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Destiny 2 - New in the Season of the Haunted

What's new in the Season of the Haunted

The new, seventeenth season of our favorite game Destiny 2 is finally here! The Season of the Haunted introduces many new activities, new Exotics, and of course, maybe the best feature – the Solar 3.0. But this is not all, with an iconic location brought back combined with a new story, amazing visuals, and new dungeons – the new season of Destiny 2 is one of the best ones ever released. 

As always, Destiny 2 is available for Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and PC. So, you can definitely choose from many methods, and find the one that suits you the most. The game is fully adaptable, and the gameplay is excellent no matter the tool you are using.

Leviathan is back

Leviathan is a destination that was first introduced back in time, in the Destiny 2 base game. Later, it was removed, but now, in the Season of the Haunted, we are having the chance to enjoy the storm of nightmares that Calus and the Leviathan are giving us again. All the players can now explore the eerie metallic hallways of the Levithan and fight all the nightmares that are waiting for them. 

There are public events on the lower decks of the destination, where we can join with a task – to track down as many as possible nightmares. Furthermore, Destiny 2 has prepared much more for its players – they will be prompted to be a part of the events in the Leviathan, because each of them will be a new one, and will uncover more of the devious plans of Claus – the dethroned Cabal emperor.

Exotics - new and returning ones

In the Destiny 2 Season of the Haunted, we are having the chance to enjoy some new Exotics – three Exotic armors and two Exotic weapons. Furthermore, it seems that the creators are within the theme of returning some great stuff back, so in the news season one of the Exotic weapons is actually an old one – the Trespasser, which we had in the first Density.

As we expected, the Trespasser went through some great improvements, and now it offers the Unrepentant Exotic perk. This new feature is actually great because it makes the burst after a kill much more powerful and longer. This is not all – we can also use The Danger, which reloads the weapon instantly after a kill was made thanks to the longer burst. But how can we get the Trespasser? The weapon will be directly available for the people with a Season Pass, and for those who prefer to play for free – you will unlock it once you get to level 35.

And now – the new Exotic weapon – the Heartshadow sword. We can obtain this great weapon in the Duality Dungeon; however, a random roll mechanic is featured, which means that every player can try getting the weapon more than once if he wants to get a different third perk. But what makes the Heartshadow a great Exotic? Firstly, it offers Exhumation, which makes the gamer invisible, but not only – an AoE attack is also launched if a full-power attack is being used. Furthermore, it offers Shot in the Dark, which is giving a dagame boosting to the player if he is being invisible for a longer period of time.

Last, but not least are the three new Exotic armors:
The Rain of Fire – it is a leg armor that is causing instant to reload if the player is air dodging. Furthermore, it makes the fusion rifles much more effective while they are in the air.

The Second Chance gauntlets – this armor is giving the Shield Throw the chance to charge twice, and it gives the projectline the ability of piercing through barriers

The Caliban's Hand gauntlets – this Exotic armor gives Proximity Knives the ability of exploding and causing great fire damage.
Better Solar Skill Trees

The fans of Destiny 2 wanted a change of the Solar subclass for a long period of time, and finally – they have it! The Season of the Haunted offers a revamp named Solar 3.0, which makes the solar abilities no longer damage reduction-based ones, but healing powers and abilities of great attacking.

Each of the classes at Destiny 2 are receiving specific Solar Abilities, and all of them can heal both themselves and their teammates while throwing grenades at the same time. For example, the class of Titan has gained a devastating ability to act as an Aspect. It is called Consecration and makes the Solar Titan slide forward, while spews fire and launches into an uppercut before it goes back to the ground.

The Incinerator Snap is the new melee attack that the Solar Warlock is getting, but not only – the class also gets a new projectile weapon that transforms the grenade into a fire cluster bomb. The attack they get makes them have the ability to send a wave of fire with one snap of their fingers. When it comes to Hunter's class – the players have the chance to use Gunpowder Gamble and throw a cluster bomb in the air. This bomb can easily do great damage to the enemies.

New Dungeon

A brand-new Dungeon was launched in Destiny 2: The Season of the Haunted, which all the players loved. Many great rewards such as Legendary Armors, a new weapon (including exotic ones), accessories, and emblems were introduced. Two difficulty levels are included, and to get to the normal one, every player has to be power 1550.

The New Dungeon will be essential for obtaining one of the new Exotic weapons. The mission will be a heist, and the goal will be the following – stealing the darkest secrets of the Cabal Emperor Calus and bringing them back to the Tower’s guardians.

Better Events

In the new Destiny 2 season, better events were introduced. Solstice of Heroes is now known as just Solstice, and it comes with a set of armor that will have to be upgraded during the event. It will feature activities in the European Aerial Zone – the Bonfire Bash, and it will be a wave defense mode, where all the players will have to protect the bonfire from the coming enemies.

Furthermore, an Event Card will be given to each player, and all the future events will come with Seal and Title. Those will be specifically designed for the dedicated players that will have the chance of getting a year-long title if they join and play successfully all the events.

New Weapons

Of course, new weapons were introduced in the new seasons. They are all part of the collection of Claus, and each of them is encrusted with some amazing jewels. The main ones are the opulent weapons such as pistols and sniper rifles, and the seasonal weapons are joining them too. 

A rocket launcher, pair of rifles, and a glaive were introduced, which are actually making the gameplay better than ever. The exotic weapons we already mentioned are great too, especially the Trespasser, which you can get by simply participating in the season, so you better do that!

Other Changes

We described in detail one of the main changes in Destiny 2: The Season of the Haunted, but there are others, smaller that deserve attention too.  For example, the Glaive weapon, which was given great melee attack and some other perks, or the trace rifles, which are making much more damage than before.

Furthermore, the Iron Banner is also having some great improvements, such as a new map, and the Rift game mode which was returned. When it comes to the Iron Banner, power levels are disabled now. In addition, we got the competitive mode Trials of Osiris back, and it came with some great new loot. 

Destiny 2 Boosting

Destiny 2 is one absolutely excellent game, but it may be hard sometimes. If you want to get all the Exotics, but you can not deal with the tasks in the new dungeon, or if you want to level up, but you need some help – don’t worry. Destiny 2 Boosting services are available to everybody who needs some advice, or personal help to overcome a difficulty while playing Destiny 2.

The Destiny 2 Boosting is a service that ensures professional help provided by an experienced player, who can either get into your account or if you prefer to keep your data private – he can guide you and play alongside you while achieving your goals. 

Destiny 2 : The season of the Haunted comes with many features, improvements, and great gameplay, which makes the game even more attractive and interesting than before. Having in mind some of the details which were brought back – some players who used to play but stopped are also coming back to the game to get another dose of Destiny 2. 

However, the game can be difficult in some situations, so don’t be afraid to take advantage of the help that Destiny 2 Boosting services can provide you. It will surely make your gaming experience much better, and it is worth it!

Author Heisenberg
Published 2022-08-11