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Apex Legends Rampart Tips and Tricks Guide

Rampart Tips and Tricks

In season 10 we saw some great changes made to Rampart, and now she is even better than before. She is now much more dynamic than she used to be, more mobile, and last, but not least – more powerful. So, if you have decided to play with her – great! You will need to spend some time mastering this Legend, but then, you can be a game-changing character! To help you out, we have decided to give you some tips and tricks on how to play with Rampart for a better gaming experience and successful fights.

Rampart General Tips and Tricks

Rampart is one of the best defensive characters in Apex Legends. With her ability kit, she can deal with almost any challenge on her way. Firstly, we will give you some general tips and tricks on how to play with her, because as every other character, Rampart has both strengths and weaknesses.

Our first general tip is to focus more on the Ultimate and Tactical abilities, instead of focusing on the Passive ability. But why? Well, It is much better to find a good spot, instead of going around before a fight. Furthermore, you should be aware that Rampart is a character that is not very useful in close fights. 

Yes, if you are a professional player you can make it work, but if you are not so skilled, then better focus on medium-range fights. This will influence the choice of weapons, so better go for Sentinel and G7 Scout.  In addition, you should always be ready to leave a fortified area. Remember, even though Rampart is more about the defense, Apex Legends is still a moving game, that's why you should keep moving, even If you have spent some time building the perfect place. 

Last, but not least – when playing with Rampart, do your best to get to the end of the game. Every defensive legend is the strongest when the ring is the smallest. So, make sure you are staying until the last moment, then you will see the power of this character.

Rampart Passive Ability Tips and Tricks: Modded Loader

Rampart's Passive ability may be a little boring, but it is still very useful in some situations. The Modded Loader increases the capacity of the magazines' sizes, and it also makes the reloading of the Minguin and LMGs less by 25%.

We can not give you a lot of tips and tricks here, because there is not much that can be mastered with this ability. It is just nice to have it in your kit for some cases where you need faster reloading. However, you can only use this ability if you have LMG in your kit, otherwise – you do not need the Modded Loader.

Rampart Tactical Ability Tips and Tricks: Amped Cover

Rampart’s Tactical Ability is very powerful, so it has to be used properly. It gives her the chance of placing down a barrier that can block all the incoming shots until it is destroyed.  So, let’s get to the tips and tricks.

Firstly, keep in mind that you have a maximum of 5 Amped Covers to be played, and a maximum of 3 chargers. If there is a cover that was not damaged, then you can pick it up and restore one charge. One trick – you can deploy the cover when you are in a doorway, this will help in fortifying a location, or protecting yourself from an enemy that you are fighting indoors. If you need to retrieve the Amped Cover, you can do it very fast by just tapping it. Then you will have the chance of passing through it and controlling the engagement.

Furthermore, you have to be aware that the cover may be vaulted through not only by your allies but by your enemies too. So, if you want to stop the enemies from going through, you need to make a lot of damage to them through the cover when they attempt to do it. The barrier should be oriented properly since you and the other can shoot only from one of the sides. If you see a purple cover, then you are protected. If the cover is orange – you can be damaged.

The Amped Cover has two halves, the top one has less health – 175, while the bottom one is more powerful with 400 health. When damage is done to the barrier, the enemies can see its health by looking at the icon of the hexagon, which worth is 25 health.

Rampart Ultimate Ability Tips and Tricks: Mobile Minigun “Sheila”

Before Season 10, Rampart's Ultimate was not mobile, but now it was given great dynamics, and Rampart has the ability to run with Sheila and be as active as she wants. The Mobile Minigun can be carried around, or placed at one location, so Rampart's teammates can use it too.

The cooldown of the Ultimate is 3 minutes, and every Sheila has one magazine made up of 173 bullets. When the bullets are over, you can put the Sheila away, or place the turret. So, let’s get to the tips and tricks.

Firstly, make sure you are using the update of Sheila and be mobile, do not stay in one location. Don't forget that while shooting, Rampart becomes slower and the enemies can easily hit her, so choose your location carefully.

Secondly, It is always a good idea to protect your teammates by providing some covering fire. You can now move around, so if you hear or see that your teammates need help – take the right location, fire toward the enemies and give your allies a chance of winning the fight.

One powerful trick – using Shelia with Amper Cover. This will make you faster and not so vulnerable. Furthermore, at the beginning the accuracy of the shots will not be good but don't worry, it will get much better with time.

Apex Legend Boosting

Apex Legends is a popular game that has thousands of players all around the world and is getting more every day. If you are a new player, then you will need to spend some time mastering your skills, before your gaming experience becomes as good as it has to be. Sometimes bad situations may appear, or you may have difficulties in achieving something, but don't worry – there is help available for you!

You can always use Apex Legends Boosting services. Apex Legends Boosting is a service that is provided by an experienced or professional player, who will help you achieve all your goals. You can get a higher rank, you can get more badges, more skills, or you can even get tutoring If you ask for it. So,  if you ever need help – Apex Legends Boosting is there for you.

If you have chosen to play with Rampart, then you will need to spend some time mastering her skills. Before season 10, she was one of the least player characters, but now it seems like everybody is giving her a chance, and she is becoming popular. So, if she is your choice, we hope we have been helpful enough. Don’t forget that if you need more help – Apex Legends Boosting is available.

Author Eugency
Published 2022-08-16