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Apex Legends Best Legends for Ranked Season 13

Apex Legends Best Legends for Ranked Season 13

At the beginning of May, Apex Legends ranked season 13 has started, introducing a new Newcastle hero, new POI, and some balance changes. Alongside the in-game changes a whole ranked system received a mini-rework such as removing demotion protection between tries and rebalancing the ranked points requirements and costs, additional a new lowest tier “Rookie” was added to existing ranked tiers.

What to play in the new season?

In a community-driven game like Apex Legends, it is very hard to keep up with all the meta shifts and changes, constantly evolving strategies, and the introduction of new heroes and abilities create a question: What to play? What are the best-ranked heroes in the current season?

To ease climbing the ranked ladder we compiled a list of the best Legends in the current season.


Starting off with the newest addition, Newcastle turned out to be a great supportive hero choice. His ability to place down a shield that stops enemy fire provides great utility and defense, his ultimate allowing him to quickly help his teammates by creating a defensive, and at the same time, an offensive wall that damages all enemies who attempt to climb it. All in all, Newcastle is probably the best tanky support choice in the current season but its game style and ability kit require good team coordination so keep that in mind when playing only by yourself.

Abilities breakdown:

Mobile Shield – Throwable drone that creates a moveable shield.
Retrieve the Wounded – Allows to move with fallen ally while being protected by a shield.
Castle Wall (ultimate) – Leap to ally or target area to create a fortification.
Fortified – Take less damage from all attacks.


Valkyrie is arguably one of the most mobile legends in the entire game, her ultimate is a great strategic tool that allows for some unusual strategies and maneuvers. One of the most notable abilities is her VTOL Jet which makes getting through enemy fortifications a piece of cake.

Being a strong choice is not the only reason to play her, all the freedom she gets from her abilities makes her probably one of the most enjoyable legends to play.

Abilities breakdown:

Missile Swarm – Fires a swarm of rockets at a targeted location
VTOL Jet – Jetpack (hold or toggle)
Skyward Dive (Ultimate) – launched player and attached teammates very high into the air allowing for another skydive (similar to one at the start of the game)


There wouldn’t be a “Best ranked Heroes/Legends” list without Gibraltar, basically, from the beginning, he was a dominant legend due to his very high durability and utility. His headshot resistance, gun shield, and protective bubble make him very hard to kill and his ultimate ability to provide an AOE nuke damage is a game-changer in a lot of situations and can turn a losing fight into a victory.

Abilities breakdown:

Dome of protection – creates a dome that stops incoming projectiles while allowing Gibraltar to revive his allies faster.
Gun Shield – a shield that covers his upper body while aiming.
Defensive Bombardment (Ultimate) – calls down a mortar strike for 6 seconds on an enemy location.
Fortification – Take less damage from all attacks.


Just like his ability in-game, pathfinder ziplined himself to the top of the legends tier list, similar to Valkyrie, his mobility and ability to get to hardly accessible locations make him a very powerful choice.

Abilities breakdown:

Grappling Hook – grapple to terrain
Insider Knowledge – scan a beacon to reduce the cooldown of your ultimate
Zipline Gun (Ultimate) – Creates zipline between current and targeted location, allowing transport of player and teammates.


If you are a more aggressive player wanting to hunt down the enemy instead of waiting and hiding around the map till the very last ring size, Bloodhound is a great choice due to his tracking ability allowing him to see the enemy's tracks. His ultimate ability enhances his ability to track the pray even further and increases his movement speed, ultimately it is up to your playstyle but if you want to hunt enemy legends, there is no better hunter than Bloodhound.

Abilities breakdown:

Eye of the Allfather – reveals traps and enemies through all structures in front of the player.
Tracker – Enemies leave traces behind them
Beast of the Hunt (Ultimate) – Increases movement speed, turns on an infrared vision that highlights the enemies, and reduces the cooldown of Eye of the Allfather, additionally durability of ultimate is extended each time you down an enemy.


Octane is one of the legends with the highest pick rate across all ranks, and that’s not without a reason, as mentioned previously, movement is a huge part of Apex legends gameplay, be it running away, or chasing down the enemy, or catching up to ring-closing. Octane not only allows himself to boost his own movement speed but also provides a jump pad that allows him and his team to cross great distances across the map.

Abilities breakdown:

Stim – Increase movement speed while walking and sprinting at cost of health
Swift Mend – passively regenerates health after not taking damage for 6 sec.
Launch Pad (Ultimate) – Creates a jump pad that launches him or an ally into the air allowing them to cross great distances.


Last but not least on our list is Revenant, after buffs received not so long ago he became a very strong strategic choice with his silence and death-avoiding ultimate. On top of the aforementioned abilities, he can also move without making a noise with increased movement speed.

Abilities breakdown:

Stalker – Increased movement speed while crouching
Silence – An explosive that disables enemy abilities for 15 seconds.
Death Totem (Ultimate)– Places a totem that applies a 25-second buff allowing you to return to the totem location in case of death.
That concludes our list of best Apex Legends Heroes, keep in mind that while those legends are certainly one of the strongest in the game, playing them may not work for everyone. Each and every person is different with their game style, some people may not have any luck playing the aforementioned heroes and have better results with more niche and weaker champions like Lifeline due to her unique healer-only playstyle.

Apex Legends Boosting

What if this “List of the best Apex Legends Heroes” is not enough for you?

Apex Legends is a very competitive game with a lot of people spending hundreds of hours perfecting their gameplay abilities to reach their desired goal, after all when the ranked season ends, players receive rewards based on how far they managed to climb the ladder. Unfortunately, not everyone has time to grind rank in their favorite game, that’s when Apex Legends Boosting services can help you, if you are tired of unlucky teammates and hours of grind required to achieve your goal, search no more, we have a professional team of boosters waiting to help you!

Author Eugency
Published 2022-06-28