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Overwatch 2 Reinhardt Guide

Overwatch 2: Reinhardt Tips and Tricks

Reinhardt is one of those characters in Overwatch 2 that you know what they’re all about as soon as you see them. The German Crusader is big, mean, and sometimes hard to deal with, but playing with him is also very responsible.

A good Reinhardt can secure a win for its team with its tanking ability and decisiveness, while a bad one will ensure defeat.

In this short guide, you’ll learn the most important things you need to know when playing with Reinhardt so that you can carry your team to victory. Things like:

His abilities and how to best use them;
- How to rely on your strengths and negate your weaknesses;
- Good team comps;
- Possible counters;
- And many other tips and tricks to enhance your play;

If you like winning and you’re looking to become a beast of a Reinhardt player, sit back, relax, and read on. 

Reinhardt - Abilities and Core Gameplay

Reinhardt is a tank that relies on his massive shield to protect himself and his teammates, but he is also kind of a brawler. Even after the recent changes, he is still the same character at its core.

When you’re playing with Reinhardt, your main goal is to hold corners or force the enemy into a bad situation when your team has the advantage. During a fight, make sure you don’t find yourself in open spaces where you can get hit from all sides. Corners are your friends, use them well.

Generally, when playing with Reinhardt, you’d want to stuff in choke points and hold them in a way that your whole team sees the enemy, but the enemy team doesn’t see your entire team. This will usually make them move into you, and that will give you the advantage you need to win the fight.

Another key aspect of playing well with this character is to know when to push and when to stay your ground. Reinhardt has a kit that allows him to control the flow of a fight, so you’ll have to read the game well and be a true leader for your team.

Something else you need to always strive for when playing with Reinhardt is to keep yourself alive as much as possible. Because you’re so important to the team, not being there will be a massive loss for them and it can cost them the fight. So make sure you stay alive.

Also, don’t forget that Reinhardt can do massive damage and is actually a decent brawler. So playing him in a purely defensive way is a waste of his abilities.

Remember, the best Reinhardt players push forward when they have an advantage, and back off when they don’t have it.

Like any other tank in Overwatch 2, Reinhardt can’t be knocked back easily. He also gives less Ult charge to the enemy heroes when damaged. 

Reinhardt's Charge ability allows him to dash forward and disable the first enemy he manages to reach. If the opponent gets pushed into a wall, this ability does huge damage to him.

Charge is one of the abilities that make Reinhard dangerous on the offensive. When you manage to pull it off well, you can disrupt or even take out an enemy and give your team an advantage.

Fire Strike
The second Reinhardt ability has two charges of burning projectiles that can travel through enemies.

You can use this ability to bait the enemy team to focus on you, allowing your teammates some time to recuperate. It’s annoying and if they leave you throwing fire strikes unchallenged, eventually you’ll win the fight.

The key to surviving after you get focused is to make sure you have your healer alongside you to keep you alive. Otherwise, you’ll just end up back to spawn, leaving your team vulnerable. 

Barrier Field
The German Crusader’s third ability is deploying a massive shield that protects a huge area in front of him. The shield recharges when it’s not in use.

To use this ability well, make sure you’re not holding the shield up for no reason. And you definitely don’t want to be a one-trick pony and become predictable with its deployment.

Always keep in mind that the enemy team will be waiting for your shield to go down before engaging.

Pro Tip #1 - You don’t need to have your shield up every time you push. You can actually save it and push on swinging your Rocket Hammer if you need speed and you feel like it’s safe to go in.

You can also bunny hop and put your shield on for a millisecond to close the distance faster. Or you can have Lucio on your team to speed you up. Just make sure to back off and put the shield back on if the damage starts coming in hot.

Pro Tip #2 - Something good players like to do is to use Reinhardt’s shielding ability while staying on the high ground. This allows your team to snipe the enemy while hiding behind your shield and it can give you an advantage.

Earthshatter (Ultimate)
The big man’s ultimate ability shatters the ground with a strike. And anybody from the enemy team standing on top of the cracks gets knocked down.

Earthshatter is best used when the enemy team is clustered together. If there are any shields on the opposite team from another Reinhardt or any other hero with a shielding ability, make sure you use it when their shields are down.

Once you manage to knock down an enemy with your Ult, use Charge, Fire Strike, or your Rocket Hammer to finish them off.
Rocket Hammer
Reinhardt’s primary weapon is a rocket hammer that deals quite a bit of damage on top of having a very good reach for a melee weapon. It’ll serve you well anytime you manage to disable an enemy with your Charge or Eartshatter.

Pro Tip #3 - Make sure you don’t get too excited after getting a kill and start pushing too much. After you manage to take down an enemy, slow down, back up, and give your teammates a chance to recover and use the advantage you created.

Team Comps

Reinhardt plays well with DPS characters who can use his shields by staying behind them for cover while spraying the opposing team. That makes the likes of Bastion, Junkrat, Mei, Torbjorn, and Reaper a good choice.

For supports, pretty much all characters can work well with Reinhardt if played properly. But your playstyle should reflect the type of support hero you have on your team.

For example, if you’re playing alongside heavy healers like Ana, Baptiste, Mercy, or Moira you’ll have a lot more sustain and you can afford to take a lot more damage. This will give you a bigger presence on the map and allow you to hold key positions longer.

With Lucio on your team, you can be more aggressive and charge toward the enemies to take them by surprise.


The biggest pain in the butt for any Reinhardt are characters who can easily flank him or break his mighty shield.

Heroes like Genji, Echo, Pharah, Sombra, and especially Tracer can hit you from the side and give you a bad day on the battlefield. While characters like Bastion, Hanzo, Junkrat, and Symmetra can break your shield with ease.

In terms of who Reinhardt shines against, those are mostly characters that rely on clear openings to deal damage. So any Ashe, Ana, Cassidy, Mei, Sojourn, Soldier 76, Sigma, Torbjorn, and Widowmaker will have a hard time against your shield.

To be fair though, any character can struggle to play against your Reinhardt, if you position yourself well, push in the right moments, and use your shields wisely. And the same goes the other way around - time poorly your shielding and charging abilities and you’ll be easy prey for the enemy team.

Overwatch 2 Boosting

Struggling with Overwatch 2, or you just don’t have enough time to play it as much as you need to get really good and climb up the ranks? Consider getting some help with a boosting service.

Overwatch 2 Boosting lets you hire a professional gamer to help you out and guide you. It gives you an incredible chance to tag along with an Overwatch pro and learn all the gameplay secrets that usually only competitive gamers are able to discover through countless hours of playing the game.

Or you can just hire him to play on your behalf, while you’re off doing other things. it’s totally up to you, but the bottom line is, It’ll save you a ton of time, nerves, and losses.

So, if you’re looking for a whole new gaming experience and you’ve always wondered what it’s like to be playing Overwatch 2 at a super high level, consider an Overwatch 2 Boosting service. It’s truly a special experience.

Author Eugency
Published 2022-10-23