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Destiny 2 - Best Exotics to use in Season of the Haunted

Best Exotics to Use in Season of the Haunted

Destiny 2 Season of the Haunted started a few days ago, and it’s full of new exotic weapons, armor, and more. Part of the fun of playing this game comes from getting new and unique weapons and armors that can be used in game-changing builds. However, if you are finding yourself struggling to choose the best exotics for you or simply want to upgrade your build further, we are here to help you out a bit. 

In Destiny 2 Season of the Haunted we expect three Exotic armors, and two Exotic weapons. And the best thing about them is the returning of our favorite Trespasser, which the loyal players enjoyed in the first Density. Now, let’s get to the main part and tell you more about all the new Exotics in Destiny 2: Season of the Haunted.


The Trespasser Exotic Sidearm is a definite must-have, and absolutely the best Exotic this season. It comes back from the original Destiny, but with some great improvements, which make him irreplaceable. It is an exotic sidearm, which you can acquire by levelling up this season’s battle pass. However, in the free battle pass it is unlocked only at Rank 35, whereas in the premium battle pass you can have it at Rank 100 by getting the Trespasser Weapon Ornament. 

It uses Primary ammo, therefore you can kill for days despite the fact that it takes up the Energy slot and does Arc damage. The Unrepentant perk is the big thing, but its quick three-round bursts also do great damage with acceptable recoil. After a kill, reloading results in a longer, more destructive burst of fire. Close range yellow bar elites can be taken out by this exotic in one shot, and if you manage to take one out, it will reload and sustain the effect, thanks to the Be the Danger perk. 

Trespasser also has a Catalyst – it essentially grants the Tunnel Vision perk, which does wonders combined with Unrepentant.

Caliban's Hand

Roast 'Em, one of its Exotic perks, makes Proximity Knives scorch opponents with splash damage or ignite on direct contact. Improved weapon regeneration is available when throwing the knife without it exploding.

As it was introduced with the Season of the Haunted, it has great synergy with Solar 3.0, especially with Ember of Torches, Knock 'Em Down, and Ember of Eruption. You and your members of your team can each have an endless number of throwing knives and Radiance. It can be a little bit erratic combined with Ember of Torches and Knock 'Em down, because sometimes if opponents walk over the knife, it won’t be returned. 

To get this item, you will have to complete a Master or a Legend Lost Sector in the game by yourself, and the Lost Sector will drop an exotic gauntlet at some point. This item is entirely farmable in the game because there are a total of 11 Lost Sectors that rotate every day and there is no restriction on how many Lost Sectors players may clear in a single day.

Rain of Fire

This Exotic is a good option for Warlock players who specialize in aerial combat just because of its perk. Soaring Fusilier is its main perk. All of your weapons reload when you air dodge, which also increases the airborne strength of fusion rifles and linear fusion rifles. You become radiant after using these weapons for the finishing blows. This perk is particularly helpful when using a Fusion Rifle.

You can get this armor the same way as Caliban’s Hand – by completing Lost Sectors by yourself at Legend or Master level.


Heartshadow is a brand-new Exotic Void sword, which can be taken from the Duality Dungeon. It can be acquired multiple times, since it is a randomly rolled Exotic, so you can also get many other perks while trying to acquire the Hearshadow. Its drop rate can be increased by earning in-game Triumphs.

But what about its perks, and why is the Heartshadow one of the best Exotics? Its main perk is the Exhumation, thanks to which the swords can cause heavy attacks when having a full sword energy. Furthermore, it can make the Guardian invisible and send some explosive projectiles.

The second perk this weapon has is the Shot in the Dark, which guarantees a heavy damage If the character is being invisible for a longer period of time. Last, but not least, you can easily weaken an enemy by hitting him with the projectile of the sword while the Shot in the Dark is active.

Second Chance

The Second Chance gauntlets is an Exotic aromr that offers the Myrmidon’s Reach feature, that gives you the opportunity to charge the Sheild Throw twice, with the second charge being shield-piercing and super powerful and it can stun Barrier Champions

The Second Chance Exotic can be obtained when the solo Legend, or the Master Lost Sectors are completed.

Destiny 2 Boosting

We know that it can be tricky to make the best build for your gameplay, and sometimes even if you know how to do it, some exotics are simply hard to acquire. If you are struggling with any of this, or even something else in the game, there is no place for despair – Destiny 2 Boosting Services are here for you. 

Destiny 2 Boosting is a well-known service, where a veteran player helps you with whatever you need in the game. If you are wondering how they do that, there are two options. First is for them to log into your account and do the things you’re struggling with. Second - if you are anxious about sharing your account’s information, you and the player can play together as they are guiding you towards achieving your goals yourself. 

We brought to you some of the top exotics to use during this season, but as every player has a unique playstyle, you could require something slightly different. You might also need assistance with perfecting your build, completing a dungeon, or simply levelling up. If so, don’t hesitate to reach out and using the Destiny 2 Boosting Services.  

Author Heisenberg
Published 2022-08-11