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Apex Legends Gibraltar Guide Tips and Tricks


Gibraltar is one of the most powerful characters in Apex Legends. He is defensive, and If you know how to use him, well, then you can save both yourself and your teammates, and be a winner. Furthermore, he is one of the best teammates, and if you have Gibraltar in your team, then you are most likely lucky, especially If he is being played right. Today we will share with you some tips and tricks on how to play with this hero in order to have successful gameplay.

Gibraltar Abilities

Let's start with Gibraltar's abilities, and then we can go on trips and tricks on how to successfully play with this hero. He has three abilities: Dome of Protection (Tactical), Defensive Bombardment (Ultimate), and Gun Shield (Passive).

All those abilities make him one great defensive Legend, which is hard to be killed. Furthermore, he is a great teammate and played in the right way, then he will surely higher the survivability of your team. That’s why Gibraltar has been ranked as one of the best Apex Legends characters.

Gibraltar Abilities Tips and Tricks

We will first get to the general weaknesses and strengths of Gibraltar, and we will give some main tips and tricks on the gameplay with this hero. First, and most important – Gibraltar is not a solo character! His abilities make him a great team player, so if you want to play with this hero, you better find a good team. A tip – stay at the front and soak up the damage by using your Gun Shield or help your teammates by using a Dome.

Secondly, it is essential to communicate the usage of your abilities with your team, otherwise using improperly Defensive Bombardment or Dome will most likely ruin any chance of victory. Maybe this is the reason behind many people being worried about playing with him. However, all you need to do is communicate your intentions with your teammates, so they can be prepared for your actions.

Furthermore, you can manipulate the whole fight to your advantage by using the Ultimate or Tactical abilities. All you need to do is to learn how to properly place and use them in order to get your enemies on the paths you want them to be.
Last, but not least – when playing with Gibraltar, you better be mindful of your huge size. We all know that the Apex Legends heroes are of different sizes, and Gibraltar is one of the biggest of them. This has its advantages, but he also is easily seen and hit. So, you have to use your abilities as much as possible, but you also need to keep your body covered, at least when you can.

Gibraltar Passive Tricks and Tips: Gun Shield

The Passive ability of Gibraltar is not too difficult, neither it does require some professional skills. However, if you want to save him when under attack, then you need to know how to use the Gun Shield. But what is this Passive? It's his personal shield that covers most of his body at the front when being fired at.
If you want, you can fire through the shield, but keep in mind that it can be destroyed when inflicted with 50 damage. Some tips – do not forget about the delay that happens when aiming down and the appearance of the actual shield. Furthermore, once your Passive is damaged there will be a cooldown, which you can easily reduce by using Shield Batteries, Phoenix Kits, and Shield Cells. 

In addition, the Shield will cover more of Gibraltar’s body if he is crouching, and using this ability makes the hero easy to spot by the enemies, so use it wisely. Last, but not least, the damage that is being done by the shot which broke the Gun Shield will go to Gibraltar.

Gibraltar Tactical Tricks and Tips: Dome of Protection

Gibraltar’s Dome of Protection ability is one of the best ways of altering the whole makeup of a team game. The Dome Shield is blocking all the incoming attacks and absorbing the damage, which gives the chance to every player to go through its barrier. The best part is that the Dome can not be destroyed, it disappears on its own after 12 seconds.
Some tips and tricks – when Gibraltar is inside the Dome, he is capable of reviving allies faster. If you ever get caught up in a situation with no cover available, then using the Dome can save both you and your teammates. Furthermore, it is a great tip to use this ability on the top of a Respawn Beacon. 

It is a great trick to use the Dome of Protection in the middle of a fight, especially when you or your teammates need to heal up, revive or reposition. It will give you the needed time and protection. Keep in mind that the shield is not a full sphere, but a half-sphere. So it will only descend to the surface where the generator is landing. 

Gibraltar Ultimate Tricks and Tips: Defensive Bombardment

Gibraltar's Defensive Bombardment Is pretty similar to the Rolling Thunder ability that Bangalore has. However, Gibraltar's ability is to operate in a smaller area when throwing a missile, and it keeps operating for 6 seconds. This makes it much more damage-dealing ability. This power can be used for winning fights, which makes it one of the most important.
The missile blasts that you are throwing are capable of stunning everyone, and by everyone, we mean even your teammates. They will not be harmed, but if you place the missile near yourself – you can take the whole damage. One great trick is to throw the Ultimate together when you have placed the Dome of Protection, especially if you need some time to heal. This ability can be also used to deal with enemies holed up in a specific location.

Apex Legends Boosting

Gibraltar is one great hero that can make your fights in Apex Legends memorable. However, this game is not an easy one, and It is absolutely normal to have difficulties. This includes a problem with leveling up, dealing with a task, or maybe just developing and making your character powerful. Don't worry – there is help! 

Apex Legends Boosting services are one great way of making the game funnier, easier, and most important – better to play. If you ever have a difficulty that you can not deal with alone, you can always use Apex Legends Boosting. This service includes a professional, experienced player who is playing alongside you, or logging in to your account in order to help you overcome the hardness. 

Apex Legends is one of the best games available, especially with all those amazing characters with great abilities. Of course, if you want to be a good player and to have successful fights, then you need to master the hero you have chosen and his powers. Gibraltar is a powerful tank hero, great for teamwork, and not so good for a solo game. So, if you have chosen to play with him, we hope we've been helpful! Don't forget – if you need help, Apex Legends Boosting Services are always available for you. Good luck!

Author Heisenberg
Published 2022-08-11