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Apex Legends Crypto Tips and Tricks Guide

Crypto Tips and Tricks

Crypto is a recon-oriented hero from Apex Legends, who is loved by many players. He has a versatile kit of abilities, and when it comes to creating awareness about a situation, well, there is no better character than him. However, if you want to have successful fights with Crypto, then you will definitely need to master his abilities, and of course – his drone. Today we will give you some tips and tricks on how to play with him and be a successful Apex Legends hero.

Crypto Tips and Tricks

The main advantage of Crypto is the Surveillance drone, his tactical ability. This gives both him and his team wonderful access to information about the enemies and their locations. However, the drone also has his disadvantage – making Crypto vulnerable while active. So, if you really want to have successful fights, then you will need to spend some time on mastering Crypto.

This is not a character that has a lot of power when it comes to a direct fight, but this does not make him unable to defend himself. His ultimate ability can always be there to help him out. So, let's get to the main part and give you some general tips and tricks on how to play with Crypto.

First – remember, it is all about the right planning! Crypto is a character that is most powerful the moment before a firefight. When fighting, his abilities are not special, and in some situations, he is even weak, when it comes to other Legends who have fighting abilities. However, this does not mean that he can not affect a fight – he can easily discover the location of the enemies and plan the perfect attack, so his team can take the enemies down fast and easily.

Furthermore, if you will be playing with Crypto – you need to learn how to use his drone. This is his main power, so you will have to be able to control it confidently and rightly, otherwise, you better choose another character. It is okay if you can't make the perfect shots, the drone should be used more for finding your enemy's status and location. The information should be used for planning attacks with your team.

And, last, but not least – you should always communicate with your teammates! Your drone will highlight all the enemies spotted but then comes your task – inform your teammates about this information. If you will be playing with Crypto, communication with your team is more than essential. Crypto is the initiator, and the strategist of the team, so make sure you are aware of this.

Crypto Passive Ability Tips and Tricks: Neurolink

Crypto's passive ability gives him and his teammates the opportunity to see the same as the Surveillance Drone has seen at a 30m distance. This ability is directly connected and influenced his tactical ability, but without the Neurolink, the Surveillance drone will never be as useful as it with it. 

In other words, the Neurolink gives the drone a chance to highlight all the enemies that it sees, even if you are not piloting it, together with giving your teammates all the information. There is not much to say about how to play with this ability – just keep in mind that when you are using it you have time to plan together with your team, and you are giving them one big advantage of seeing all the enemies around.

Crypto Tactical Ability Tips and Tricks: Surveillance Drone

Crypto’s main ability is his tactical ability. So, if you want to be successful with this character, you need to master the Surveillance drone. When using it, a drone will be sent into the sky, and it will start scouting all the enemies around. They will be highlighted, and you will have the chance to see them.

One pro tip – while Crypto is piloting it, you have the chance to check the kill leader banner and see the location of your enemies within 200 meters of you. This gives you, and your team one absolutely amazing advantage, since you will all be prepared for surprise attacks. Let us give you one trick – if you ever see an enemy – plot it yourself, you should not wait for the drone to do it.

However, his kit also has downsides, and you must be aware that while piloting the drone, Crypto is very vulnerable. So, you better find a safe location before using it and make sure you are listening to your teammates, if they need help you should leave the drone and help them. 

In addition, you can do a lot of things when using the drone. Or example, you can open doors, and supply bins, you can ever use Beacons and retrieve banners. If you ever need to deploy the drone fast, then you should hold the Tactical button. Keep in mind that even though the Surveillance drone may be hard to hit, his health Is very low, so make sure you are being careful and you are keeping it safe when flying.

Crypto Ultimate Ability Tips and Tricks: Drone EMP

Crypto's Ultimate ability is giving you the chance to charge up an EMP from the drone, which will be dealing 50 shield damage, is slowing down the enemies, and destroying traps if there are any nearby. This ability Is very powerful, and if used properly it can help you a lot during fights.

You should know that the slowing down effect will be applied to all the players around, including your teammates. However, only the enemies will be damaged. Furthermore, if you want to activate the Ultimate ability you need to deploy the drone, but you are not required to be in a drone view.

Keep in mind that the enemies can shoot the drone while the 3-second charge is happening. So, better cover it well while doing that. One tip – the EMP can easily destroy the dome of Gibraltar, the traps of Caustic, the drone of Lifeline, the Black Market of Loba, and many more traps from the other players.

One trick – detonate the EMP when you are in a close fight, this will help you, and your teammates to win, since the attack of the enemies will be slowed down.

Apex Legends Boosting

Apex Legends is one of the most loved games all around the world. It has a lot of characters, each of which those different than the others. Furthermore, it offers a lot of challenges and difficulties to the players. This means that sometimes it may be too hard to deal with an issue, but this is no longer a problem. Why? Because Apex Legends Boosting services are available!

Apex Legends boosting is a service that will help you when it comes to achieving your desires and goals in the game. In addition, it is also used for helping with some problems and difficulties that have appeared within the game, and you, as a player, can not deal with them on your own.

Basically, you can take advantage of the help provided by a professional player for boosting your rank, unlocking badges, and even for personal coaching for becoming a better Apex Legends player. Sounds amazing, because it is!

Apex Legends is one amazing game, loved by any person who has ever given it a chance. If you have started your Apex Legends journey, and you want to play with Crypto – this is great! He will definitely give you some great gaming experience if you master him enough. We hope we have been helpful with our tips and tricks today. Don't forget that if you ever need some more help, you can always use Apex Legends Boosting services.

Author Eugency
Published 2022-08-16