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Magnus Opus Quest - Forerunner Sidearm Guide

Welcome, fellow Guardian! Have you heard about the new Exotic sidearm in Destiny 2's Bungie 30th Anniversary Pack? If not, don't worry, I'll catch you up.

The Forerunner is the latest addition to Destiny 2's vast arsenal, and it's available through the "Magnum Opus" quest. But how do you get your hands on it? That's where Polygon's Destiny 2 Forerunner guide comes in!

First things first, you'll need Xur's Strange Key. Yes, Xur, the Agent of the Nine, is back at it again with his cryptic quests. But fear not, our guide will show you exactly how to obtain this elusive key.

Once you have the key, you'll need to venture into the Eternity Valley. This location is full of dangers and challenges, but don't let that discourage you. With our guidance, you'll be able to navigate this treacherous landscape with ease.

Now, the moment you've been waiting for: unlocking the Halo Magnum-inspired Forerunner Exotic sidearm! Our guide will walk you through the process step by step, so you don't miss a beat.

So, what are you waiting for? Let's get you that Forerunner and show the Darkness who's boss!

Forerunner Weapon Guide - What to do?

  • Step 1 – Speak with Xur

Greetings, fellow Guardian! Are you ready to embark on a quest for a new Exotic weapon in Destiny 2? Of course, you are! Let me tell you about the Forerunner Exotic quest, which is just as exciting as the legendary Gjallarhorn.

To kick off this quest, you'll need to pay a visit to our good old friend Xur in Eternity. Find him in his Treasure Horde and use the arrows in his inventory to flip over to the second page. Here's where things get interesting - you'll want to grab the "Magnum Opus" quest and prepare for a wild ride.

Now, let me warn you - this quest isn't for the faint of heart. You'll face some tough challenges along the way, but fear not, we'll guide you every step of the way. Think of us as your Ghost, always ready to lend a hand.

Once you've completed the quest and earned the Forerunner, you'll feel like a true legend. It's a Halo Magnum-inspired sidearm that packs a punch and looks downright sexy. Enemies won't know what hit them.

So, what are you waiting for? Head to Eternity, talk to Xur, and let's get this quest started. Trust us, you won't regret it.

  • Step 2 – Seven Strange Coins

Well, well, well, look who it is - Xur, the Agent of the Nine, with another one of his infamous quests. This time around, he's got his sights set on collecting seven Strange Coins. But don't worry, we've got you covered.

There are a few ways to snag these elusive coins - Strikes, bounties, public events, and so on. But, let's be real, running another Dares of Eternity is probably your best bet. Not only will you be racking up Strange Coins, but you'll also be earning some sweet Xur reputation. Trust us, you'll need that later on.

Now, we know what you're thinking - "But I've already done so many Dares, I can't take it anymore!" Well, don't fret. Think of it as training for the real deal. Plus, with our guide by your side, you'll breeze through those Dares like it's nobody's business.

So, keep on running those Dares, collect those Strange Coins, and show Xur who's boss. We believe in you, Guardian!

  • Step 3 – Starhorse Bounties

Ah, back in Xur's Treasure Room, where the air is thick with the scent of Strange Coins and the sound of Starhorse's galloping made of stars fills the room. Yes, you heard that right - Starhorse, the majestic equine creature made of stars, is here to help you on your quest for the Forerunner.

To get started, you'll need to use your hard-earned Strange Coins to purchase one of Starhorse's Dares of Eternity bounties. Now, don't go breaking the bank here - stick to the cheaper daily ones. You don't want to end up like those Guardians who blow all their Strange Coins on fancy gear, only to realize they're stuck doing chores for Xur.

Once you've got your bounty, it's time to jump into the Dares of Eternity. Here's the catch - you'll need to complete the bounty in a single run, or it'll reset back to zero. But hey, no pressure, right? Just focus on the objective - whether it's racking up pulse rifle kills or trace rifle kills - and you'll be golden. Oh, and don't worry too much about the point threshold - it's pretty tough to fail that part.

