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Overwatch 2 Widowmaker Guide

Widowmaker Tips and Tricks

Widowmaker is the Overwatch's classic, and best sniper, which has always been proving that the headshot is the best technique for killing enemies. She has some great abilities, which makes her a good option for the players. Widowmaker's abilities give her the chance to get out of almost any situation and to kill almost anybody within her sight.

Even though she has great power, Widowmaker is not an easy-to-play character. If you want to have successful fights with her, you will have to spend some time on mastering her abilities. Today we have prepared some tips and tricks on how to improve your skills when playing with Widowmaker.

Widowmaker - all her abilities

Let’s start with an overview of Widowmaker’s abilities. She is powerful, she is a sniper, and she has a lot of options to run away from bad situations. If you want to play with her, you should be perfectly aware of her 4 abilities:

Widow’s Kiss {LMB/RMB}
As a sniper, Widowmaker’s rifle is an extremely powerful automatic gun. Due to its poor accuracy, it is effective only in close range, but if anybody comes to your face – well, he is most likely dead. When being in fire mode, she is extremely powerful, because her weapon is being converted into a sniper rifle.

You should hold the RMB for using the scope, and then the rifle will charge the shot in order to make maximum damage. When it is charged you have to press the LMB, and you will make the headshot. You should always remember that when using the gun, it has to be charged.

Venom Mine {E}
Widowmaker's ability to put a mine that can be triggered by an enemy being close is another super powerful option. Once an enemy is close enough, the mine will unleash a cloud of toxic gas that will be damaging him over time.

Grappling Hook {LSHIFT}
This ability is essential for having successful fights with Widowmaker. When using the Grappling Hook, she gets a great shot. However, if you want to use it successfully, you will have to spend some time on mastering that skill, since the range is pretty long.

Infra-Sight {Q}
This ability will give you, and your teammates an X-ray vision, so you all will have the chance to see the enemies through anything. This gives you the chance to predict the movement of the heroes, and to make some great headshots when they are not even having the chance to see where you are.

Widowmaker Tips and Tricks

If you are used to doing first-person shooting, then Widowmaker is the perfect hero for you. The tips and tricks we will share with you today are all about having a strategy that places you in the right location with a good view over the field and then killing all the enemies that are in your sight.

So, let’s get to the strategy – even though it seems easy – just find a good location and shoot, it is not. Overwatch’s maps are specifically designed to make it harder for you, and more interesting. That’s why you should be extremely careful when choosing a location – in some places you will be vulnerable to your enemies.

Here comes one tip – when using Venom Mine, you will be secured. Placing the mine behind you will keep you safe because once an enemy is close, it will explode and damage him, but most importantly – you will see the enemy coming. So, if the toxic gas doesn't scare them – your gun will. And one more trick – if you don't feel like shooting – just use the Grappling Hook and run away with grace.

If you have chosen Widowmaker to be your hero, then you should always avoid the most obvious areas, where your enemies will look for you. One of the best strategies is to find a place that does not give you such a great overview of the map, but nobody expects you to be there. Even though you may not have all the perfect moments for a shot – nobody will think that you may be hidden there, so nobody will attack you, neither look for you and keep himself safe.

Furthermore, when playing with Widowmaker, you should know which heroes to aim for. For example, an offensive hero can easily die from one headshot, but sometimes a better strategy is to focus on killing the character that is most dangerous for your teammates.

And one more tip – make sure you are using the ultimate at the best time. For example, if you can use it for better sight – do it, or if your team is about to attack the enemies – use it again!

Overwatch 2 Boosting

Overwatch may be difficult sometimes, especially if you are a beginner. But, don't worry – there is help available for you, called Overwatch Boosting Services. Overwatch Boosting is all about having a professional there for you – he can either login into your account and deal with your difficulty, or he can play alongside you until you deal with what you were struggling with.

It will all happen fast, and you will not have to spend hours playing just to get a higher rank or go to the next level. Overwatch Boosting can help you to achieve your goals, get more wins, to be one of the top players during seasonal events, and in many more situations. So, if you ever need help – don't hesitate to reach out and take advantage of Overwatch Boosting services.

Overwatch is an amazing game, filled with many experiences, difficulties, heroes, and much more. That's why it is so popular – everybody loves Overwatch. If you have chosen to play with Widowmaker, because you prefer to kill with headshots, instead of fighting with players face-to-face, then you will definitely have to spend some time mastering her skills.

Once you have mastered Widowmaker, you will definitely be a disaster to your enemies. After all, what is more, powerful than a non-expected headshot? So, if you have chosen Widowmaker, our tips and tricks would be helpful. Don't forget that if you ever need some professional help, you can take advantage of Overwatch Boosting Services. Good luck!

Author Eugency
Published 2022-11-18