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Apex Legends Newcastle Tips and Tricks Guide


Whether you are a new player just starting your Apex Legends adventure or a seasoned veteran wanting to add a new character to your legends pool, this article, Newcastle – tips and tricks, is just for you.

Why Newcastle

Newcastle just recently, in season 13, joined the ranks of Apex Legends a brand new defensive type legend with a lot of utility and unique skills. 

Being a newly released character, his abilities have a lot more depth, special assets, and mechanics. The vast majority of players would rather pick up an offensive-type legend that can quickly annihilate the enemy while also being extremely mobile, but if you are like me and a lot of others, who enjoy being a tank for their teammates, supporting them to help your team claim the victory, Newcastle is a perfect legend for you to try out. 

This legend is all about breaking from the decades-old stereotype that a tank character needs to be heavy and immobile. Before jumping into the specifics it is a good idea to look at Newcastle's abilities to better understand what you are playing with.

Abilities Breakdown

Fortified (Passive) – Similar to other defensive legends, Newcastle possesses a fortified passive, reducing all non-headshot damage received by 15%.

Retrieve the Wounded (Passive) – Newcastle being a supportive tank legend type, has his passive ability themed around helping the knocked down party members, when using the ability Newcastle covers his ally with a shield and can drag the around allowing repositioning to a safer place. The shield itself is based on Newcastle’s Knockdown shield quality: 150 when white, 250 when blue, and 500 for purple and orange.

Mobile Shield  - Newcastle throws a drone that spawns a moveable energy shield in front of it, the speed of a shield is equal to the speed of moving while crouching. The shield lasts for 20 seconds with 15 seconds cooldown and has two parts, each with health points of 350, that need to be destroyed separately.

Castle Wall(Ultimate) – Newcastle's ultimate ability is probably one of the strongest ultimates in the entire game, it creates a 9-segment wall at a targeted location (either a place on the ground or an ally location) each segment has 750 health points but can be destroyed with two melee attacks, enemies that attempt to climb over the wall are electrocuted, stunning them and inflicting 20 points of damage.

Now we know the basics behind the Newcastle abilities, let’s take a look at some more interesting ways to utilize the skills to the fullest.

Abilities Specific Tips and Tricks

Fortified Tips & Tricks – There is not a lot to mention about this passive ability as it is just a number crunch, the only thing worth saying is that while 15% may seem like a lot, it usually means it will save you from one or two bullets depending on a weapon.

Retrieve the Wounded Tips & Tricks – This ability only requires Newcastle to click the button once to fully revive the teammate, which means that it allows for more freedom of movement for fingers allowing him to dodge attacks quicker and easier than while holding a button down. The shield and sound made by reviving a teammate will alarm any nearby enemies, if you are currently not under attack, consider dropping down a knockdown shield to remove the shield from reviving ability, making it less obvious.

Mobile Shield Tips & Tricks – While a Mobile shield is a great defensive tool to protect your teammates, remember that you and your team can’t shoot through the shield, it is important to not use it in a way to block your allies' fire in a crucial moment. Another tip that you may find useful while playing Newcastle and facing Wattson is that the Mobile shield deactivates her Perimeter Security. The shield itself can change orientation and direction by clicking again a deploy button, the orientation will only change if the shield itself is within a one-meter distance from Newcastle.

Castle Wall Tips & Tricks – Newcastle ability is a defensive skill but there is a way to make it a great movement tool for yourself, if you target an ally with Castle wall, and at the same time they use a movement ability like Loba bracelet, the range of Castle Wall will extend allowing you to travel up to 75 meters along with your ally. Castle Wall can also be used to move upwards, if your ally is above you, as long as there is air space between you and your target, it is possible to move a relatively high vertical distance. The wall itself isn’t symmetrical in all directions, while in mid-air you can re-orient yourself to place the wall in the desired position. The last thing to remember is that while the ability itself is a great tool to reposition to your teammate quickly if you extend the range above 75 meters, the ability will be canceled refunding 70% of its charge, it is essential to find a good balance between short and long distances jumps.

This will be all the Tips & Tricks for Newcastle we prepared for you, now, after reading everything up to this point you can answer yourself if the playstyle offered by our newest tank-support legend is something you will enjoy and have fun with. But what if there is something else we can do to let you have even more fun in Apex Legends?

Apex Boosting

Apex Legends is a very competitive game, it is best to play it with teammates that share the same desire to climb the ranked ladder while also having fun. People spend hours getting to the appropriate level of ranked play to have the most fun of their matches. 

Unfortunately, not everyone has time and patience to deal with people during their initial climb to the rightful rank, here is where Boosting Ground may help you. We provide safe, secure, and professional Boosting Services at reasonable prices, if you don’t want to deal with the grind or just need a little nudge in the right direction, don’t hesitate to contact us!

Author Heisenberg
Published 2022-08-11