Complete three of these bounties, and you're ready to move on to the next step. Easy peasy, right? Well, maybe not easy, but definitely doable. Just remember to keep your eyes on the prize - that sweet, sweet Forerunner Exotic sidearm - and you'll get there in no time.

  • Step 4 – Buy Strange Key from Xur

Alright, so you've completed those Dares of Eternity bounties for Starhorse and now it's time to head back to Xur for the next step. But wait, there's a catch - you'll need to have some Strange Favor reputation to get your hands on that key.

Don't worry, though - if you've been dutifully completing those Dares, chances are you're already at level four with Xur. If not, don't despair! You'll just need to keep playing Dares until you level up enough to buy the key. Think of it as Xur's way of making sure you're really committed to this whole Forerunner thing.

Once you hit that sweet spot of level four Strange Favor, the Strange Key will be all yours - free of charge. So go ahead and grab it from Xur's inventory, and get ready for the next step in your quest for the Forerunner. You've got this, Guardian!

  • Step 5 – Use Strange Key in the Valley

Welcome to the thrilling and somewhat confusing part of the Forerunner quest! Hold onto your space helmets, because things are about to get interesting.

So you've got your Strange Key from Xur and you're ready to teleport to the Valley. But how do you find your way to the Forerunner? First, look to your right as soon as you land and start walking on the sand. Keep your eyes peeled for a cluster of rocks with a slab sticking out of the top. Walk around the farthest right rock, and use your key to unlock the mysterious portal. Pro-tip: it's a little finicky, so don't get discouraged if you need to adjust a few times.

Once you're through the portal, follow the objective marker to a grey tower in the distance. Turn right and search for a path in the rocks. Follow this path until you see some floating bronze balls. Don't be afraid to jump up on the rocks above you to avoid the balls, or ride them up to the next level.

As you make your way up the mountain, you'll eventually reach a room with white platforms that seem to move to their own beat. Use your platforming skills and time your jumps carefully to climb the room. Once you reach the top, investigate the little Cryo Pod and claim your prize: the Anomalous Object.

Congratulations! You've made it through the trickiest part of the quest. Next stop, the Forerunner exotic sidearm.

  • Step 6 – Go to Banshee-44

Ah, the final step of your Exotic quest is finally here! It's time to bring that Anomalous Object you've worked so hard to obtain to Banshee-44 in the Tower. But don't get too excited just yet - Banshee-44 is known for his lengthy chats. Be prepared for some serious small talk before he hands over your shiny new Forerunner Exotic sidearm.

Head over to Banshee-44 in the Tower and be ready to have your ear talked off. But hey, it's all worth it for that sweet, sweet Exotic sidearm. Happy hunting, Guardian!

Final Words 

Hold on to your helmets, Guardians! Get ready to wield the power of one of the greatest weapons in video game history: the Forerunner Exotic sidearm! Paying homage to the iconic Halo: Combat Evolved Magnum, the Forerunner uses special ammo and packs a punch with two killer perks.

First up is Pace Yourself, the Forerunner's intrinsic perk. This baby gives you more accuracy and less recoil when you gently tap the trigger, making your shots more precise and deadly.

But that's not all! The Full Stop perk gives the Forerunner extended range and higher damage rounds. You can even switch things up and fire in full auto mode, dealing increased precision damage to unshielded targets.

But wait, there's more! With the Forerunner's Exotic Catalyst, you can unlock the ultimate perk: The Rock. After scoring a kill, players can spend reserve ammo to transform their next grenade into a Halo-style frag grenade. How cool is that?

Now, to get your hands on this bad boy, you'll need to level up your Xur reputation and get your Strange Favor to level four. But trust us, it's worth the grind. Just bring that Anomalous Object to Banshee-44 in the Tower and he'll hook you up. Get ready to wreak havoc with your new Forerunner Exotic sidearm!

Author teodoran
Published 2023-04-03