will not be damaged from it, but they will have a large concussion effect.

However, If you have decided to use the Ultimate for an attack, then you should do it at the start of the fight, otherwise, they may land and explode too late. And one pro tip – make sure you have placed the canister between you and the enemies. If you put it on the top of them – they will have the chance to escape from it while the rockets are falling.

Apex Legends Boosting

Apex Legends is a popular game, that is played by thousands of people. It provides some great gaming experience and very good challenges. However, some of them may be too difficult, especially for the beginners. After all, we all want to be good and to level up, don't we?

If you ever encounter a problem that you can not solve yourself, don’t worry, there is help on the way! Apex Legends Boosting is here for you. Apex Legends Boosting is a service that will help you to achieve anything you desire, to unlock badges, to boost your rank, to increase your kills, etc. But how can this be achieved? Well, there are two options – you can either give your details to a professional player who can do that for you, or you can take advantage of professional coaching, while the experienced player is playing alongside you until the goal is achieved.

Apex Legends is a game popular with all the amazing characters that can be played. Bangalore is one of those, that will definitely find a place in your gaming heart. So, if you have decided to play Apex Legends with this hero – good decision! You will surely have fun. We hope we have been helpful enough with our tips and tricks, and don't forget – if you ever need help, Apex Legends Boosting services are here for you!ontact

Author Eugency
Published 2022-08-16