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Apex Legends Lifeline Tips and Tricks Guide

Lifeline Tips and Tricks

Lifeline is one of the most supportive resident healers in Apex Legends. If you want to help your teammates, instead of going into direct fights all the time, well, then she may be your best choice. Lifeline has always been one of the most loved legends in the game thanks to her amazing ability to rescue her teammates. Having this character in your team is definitely a bit of great luck.

If you have decided to play with Lifeline, there are some things you need to be aware of. You should know how and when to use your abilities in order to increase the chances of having a healthy and successful team. Today we will share with you some of the most important tips and tricks on how to play with this great character.

Lifeline General Tips and Tricks

All of Lifeline's abilities are focused on keeping her team alive and healthy. As a support legend, she has a lot more to do, and she should protect not only her team but herself too. Before going to her abilities, we will give you some general tips and tricks on how to use her strengths, and how to minimize her weaknesses.

Firstly, you have to be aware that the Ultimate Accelerants must be yours. You are the healer of the team, so you are the one, who should heal the whole squad, and can use the Accelerants best. So, make sure you are having all of them. Furthermore, as the support legend, you should always be looking for more opportunities to use your abilities. You have to check your teammates regularly, especially during a fight, and if you see that somebody needs help – do your part.

In addition, you should not keep the Care Package for yourself. Yes, it can be very useful for you too, but since you are not a fighter, but a supporter, you have to share your abilities of caring for and healing your teammates. 

One of the most important things for you to do if you are playing with Lifeline is to out heal the enemy team. There are so many ways for you to keep your teammates alive, you can do that before a fight, during, or after. If your team is in a long fight, it is your responsibility to keep them healed and alive, so the enemies will not outnumber you.

Lifeline Passive Tricks and Tips: Combat Revive

Lifeline’s Passive gives her the chance to deploy her drone to revive her teammate, while she can keep fighting and moving around. This ability is very powerful and useful for both her, and her team, but there is a downside. While the allies are being revived, there is nothing to protect them. That’s why our first tip is to always be careful when and where you are reviving.

So, let’s get to the tips. Keep in mind that when playing with Lifeline, you can easily cancel the revive-in process, all you need to do is to interact with your teammate and give him the chance to defend himself, instead of being vulnerable while revived. 

We would advise you to stay close to your teammates while reviving them, this will make the canceling easier if a situation appears. However, if the ally is hidden well, then you can use another tactic – stay at a distance and distract the enemy until your teammate is ready.

If you can get a Gold Knockdown shield – do that! It will give to your revived allies more Shields and Health. And one more tip – it Is always a good idea to have some covering fire while one of your teammates is reviving. Keep in mind that all allies are extremely vulnerable while they are being revived!

Lifeline Tactical Tips and Tricks: D.O.C. Heal Drone

Lifeline's Tactical ability is a useful way to heal all of your team. It basically deploys a drone that heals the others who are nearby. The cooldown time of this ability is 45 seconds, but the healing rate is pretty high, especially in Season 9 – 8 HP.

You should keep in mind that the D.O.C will heal not only your teammates but your enemies too. So, if you are all in combat, better use it at a long, or medium range, so it heals as much as possible for your team, and as less as possible for the opposite team.

Be aware that you can not use the drone outside the Ring because it will easily die there. Furthermore, the healing power is split among all the characters who are using the Drone at the moment. If one player is being healed, its power will be much more, and it will heal faster. However, if three players are being healed at the same time, it will be much slower.

The drone can be easily destroyed if hit multiple times. However, he can also be used as a short cover, since it absorbs the shots during a battle. As we already mentioned, the healing drone has a pretty long cooldown time. You should always keep that in mind, especially when you want to use it during, or after a fight. Make sure you have saved it for the time you will need it the most.

Lifeline Ultimate Tips and Tricks: Care Package

Lifeline's Ultimate ability is her Care Package and her most important skill that can easily change the game in many situations. So, the Care Package needs 15 seconds for landing, then it opens and gives the team 3 pieces of loot that can be taken. It has a pretty long charge time – 5 minutes, that’s why you must plan its usage very well.

The Ultimate ability makes it very possible for the players to upgrade their gear, for example, if you are using the Blue Armor and you get the Care Package, you may upgrade it to Purple Armor. Okay, let’s get to the tips. First of all – keep in mind that the ability makes you visible! This means that your location will be seen by all the nearby enemies. Make sure you are using the Care Package in a good location, far away from the other team.

There are three items in the Care Package, one of which will be a weapon, the second one a piece of gear, and the last one – a healing item. There is no chance of receiving 3 healing items, or 3 weapons. Furthermore – you can be easily killed by descending Care Package, so make sure you are staying at a proper distance.

Secondly, one easy way to get to some hardly accessible places is by climbing on the top of the Care Package. It can not be shot through, so you can use it for protection too. In addition, make sure you have communicated the calling of the package with your teammates. You have to stick together with them so you can all take advantage of it.

Apex Legends Boosting

Apex Legends is one absolutely amazing game, especially if you have some experience. If you have just begun playing Apex Legends, then you may have some difficulties. But don't worry, every new player does. Happily, there is help – Apex Legends Boosting.

Apex Legends Boosting is a service provided by a professional player, who is there to help you out with the issues you have met. It does not matter if you are a new, or long-term player, everybody can take advantage of the boosting. You can bust your level, make more kills, get a new badge, or even ask for teaching on how to become a better player.

Lifeline is one of the most popular characters in Apex Legends, and every player loves having her on his team. If you have decided to play and master Lifeline, this is one great decision, since the gaming experience with her is more than great. We hope we have been helpful enough for you to master her, and have successful fights. Remember, if you ever have some big difficulties, Apex Legends Boosting is there for you.

Author Eugency
Published 2022-08-16