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Mad Maggie - Tips and Tricks guide

Mad Maggie – tips and tricks

Until Season 12 of Apex Legends, Mad Maggie was considered to be not so popular character. However, now she came to the Defence season as an impressive hero, who will definitely raise the heat in the game. Given some great abilities, Maggie is now one of the best characters for fans of the aggressive gameplay.

Playing with her may be an amazing experience, however, she has to be mastered first for a successful fight. Today we will share with you some tips and tricks on how to make the most of Mad Maggie in the new season of Apex Legends.

Mad Maggie’s Abilities

Before we get to the tips and tricks, we should go through Mad Maggie's ability kit. As we already mentioned, she is a character, perfect for those who like aggressive playing. Her Passive ability is the Warlord's Ire, which makes her a great hero for the direct players who love fighting. She can move super-fast with a shotgun, which makes her very dangerous when it comes to face-to-face combat in hallways and buildings.

Her Tactical Ability is the Riot Drill, which is one amazing defensive option. One interesting fact – this is the only ability capable of bleaching the bubble of Gibraltar. The ability can last up to 10 seconds and can make a maximum of 160 damage divided into 4 damage per tick.  The cooldown time is 22 seconds, which makes the Riot Drill amazing for scaring away all your enemies approaching.

 Mad Maggie's Ultimate Ability is Wrecking Ball, which offers a lot of boons to the engagement. The damage that makes is 20, but this does not make the ability not powerful. Every enemy that was damaged will suffer from a concussive effect for a longer time. But this is not the best of this ultimate. It can leave blue spots on the ground, each of which will offer 30% faster speed to you, or your teammates.

Throw the Wrecking Ball!

Even if you feel like holding on to the Ultimate ability, you better use it frequently.  The Wrecking Ball is a great way to cool down, especially if you and your team need some time to approach the fight. As we already mentioned, it will drop some great speed boosters on the way, which will be useful for both fighting, going through a dangerous area, or leaving a bad situation.

Furthermore, if you are in close combat, then the Ultimate may be of great use for you. A tip – throw it in the middle of the room where the enemy team is located, especially if they are in a building. This will cause bouncing off walls, disorient them and drop all the speed boosters so n the floor. Your team should go inside immediately, collect the boosts and kill the enemies.

Don’t forget to be the real monster of synergy

Mad Maggie is one great character because her ability kit is good for the new season of Apex Legends. If Seer or Bloodhound is in her team – this is a great mix! She can see where the enemies are hiding, and come to hit them with her Riot Drill.

Mad Maggie is best when it comes to aggressive gameplay, so she is good when it comes to fighting and defending her team. For example, if Rampart is on the same team, a great strategy can be built. Rampart has to make a base of fire using her walls, then the Riot Drill can be used for flushing out the team. If Bangalore is on the same team, then great disorientation can be caused to the enemy team by a mixture of smoke and Riot Drill.

When it comes to a big drill – forget the defenses

As you already know, Mad Maggie better be played aggressively. So, if a big drill is on its way – forget the defenses and attack! The Riot Drill can easily flush the enemies out, and in some cases – kill them.

If there are thick walls, and you want to find out the location of your enemy behind the wall, then you can place the drill and get them moving. And be aware of the fact that Mad Maggie is the only character who can deal with Gibraltar’s bubble – don’t forget to use that!

A shotgun is the best way to keep your enemies dead

The shotgun is one of the best ways to kill your enemies immediately. Mad Maggie has the greatest opportunity – amazing speed with a shotgun. This can surely make some great difference when it comes to fighting and killing enemies.

What weapons to use? We would advise you to take advantage of Mastiff, Peacekeeper, or Mozambique. They will surely help you to make some great damage. However, you should keep in mind that you will only get the speed boost if you have the shotguns in your hands.

This means that if you are playing with Mad Maggie, you should always have a shotgun in your pocket. If you combine this attack with the speed boosters from the Ultimate, you can easily deal with almost any opponent!

Apex Legends Boosting

Apex Legends has always and will always be one of the best games in the world of gaming. It includes a lot of great challenges, amazing heroes, and of course – the best gaming experience. We are fully aware, that sometimes the game may be too hard. When this happens, we should not give up!

After all, this is what makes the game special – the challenges that take place. However, if you ever get in a too difficult situation, and you can not deal with it – don’t worry, now, there is help. It is called Apex Legends Boosting.

But what is Apex Legends Boosting? This is a service, provided by a professional player, who can either get into your account and deal with the difficult situation, or play alongside you and help you overcome it on your own. It is a great opportunity for hard moments in the game, or if you just want to get to the funniest part!

Mad Maggie is one of the newest, and best aggressive gameplay characters in Apex Legends. She is loved by many players, but to have successful fights, you need to master her, and to know her ability kit perfectly. We gave some of the best tips and tricks, and we hope we have been helpful. If you need more help, then do not hesitate to use Apex Legends Boosting services!

Author Heisenberg
Published 2022-08-11