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Apex Legends Loba Tips and Tricks Guide

Loba – Tips and Tricks

Loba is a post-launched character in Apex Legends, but this does not make her less popular and interesting for the players. She is a professional thief and has the ability to sneak out of every dangerous situation. Loba is a hero that can give you a great gaming experience and a lot of successful fights if you master her enough and think before using her abilities. To help you out, we have some tips and tricks.

Loba – General Tips and Tricks

Loba's main goal has always been to put the team in the right winning position. And her abilities are based on that – they are all about optimization of the loot search. She is a Support Legend, which makes her a team player. So, if you prefer the solo games, then she is not your character. Okay, let’s get to the tips and tricks.

Firstly, you should always be looking for your tactical advantage. Loba's ability to teleport has to be used as an initiation tool, instead of panic runaway. Yes, you can easily run from a bad situation, but you can also make an unexpected attack. Think before using the ability – always ensure your safety first.

Secondly, you have to communicate with your team. If you find something – share it with them. As we already said, Loba is a team player, she can see things that others can't. And those details have to be shared. For example, if you ever see gold and purple loot at a specific place – tell them. Keeping the information for yourself is worthless.

Thirdly, you have to think about your team when using an ability, since your goal is to lift your whole team, not only yourself. So, If you intend to use an ultimate, or tactical, or anything – tell them.

And last but not least – one great tip – if you are a beginner and you need to play a bit more to become better, then Loba is one of your best options. Apex Legends is not an easy game, and sometimes it may seem that you are the only one that does not understand what is actually happening. That's why you will have to learn a lot. And Loba is a great way to do that!

Loba Passive Ability Tips and Tricks: Eye for Quality

Loba's passive ability is to have loot that highlights all the gold and purple items around, even if they are in buildings, or hidden somehow. The range is pretty big, so the ability is great and has to be used smartly.

A tip – prioritize your loot when the match starts. This will give you, and your teammates an advantage. Look for Evo Shield, colored in purple – it is a good start to have it. Be aware that you can see up to a maximum of 112.5 meters. This is a lot! Sometimes you may even see the item before even having an idea what is it.

Furthermore, the Eye of Quality has one more great advantage – you will not only see the items but you will also be notified when another player takes an item. One trick – if you have seen an item in a specific location and it disappears – be aware that another player is around you.

Loba Tactical Ability Tips and Tricks: Burglar’s Best Friend

Loba's Tactical Ability is super powerful, and maybe the best of her ability kit. The Burglar's Best Friend gives you the chance to teleport to hard-to-be-reached places. This ability can be used for both escaping and attacking. Each time you flick your wrist and toss the bracelet into the air – you will teleport to the location where the bracelet was thrown.

Let's get to the tips and tricks. You have to be aware that you can't shoot until your bracelet has landed. This makes the Tactical non-effective when you are in a fight. Keep in mind that you can also cut the teleport if you press the button of the ability once more. This will put you in a place, located just below the current position of the bracelet.

Even though Burglar's Best Friend is a great advantage for you, it will leave a trail in the air. This will make it easier for your enemies to sport your location. So, when teleporting – make sure your enemies are not around you and will not follow you. Furthermore, the ability is not only visible but also loud. If you want to teleport into a fight – your enemies will most likely her, you. You should better place it away from their sight and come after that.

Last, but not least – keep in mind that sometimes the ability may not be reliable. In some cases, you may be trying to escape, but the bracelet can give up on you, so always have a plan B.

Loba Ultimate Ability Tips and Tricks: Black Market Boutique

Loba's Ultimate ability is a game-changer in most of the difficult situations. It gives you the chance to teleport to your inventory by placing a portable device. Each teammate or enemy can get a maximum of two items. This includes every loot that is not in his inventory.

So, when using the Black Market Boutique, you can get as much ammo as you can carry. So, you can basically refill your entire team's supply with one match. This ability is great for both the beginning and the end of the match. In the beginning  - you can get some needed items, while at the end – you can refill the supply.

One trick – if you are in the middle of a fight, you can just get full armor instead of stopping at a location to heal. However, you should be aware that the Black Market Boutique must be used carefully. Your enemies can pass too! If you want to stop it, because you and your teammates have gathered what you needed – you can just press the interact button. The market will end and your enemies will not have the chance to get as much as they want.

Apex Legends Boosting

Apex Legends is one amazing game, especially for those, who have mastered it. In the beginning, it may seem too difficult, and we understand that. You will see a lot of characters running around, you will have a team that you should talk to, and much more. This means that in some cases, you may need help, and this is fine – Apex Legends Boosting is here for you.

Apex Legend Boosting is a service that can help you overcome any difficulties in the game. It can help you level up your character, or do anything you want. How does it work? A professional player can either log in to your account and help you, or he can play alongside you until you manage to do it on your own.

Apex Legends offers a lot of heroes, and sometimes it may be hard to make a choice. After all, you don't want to dedicate yourself to a Legend, and then realize that this character was not the right choice for you. That's why we are here. Loba is a Support hero, which makes her perfect for beginners. You will not have a lot of hard tasks to do, and neither your team will be dependent on your fighting. So, if you are a beginner, and you need to master the game – Loba may be your perfect choice. However, don't forget that if you need extra help – Apex Legends Boosting services are here!

Author Heisenberg
Published 2022-08-11