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Destiny 2 Nightfall Scoring Explained: Challenge Card Modifiers and Emblem Rewards

The strike Nightfall is unique by itself. It is known to be really difficult, and it has new challenges every other week. The missions are not easy to complete, but the rewards are worth it and bring satisfaction to the player. 

Now, the objectives are focused on Nightfall scoring (to differ from previous modifiers of time, etc.), and in this explanation article, we make it clear how are Nightfalls unlocked and how you get the challenge cards. You also have another option - just get our Destiny 2 Nightfall Boosting Service.

What Exactly Is Destiny 2 Nightfall And How Does The Scoring Work?

Every week the missions reset, and the Nightfall is called the more hardcore version of an individual strike. When a strike is chosen to be Nightfall, it keeps its status for the following week. More difficult enemies are added and of higher ranks, too. They may have shields and be captains or such. Since February this year, nightfalls are changed to "scored", instead of timed missions. The meaning of this is that the player is free to play it as fast as they want and they pick the pace of the gameplay. Only those, who complete it at a faster pace, however, win some additional loot. 

Here is how  Destiny 2 Nightfall Scoring works: 

  • The score of each player is added up, to get the team’s unified total score 
  • Players earn scores via killing and using supers. Harder enemies are going to reward you with a more significant score 
  • After fifteen minutes pass, the scoring is cut in half for new ratings. After eighteen minutes, the players will not get any score at all. This is done so that everybody does their missions quicker. 
  • As more time passes, scores will be decreased again, encouraging faster players. 

How Does The Reward System Work?  

Since the update of the game on the 27th March, players will get unique rewards, at the same time as nightfall scoring. You will get rewards if you merely complete the Nightfall, with the help of challenge cards and emblems, which improve your performance. The following ones are expected: 

- The loot is going to be dropped near the power level cap.

- Completing the milestone will reward “Powerful Gear”.

- Nightfall challenge card, which allows the player to add different new multipliers while trying to get a higher score in attempts for prestige in the future. 

- Emblems are specific for the strike. They are tracking your score and over some thresholds grant the player new buffs and auras. If you play every week, you unlock emblems, and your score is improved every time you take part in a strike. Some of the strikes are even going to unlock bonus emblems. 

Challenge Cards And How Modifiers Work  

A challenge card is going to drop after you complete a Nightfall. In the inventory, under the section, marked “Consumables”, you find it, and it is helping you toggle different modifiers when you fight harder adversaries in prestige mode thus helping you get more points. 

Take note that you need to choose and use the modifiers wisely because if you misjudge, you can worsen your playthrough and make it harder to beat. And nobody wants that. 

Currently, the modifiers included in the game are: /more of them will be released in the future as the system for scoring develops. 

“The void, solar of arc singe” – It increases the elemental damage to players and enemies by 25% 

“Extinguish” – It ends the run if everybody on the team has died 

“Power modifier” – It gives you more score, but lowers your power level 

Unlocking Nightfalls 

The first thing you will need to do is to unlock “Strikes”. Beat two strikes and reach the power level of 230. After that, you are going to unlock the “Nightfall strikes”. 

Want to know how to unlock “Strikes”? First, finish the “Fury” story mission, talk to Zavala, and next thing you know, you are already allowed to unlock “Strikes” as an option from the Director. 

The milestone Strikes needs of you to do any two strikes from the roster – select them from the Director and dive in. 

After you do that, return to Zavala to get your reward. The milestone Nightfall is then going to appear in the tab for milestones. Another thing, it is going to show you that you have to reach the power level of at least 230. When you reach that level, go back to Zavala, and he is going to unlock the Nightfalls. Finally, from the section “Strikes”, you can access them and be ready to begin. 

How did the modifiers work before? The previous modifiers used to change the way of playing and increase the remaining time on the clock. The run used to end, once the time had run out. The old set included: 

  • “Prism” – It is a new way to use the “burns” from the previous game. They could be void, solar or arc. They used to do more damage to adversaries and cause you to receive additional damage of the type. In the present version, during the Nightfall strike, they start rotating over time. On the left, at the bottom of the screen, it is displayed which one is currently active. With a diverse Fireteam or various elements for your weapons, your chance of success is rising, especially if you master this boost. 
  • “Attrition” – This obstructs the regeneration of health and shields. Regaining health and charging your Super happens when you eliminate more enemies and create “wells of light”. They very much remind of the Orbs of light – the look and act almost the same. This modifier requires you to act more aggressively and not to depend much on a cover, to regain your health. 
  • “Momentum” – When you stand, the regeneration of your health and shields is disabled, making it necessary to start sprinting so you can regain them. So, to recover your health, you will need to flee the battlefield and firefights. The good thing is that the procedure is faster than the natural regeneration of shields. 
  • “Torrent” – The modifier majorly increases the speed of recharge of grenades and the class ability. Usually couples with the “Zero hero”, allowing you to overwhelm groups of enemies with grenades. It is quite an enjoyable modifier and also easy to use, which encourages even not big fans of Nightfalls to give it a try. 

Previous Nightfall Timewarps: 

- “Killing time” – A small portion of time is added to your countdown timer when you kill an enemy. This gives you a bigger opportunity to complete the Nightfall or manage to do the time-based challenges in time. If you feel like you never have enough time to do everything and your strike is going slowly, quickly take down some enemies with grenades or Supers. 

- “Rings” – Along with your path, there are glowing rings. If you jump through them, you are going to add extra 30 seconds to your time. When you trigger the first one, more appear, and you will have 1 minute at your disposal to pass through as many as possible. They expire after a while so do the activation only when you are ready. We recommend that this happens once you have cleared all nearby enemies. 

- “Anomalies” – These clusters of energy increase the time on the timer, once they are shot. They usually are glued to the sides of different objects, lower off the edge of a walkable area, or high in the corner. They are easily spotted because they glow in blue color. So, look all around you when you enter an area because you can miss them otherwise. If you are having a hard time finding them, learn where they are placed while on a trial run, and then play it again with a faster pace. 

- “Zero hour” – This one does not top up the countdown clock. Once you start, the displayed time is all the time you have at your disposal, so hurry up!

Author Heisenberg
Published 2023-04-07