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Apex Legends World’s Edge Map Guide

Apex Legends World’s Edge Map Guide

Picking the right battle royale to drop into in 2021 is a tough call but let us make a case for our favorite – Apex Legends. Since its surprise launch in 2019, Apex has grown and evolved in exciting ways, adding even more fresh new ideas to a genre that too frequently feels derivative. Unparalleled mobility, versatility and class-based teamwork combined for a thrilling and rewarding feeling you can not get from other games. Also, since 2019, we’ve had 2 new maps and we are going to talk about one of them.
Today we are going to be looking at World’s Edge. Some of you might not be familiar with this map or maybe you are new to the game and you have no idea where to go and what to do. We are going to give you some tips, that hopefully will help you improve your gameplay on this and the other Apex Legend maps. Here we go:

Tips To Improve Your Gameplay on World’s Edge:

1. What Legend To Play?

So the first tip we will be starting off with is what legends you guys want to be running. Obviously, this map is a lot different to Olympus and Kings Canyon and the legend meta changes a decent amount to be fair. With Olympus everyone was running Bloodhound, Gibraltar, Wraith and that team comp does work on World’s Edge but not quite as well, still is strong though. You can also just change out Gibraltar for Caustic and that will give you a good comp as well. To be honest, just choose the legends you are most comfortable with and start playing only with him until you become a very good team. If things are not improving, just try one of these comps and see what will happen.

2. Landing:

Our second tip for you legends is going to be about landing. If you have not played this map, you might not know some of the best landing spots. Personally, we like to drop in places like Thermal Station, Lava Fissure and Skyhook. These are, probably, our three favorite spots and maybe throw Refinery and Overlook in there as well. These are places where you can loot up happily and safely without being pushed or being third partied, like some of the bigger zones. For example, if you see three squads going Skyhook or four squads, is it a good idea to maybe land in Lava Fissure, loot up fast and go third party. So yeah, we definitely recommend these spots for landing because you can find good loot, without fighting for it and from there you can third party the bigger zones.

3. Rotations:

Next up, we are going to be talking about rotations and some of the paths where you want to avoid. Places that we 100 percent would avoid are Harvester (very high traffic area) and the two respawn beacons just above Harvester as well. These two places are the main spots that we definitely avoid rotating through and maybe the Vaults, which will lead us on to the next tip that you will see in a minute. In general, try to avoid the Vaults as well, because there are a lot of players that like to camp there for good loot.

4. Vaults:

You all know that there are 3 vaults in this map, located in the three different corners of the map. Also you have vault keys, which you can get from cargo bots and with those keys you can open the vaults and get some of the best loot in the game. So if you do get a vault key and you consider going to the vault, you have to be careful, as we said in our previous tip. This is a big place where enemy players like to camp and that was a meta at one point of the game. We might see it return and that is why, if you decide to go, you have to be very careful. That is why it is important to have Bloodhound or Crypto on your team. They can scan the place to make sure that no one is around.

5. Cargo bots:

If you have not played this map, there is basically these cargo bots that fly around with loot and they change colors based on what sort of loot is inside of them every couple of seconds. When you are shooting cargo bots make sure to hit the little bot that is carrying the cargo ball, because that way you will need only one shot. If you decide to shoot the cargo ball, it will take a lot more time and bullets. If you are looking to get the golden loot, that is the best way to get it. It is a little harder to hit the bot and not the cargo but if you take your time, you can get it. These cargo bots spawn all around the map. No matter where you are landing, you are going to see one and you should always take it down.

6. Fights:

Let us talk about the fights you guys are taking. When you are playing, obviously on this map, because there is a lot open areas and there are no vehicles, you should be very careful when rotating. We recommend fighting in early game, just to get some points and in mid-game, just focus on rotation. Don’t pick fights when there are 15-10 squads left, because there is a high chance that they will have a better loot and you may lose. Also, if you see a good opportunity for third party, take it but don’t push random fights because some other team will be waiting to third party you.

7. Grenades:

Always carry 1 or 2 grenades (or more, if you have a bigger bag) and use them to force a team out of a corner, clear people of roofs and for griefing doors, in general. Now, you are going to choose, which grenades are best for you but if you are good at sticking people with the Arc Star, you should definitely stack on those.

