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Apex Legends Valkyrie Guide Tips and Tricks


Whether you are a new player just starting your Apex Legends adventure or a seasoned veteran wanting to add a new character to your legends pool, this article, Valkyrie – tips and tricks, is just for you.

Why Valkyrie?

Valkyrie just recently became the most popular legend across all ranks in Apex Legends, beating the previous king, Octane by roughly 0.2% points in terms of pick rate. 

Everyone who ever played a game like Apex knows that while combat skills are certainly important, the biggest game-winning attribute is movement and positioning, after all, it doesn’t matter how good of a sharpshooter your enemy is if you catch them from behind and finish it before they could even react to the situation. 

When talking about movement abilities in Apex, Valkyrie is one of those legends that instantly come to mind with her unique set of skills providing freedom of movement not only for her but also for her allies. Before taking a deep dive into how to utilize her abilities to their fullest, let's quickly break down what our flying legend is capable of.

Abilities Breakdown

Let's start our list with Valkyrie passives (because she has more than one passive):

VTOL Jets – it is probably the most iconic Valkyrie ability, Jetpack allows her to hover over the ground for a limited amount of time, the duration (maximum of 7 seconds) is limited by an additional resource called fuel, fuel regenerates 8 seconds after last Jetpack usage and takes 10 seconds to fully recharge.

Jetpilot HUD – when Valkyrie performs a skydive (either caused by her ultimate, jump tower or start-of-the-game jump) she will mark an enemy location for her and her allies

Recon – Valkyrie 3rd passive is the same as other Recon legends, it allows her to scan nearby Survey beacons to reveal the next circle location, scanning the beacon takes 7 seconds.

Now its time for her active abilities:

Missile Swarm – Fire a swarm of rockets in front of her, rockets are fired in 3 by 4 array and the ability is castable on targets within 12 to 100 meters range from the character model, the first missile that hits the enemy deals 25 points of damage and every missile after that deals an additional 3 damage. Valkyrie can use this ability once every 30 seconds.

Skyward Dive (ultimate) – Upon activation Valkyrie prepares for 2 seconds, after this period she and all attached allies lunch 180 meters into the air allowing for a skydive similar to one provided by using a Jump Tower.
Now when we understand what Valkyrie can do with her abilities, let's dive into ability-specific Tips and Tricks

Abilities Specific Tips and Tricks


Valkyrie VTOL jet is arguably the best movement ability in the entire game, however, while using her jetpack, Valkyrie is the most vulnerable target, she can’t use any weapons, and her only defense while mid-air is her Missile Swarm. When chasing down an enemy that already knows about your pursuit it is a good idea to not fly in a straight line as it makes you an easy target for enemy retaliation. An important thing to remember is also the 1-second delay after landing before being able to use your weapon, while one second may seem like not much, a skilled enemy can end your life so it is crucial to be undercover when landing.

Missile Swarm

Valkyrie's offensive ability while providing nice utility and decent damage also has some restrictions.
Missile Swarm can be used both when in mid-air while using the jetpack and while Valkyrie is on the ground, however, this ability requires so-called “Vertical clearance” which means that ability can’t be used inside interiors with low-level celling. While in air, as mentioned previously, Missile Swarm is the only offensive ability that Valkyrie can use, good strategy here is to fly to the enemy, ambush them with your missiles and then use the stun duration to negate the 1-second delay before being able to use your weapon after landing. Another good thing to remember is that once the target is locked on you can move or turn around freely, your rockets will still go where you aimed them.

Skyward Dive (Ultimate)

During Her ultimate her 2nd passive activates allows her to see enemies position, it is specifically useful when using the ultimate to reposition rather than cross a large distance. This ability provides a very great escape tool for her and her allies but you need to be careful, if you use it at the wrong moment and an ally can’t join you within the 2-second preparation time, the separation distance will be huge enough that it may cost your abandoned team member their life while attempting to catch up. Skyward Dive can only be used on the outside, remember that while being in the air, there is almost nothing hiding your position so while you will be notified about the enemy position via your Jetpilot hud, the enemy will most certainly know about your approaching them as well. One last thing about her ultimate is that while the first two seconds of preparation time, if you get hit, it will interrupt the ability and bring it back to 75% charge, it is a good idea to take cover before attempting the 

Skyward Dive.

That would be all about Valkyrie ability-specific Tips and Tricks, however, there is one general tip that is most important while playing Valkyrie, she is the best with her team, it is not a type of legend to shine and carry the team on its own, working together and utilizing her abilities to aid your teammates will yield the best results.

Apex Legends Boosting

Apex Legends is a very competitive game, it is best to play it with teammates that share the same desire to climb the ranked ladder while also having fun. 

People spend hours getting to the appropriate level of ranked play to have the most fun of their matches. Unfortunately, not everyone has time and patience to deal with people during their initial climb to the rightful rank, here is where Boosting Ground may help you. 

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Author Heisenberg
Published 2022-08-11