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Overwatch 2 Cassidy Guide

Cassidy- Tips and Tricks

Cassidy is one of many characters in the game “Overwatch 2” and a very good choice for more experienced players. At the same time, it is not bad idea to be picked by new players, who have some experience with other shooter games, such as “Counterstrike” or “call of Duty”. Of course, in order to be successful with the character, takes some time and practice.

On the first sight, he looks like a normal FPS shooter character, however, he is a very trained one, offering some special abilities and tricks. One of his highlights is the close-range shots, which make him a very deadly hero. Another special characteristic is his secondary file, which is called “Fan the Hammer”. This is burst damage, but within a shorter range, however harder to control. Usually, is used against players with lower HP, rather than the so-called “tanks”.

We will start with some more in-depth information about the special abilities and how to use them. Today we will share with you more about Cassidy’s abilities, and some tips and tricks that you can use when playing with this deadly character.

Cassidy abilities

Cassidy is usually defined as a character that is suitable for more experienced players, but when you master the gameplay and have a good strategy, he can be very dominant on the battlefield. In order to do that, you should better be acquainted of his strengths and weaknesses. Knowing that his special abilities are the key to using the character’s his full potential.

Combat roll

“Combat roll” is one of Cassidy’s special abilities. When it’s activated, the special combo rolls 7 meters in the direction that the character is currently moving and reloads the gun. When used, there is a cooldown to have in mind (6 seconds). The ability is used in a both- defensive and offensive manner. For example, to avoid similar abilities, the player has to cover up or reposition. If the situation offers an attack, the user has to be a close distance to the enemy, in order to be within range.

Magnetic Grenade

Flashbang is Cassidy’s second special ability. With a press of a button, the character is able to throw a a sticky grenade. It will attach to an enemy or a surface with a delay dealing considerable amount of damage. Also, like the other special abilities, it has a cooldown, but this time is a little longer - 10 seconds. The grenade is activated when there is a collision with the enemy. Furthermore, there will be an explosion when the obstacle travels a certain distance, or if interacts with a wall or other surfaces.


Deadeye is his final ability. It’s very special, compared to other characters. It allows him while standing still, to scan for enemies in his line of vision. When pressing the button, to fire the gun, he instantly kills all enemies that were previously scanned. Of course, there is a cooldown of 6 seconds.

This is a very powerful ability, however, it’s very tricky, because, in order to use it, you need to sand still. This complicates the situation a bit because it’s not easy to hide when the other players are dynamic. The best strategy with this feature is to target one or two players that are not fast or are hiding as well.

Tips and tricks

Generally speaking, Cassidy is one of the best characters in Overwatch, however sometimes a little tricky to play for inexperienced players. Most of his special abilities are easy to learn, with little practice. But experience is not always the key to winning a game and all the pro gamers will agree. Most of the time, a good strategy and teamwork are needed. In these conditions, Cassidy can shine to his former glory. Today we will share with you some cool tips and tricks for playing the character the best possible way.

Mobility isn’t the greatest ability of Cassidy; however, he has utility and it can be used to roll up to enemies, in order to close the gap and use short-range attacks. It’s very important to get a good sense of distance, without thinking too much. Otherwise, there is the option of using some of the abilities, without being in the correct range, which will lead to failure. 

Another important tip is not to use the roll, to directly get into the enemy. Most of the time, players think, when rolling that the character isn’t vulnerable, but this is not true and in some cases is too risky. In many cases is used as an escape plan. Another suggestion is to use the secondary fire, once the character has rolled up to the enemy. If they are low enough, there is a good chance to get a kill. One better characteristic of the rolling ability is that when you use it, you get 50% damage reduction. So, you are gaining extra protection. 

Another ability that gives Cassidy special attention is the “ULT”. The difference from the other abilities in his kit is that this one is pretty skill oriented. If the player isn’t the best with shooting and accuracy, this ability won’t feel special. In order to master it, here you will need a lot of experience in the shooting aspect of the game. However, the damage that can be dealt, when used correctly is one of the greatest in the game. Once you fire, you will be able to kill all the enemies you tagged.

Overwatch 2 Boosting

If you don’t have previous experience with the game, you can always take advantage of the Overwatch boosting services. This means that you can have the opportunity to have a pro gamer log in to your personal account and play professionally and possibly fix the mess you made in the previous sessions. Furthermore, he can “educate” you and show you some professional moves, which will save you of a lot of time in grinding.

Overwatch boosting is one great opportunity for the gamers personal account development. Moreover, you can use it, almost for all problems that can occur, while playing the game.

If you decide to play Cassidy or any other character, you can follow our tips for each one of them. That way, you can become a real pro. Overwatch is one of the most interesting and challenging games.

Author Eugency
Published 2022-10-09