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Destiny 2 The Vault Guide

The part with the Vault is the 4th encounter in the raid “Last Wish”. Minding the previous bosses, which players had to face, this part is like a refreshing break. It revolves more around puzzles and activities that are based on good communication. Check our full Last Wish Raid Boost Service.

First, there is what you need to know about how to reach the encounter:

A huge door is going to open behind the boss Morgeth, and you need to go through it and then keep walking until you get to the “Hall of two souls”. When you enter it, head up the stairs. On the wall, you will see a luminous plate. Look at the wall on your right and search for a gap in it. This path is going to lead you to a chamber, filled with floating Taken Blights and some statues. At the center of the room, there is going to be an elevator. This elevator is going to be your access to the Vault.

Destiny 2 The Vault Guide

•    Divide into 2 teams – those to decode, and those to run.

•    Jump on plates, until you reach the center.

•    The group of the decoders will need to figure out which buff they will need, to clean the plate. It is “Penumbra” if the icon of a fellow guardian is on the left of theirs, and “Antumbra” if it is on the right.

•    The team of the runners should eliminate the “Eye of Riven” and gather the Taken Essence.

•    They should figure out which chamber the runner should be ready to escape from while using the tunnels to go from one chamber to the other.

•    The decoder team should eliminate the “Might of Riven” before it has successfully planted its sword on the plate.

•    The runner should exit the outer part and use the buff to clear the plate with the help of the grande ability. They will receive a debuff, which will prevent them from picking up Essence for a certain period.

•    The team of runners should eliminate the “Eye of Riven” and clear out the plate 2 more times, to complete the 1st section. With more of the plates being cleared out, the “Might of Riven” count increases by one.

•    Do the whole process of clearing out the three plates two more times – starting from the moment that you jump onto the plates and decide which is the correct cleanse.

The strategy in detail

Just like in all of the other raid events, players will need to divide their team of 6, into smaller groups. This way they will be able to go past that phase. Three players should be assigned as decoders of the device at the center of the chamber, and the other three – as runners.

Another set-up can be – three on the plates of the lock device, two to run, and one player to serve as a support and help the others if needed. Regardless of what set-up you pick, you will still have to choose out of a temple, rock, or tree for the entire encounter. Just like in the previous encounter with Shuro Chi, there will be a 3-minute-timer.

The Vault part is heavy on the mechanics and the pace. However, the roles of the players are pretty straightforward. The biggest and hardest part of the quest is the right communication in the team. You have to manage to communicate the requirements of the plates correctly and open up space for the runner so that they can escape successfully.

The best bet is to have an equal number of runners and decoders, because of the heavy timing. You can also play 4 decoders and 2 runners, but only if there is a struggle with the “Might of Riven”. After the team has split, each player should get familiar with the outer chambers – tree, rock, and temple. The guys, who are responsible for the middle plates, should pick a plate, based on which are is located the closest to them. They should remain in the radius of that chosen plate for the entire encounter. The runners should wait for the encounter to begin before they start to clear out the chambers.

When all of the players are ready, the players in the center should jump on their plates. Next, three icons will appear on the locking device and also a 3-minute timer to clear out all of the plates. The players should take turns describing the central symbol and listen for the others to call out their icon. After all of the figures have been called, you need to be aware if any of the other symbols are on the left or on the right of the central icon. This move will help with determining what buff will you need, to clear out your plate. If one of the figures is on the left, you are going to need Penumbra. If the icon is on the right, you are going to need Antumbra. Remember this until the section is clear.

While the decoders are establishing the needed buffs, all of the runner team should be focused on eliminating the “Eye of Riven”, which has spawned in either the rock, tree, or temple room. When it is beaten, two of the players will have to leave the room, and the last player should pick up the Essence and point out which buff they have – Antumbra or Penumbra. After that part, Taken Barriers are going to generate in front of 2 of the 3 chambers and leave only one open. It is for the escape of the player, who is holding the Essence.

The decoders should then say which chamber will be available for exiting through. The runner must go through some tunnels and enclosed rooms, to get to the exit. They should be careful because the tunnels will be full of enemies. Use the shooting function of the Essence. As they finally manage to exit, they should say which buff they have and go to the corresponding plate to clear it out with the grenade ability. When they are done, they are going to get a debuff, which is going to prevent them from getting an “Eye of Riven” for some time. This means that one of the other runners, who is without a buff will take up this role in the following run.

While the runner is going through the chambers, among the spawning enemies is going to be a "Might of Riven". If it reaches any of the central plates and put their sword through it, the encounter is going to fail. Hence, focus on killing these guys whenever a runner has made progress inside the outer chambers.

After you have cleared out the first plate, you will have to do the whole thing two more times for the remaining plates. Eliminate the “Eye of Riven”, point out the opened chamber, keep the Might of Riven away from the plate, and clear out the plate. Then two more times, to complete the encounter.

The total of the runs around the outer chambers should be 9, and the decoders should have cleared out their plates 3 times. During the clearing out of the 1st plate there will be one Might of Riven, while with each of the next successful clears, the number is going to go up by 1 until the start of a new phase.

After clearing out the plates 3 times, the count of the "Might of Riven" is going to reset to 1 again. The timer for each section is 3 minutes, and the entire encounter should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. 1 minute for establishing the roles of the players, then 3 times of 3 minutes for clearing out the plates. If a runner uses the wrong buff on a particular plate, or the "Might of Riven" manages to reach one of the plates, the whole team will be wiped out.

When you are done with the whole thing, it is time for the next encounter – Riven of a Thousand Voices.

Author Heisenberg
Published 2023-03-27