8. High Ground:

When you are playing and you get into a fight, having the high ground will help you so much. It is always easier to shoot down than to shoot up and that is a fact. You have better vision when you are on top, you can clearly see where the enemy teams are moving and you almost always have a clear shot, if you decide to take them down. Combine the high ground with a long range rifle and you will be unstoppable. Especially in a late game, where there is no one else on high place, you can just pick all the enemy players off.

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9. Crafting:

The next tip is going to be about crafting. Obviously, crafting was implemented in this game a few seasons ago but one thing we keep forgetting to do is just craft. It saves you so much because it allows you to stack some batteries, ammo, get some purple items. It is definitely worth sitting in a zone, where you can take a little bit of your time and craft some useful items that may give you the edge in the next team fight. Oh and one more thing, stack on big batteries, because they are the fastest item to heal your armor and in tight situations, they can be the difference between life or death.

10. In Game Leader (IGL):

Having an IGL that controls your team is going to make a huge difference. We recommend someone that is very vocal in everything they do or see and has good knowledge about the map. Also, one very important role that the IGL performs during a game is to keep everyone all coordinated. If you get third partied, you will know to stay and hold the position or pull back and rotate to a different area. You won’t get in a situation, where you team mates have left you and now you are doing a 1v3 fight.

11. Warm-up/Training:

Every time you want to start playing the game, jump into a warm up game or just go to the training zone and practice your aim a little bit. You don’t have to start a ranked game right away and end up losing points. Take five or ten minutes to ready your aim and then you can jump into a game. If you are with your buddies, they can come to the training zone with you and you can all have a little death match, just make sure to practice with different weapons. At least give 5 min. to a short/mid range weapon and 5 min. to a long range. This is something that you would think it won’t make that big of a difference but trust us, it does.

12. Survey Beacons:

When you are making your team comp, you want to have someone that can scan survey beacons. Just because it allows you to rotate and play for a zone and in general, you will get a better position, maybe on some high ground. So definitely scan as often as you can and play for zone, especially on those higher rank, where everyone will know where the next circle is going to be.

13. Endgame:

When you are playing an Endgame, obviously, it is a high stress situation and when you are in a higher rank, there will be around 3 or 4 squads left and that will add to the stress. Probably everyone will be holding his location, trying to get the angles and knockdowns from a distance. So, in that type of situation you do not want to fight, do not initiate anything, just sit tight and wait for the other teams to start killing each other. After that, just jump and third party them, we have done that a hundred times and it always works. A lot of players do not know how to be patient in situations like this. Also, certain legends will be better than others in end games. Having Gibraltar at your team to protect you from airstrikes with his shield will help a lot. Caustic is also a good choice, because if you are in a building, he can control the entrances and the exits. Also, with his ultimate he can force a team out of their camping area.
Those are all of the tips we have gathered for you legends and we hope they will help you in some way to up your game and hopefully your rank.

Final Words For World’s Edge Map And The Apex Legends Maps in General:

This map is super fun, with very interesting zones that teams will enjoy fighting in. Of course, like any other map and any other game, as a matter of facts, it will take time and practice to get better. Now, let us say you don’t want to invest that time, you are a casual gamer that enjoys the game and you like it that way. You are fine playing 3 or 4 times a week but you want some of the high rank rewards, that is where we come in. Look through our Apex Legend Boosting services and pick the things you want and our team of booster will get it for you. No more need to grind for days/weeks/months, enjoy your game and leave the hard part for us.

Get The Best High Quality Service:

We’ve worked with many customers all over the world and managed to give them the best high quality Apex Legends boosting service they have seen. We have one of the riches catalogs of services on the market and we keep updating, as time pass. All of the prices are super affordable so that anyone can enjoy the world of boosting. Our customer support is 24/7 live and waiting to help you with all the information you need, don’t be shy to talk to them. For all of our registered users, we have created a nice account leveling system that will reward you with discount codes and store credit, when you are ordering services. Also, you will get a private chat room, where you can communicate with your booster personally, while he is doing the service. Everyone form our team is super polite and will be glad to answer everything you throw at them. So, if at some point you need help, we will be here for you legend!

Author Joy
Published 2021-05-31