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Apex Legends Pathfinder Tips and Tricks Guide


Whether you are a new player just starting your Apex Legends adventure or a seasoned veteran wanting to add a new character to your legends pool, this article, Pathfinder – tips and tricks, is just for you.

Why Pathfinder?

Apex Legends is a very fast-paced shooter game, in games like this, the most important thing is mobility, and if there is anything you could say about Pathfinder, is that he is one of the best legends in that regard. His repositioning ability allowing him and his team to move very quickly on medium distances, sometimes to remote, otherwise unreachable places makes him a great legend choice both in aggressive assaults when pushing onto your enemy and tactical retreating situations if the heat of battle is currently too hot. 

Combat isn’t the only scenario our Robot friend excels at, being a very mobile legend, Pathfinder is probably one of the best scouting heroes in Apex Legends, staying out of enemy sight to carefully plan your next move is something that you can do with ease.

If all of this sounds interesting to you and you feel like giving Pathfinder a try, let us not hesitate and move on to take a closer look at his abilities.

Abilities Breakdown

Recon(Passive) – Pathfinder, same as all the other recon legends, can scan survey beacons to reveal the next ring location.

Insider Knowledge (Passive) – Pathfinder passive allows him to reduce the cooldown of his Ultimate ability when scanning survey beacons, each use of the beacon decreases the cooldown by 10 seconds.

Grappling Hook – Grappling hook is definitely the most iconic ability for Pathfinder, the immense mobility and endless possibilities make this skill one of the best in the entire game across all the characters. Grappling hook allows to throw a projectile that collides with a solid object it hits, the object can terrain, zipline, or even another player, upon collision, if the object is unmovable (basically, when it is not another player) Pathfinder will pull himself towards the location, in case of the target being a player character, both Pathfinder and his target will be pulled towards each other.

Grappling hook has 21 meters range and a blue indicator if the surface you are aiming at is within the grappling range.

Zipline Gun (Ultimate) – While Pathfinder can move almost anywhere due to his aforementioned Grappling Hook ability, he can also help his team by providing a deployable zip line. Zip lane has a very long range of 110 meters and can attach to almost any surface, the speed of traveling via a zip line is also a lot higher than when moving by foot.

Now that we know the basics of Pathfinder's abilities, let's move into the more advanced section where we learn how to utilize his capabilities to their fullest.

Ability Specific Tips & Tricks

Recon and Insider Knowledge Tips & Tricks – As both Pathfinder passive abilities revolve around scanning the survey beacons, I decided to group the tips for them together. The survey beacons can be scanned once each ring, which means up to 4 rings can reduce Zipline Gun cooldown by a whopping 40 seconds. While scanning the beacon, you are very vulnerable to enemy assault so make sure to use your grappling hook to scout the nearby areas from above before attempting to scan the beacon.

Grappling Hook Tips & Tricks – Being the most important and versatile Pathfinder ability, the Grappling hook has a lot of interactions that will allow you to surprise your enemies. When using a grappling hook onto a zipline, Pathfinder will instantly start riding the zipline upon the impact. Another thing to remember is that a grappling hook can attach to almost all devices created by other legends, including but not limited to Crypto’s Drone, Wattson Pylon, and Loba’s Black Market. While Pathfinder can’t get fall damage, if you use your Grappling hook to fly too high up, your character will get stunned upon impact with a floor, making him vulnerable to enemy fire. The last good thing to remember is the fact that the Grappling Hook cooldown is based on the distance traveled by pathfinder, it is sometimes worth it to use the hook and a smaller distance if you anticipate another use of grapple being necessary for the near future.

Zipline Gun Tips & Tricks – Pathfinder's ultimate ability is probably the strongest repositioning group ability in the entire game, however, its biggest downside is that while your teammates can use your zip line to travel to unreachable places, so can your enemies, Zipline just like all the other ziplines in the game are usable by anyone. Zipline being usable by enemies can be used for your advantage, you can bait an enemy into using the Zipline and prepare an ambush, players traveling head-on by zipline are easy targets. While the Zipline itself doesn’t have duration, there is a maximum of 4 ziplines that can be deployed at the same time.

This sums up everything for Pathfinder Tips & Tricks, it is really hard to mention everything that can be done with abilities like Grappling hook and Zipline Gun due to how versatile they are, but after getting the general idea about the possibilities, you will quickly figure out the most optimal way to use the skills by yourself.

Apex Legends Boosting

Apex Legends is a very competitive game, it is best to play it with teammates that share the same desire to climb the ranked ladder while also having fun. People spend hours getting to the appropriate level of ranked play to have the most fun of their matches. Unfortunately, not everyone has time and patience to deal with people during their initial climb to the rightful rank, here is where Boosting Ground may help you. We provide safe, secure, and professional Boosting Services at reasonable prices, if you don’t want to deal with the grind or just need a little nudge in the right direction, don’t hesitate to contact us!

Author Eugency
Published 2022-10-23