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Gjallarhorn Guide - "And Out Fly the Wolves" Quest

Greetings, fellow Guardian! Have you heard the news? Gjallarhorn, the most sought-after weapon in Destiny 2, has returned, and we’re here to help you get your hands on it.

The Gjallarhorn comes from an Exotic quest called “And Out Fly The Wolves,” which is exclusive to the Bungie 30th Anniversary Pack. Don't worry, though, because we're going to walk you through the steps to pick up all the Wolfpack Rounds you need and rebuild Gjallarhorn.

Out of the two Exotics added in the pack, Gjallarhorn is the easier one to acquire. However, that doesn't mean it's a walk in the park. You'll need to put in some effort and take on some challenging tasks, but we believe in you, Guardian. Are you ready to rise to the occasion and reclaim the legendary Gjallarhorn?

Gjallarhorn Weapon Guide - What to do?

  • Step 1 – Visit Xur

Listen up, Guardians! If you want to get your hands on the Gjallarhorn, the ultimate weapon of destruction in Destiny 2, you're going to need to put in some work. First things first, you'll need to grab the exclusive "And Out Fly The Wolves" Exotic quest from our old pal Xur in his treasure room. Don't worry, he won't try to sell you any weird space juice this time.

Once you've got the quest in your sights, it's time to make your way to the Cosmodrome. Keep your wits about you, though, because the enemies here aren't going to roll out the red carpet for you. Prepare for some explosive encounters and make sure you're packing some serious firepower.

Are you ready to take on the challenge? Good, because the Gjallarhorn isn't going to build itself. Let's do this, Guardians!

  • Step 2 – Talk to Shaw Han

Alright, Guardian, it's time to head to the Cosmodrome and chat with Shaw Han, the new vendor who's itching to help you out. He'll be sending you on a wild goose chase into the Grasp of Avarice dungeon, so get ready for a challenge.

Now, let's be real, this next part isn't going to be a cakewalk. Depending on your fireteam, or your ability to convince two of your friends to join you on this journey, things could get a little dicey. But hey, it's all part of the fun, right?

Don't worry, though. We've got your back. Just keep reading and we'll help you get through this quest with ease.

  • Step 3 – Grasp of Avarice

Hey there, Guardian! Are you ready for some dungeon crawling? The Grasp of Avarice is where it's at, and it's time to round up your fireteam. Don't have friends? No worries, we won't judge. Just make use of LFG and get yourself some squad mates.

Once you're set, head to the Eternity menu and select the dungeon from the Director. This activity is relatively simple compared to other end-game group activities, so it shouldn't be too much of a grind. However, depending on your light level and experience, it could take anywhere from 40 minutes to a couple of hours for your first run.

Once you've slain the final boss in the dungeon, you'll complete Step 3 and pick up a Wolfpack Round. Congratulations! It's time to head back to the Cosmodrome and keep the ball rolling.

  • Step 4 – Go to Shaw Han Again

Well, well, well, looks like you’re not done yet, Guardian! Shaw wants more Wolfpack Rounds, and you’re the one to get ‘em. But no need to pack your bags and leave the Cosmodrome just yet - just turn around and head to The Divide.

Once you arrive, you’ll need to take down some Fallen to spawn the Wolfship Turbine, a Public Event. Make sure you have some backup though, because those Fallen can be feisty.

Once the event starts, make sure to take down as many enemies as possible to increase your chances of getting a Wolfpack Round. And don’t forget to use your super, grenades, and other abilities to take down those baddies in style.

Once you have your Wolfpack Round, head back to Shaw and show him what you’ve got. He’ll be impressed, and reward you with the next step in the quest. Get ready for the final stretch, Guardian!

  • Step 5 – Seven Wolfpack Rounds

Listen up, Guardian, it's time to farm some Fallen! And no, we don't mean that you should go out to your garden and wait for some leaves to fall. We're talking about the ones in the Cosmodrome, of course.

To complete the next step of the Gjallarhorn quest, you'll need to defeat powerful Fallen. Now, you could wander around aimlessly looking for them, but that's not very efficient, is it? Instead, head on over to the Exodus Garden 2A Lost Sector in The Divide. It's the easiest spot to find those pesky Fallen, and you'll need to defeat them all to get your hands on the elusive Wolfpack Rounds.

Be warned, though, these rounds drop randomly, so you may need to run the Lost Sector a few times to get all seven. Don't worry, though, you've got this! And who knows, maybe you'll even find a few shiny new weapons while you're at it.

  • Step 6 – Shaw Han Again

Alright, Guardian, it's time to bring those Wolfpack Rounds to Shaw Han and complete the next step in your journey to obtaining the mighty Gjallarhorn. Brace yourself, though, as you'll have to endure another long speech from the vendor before he hands you the rocket parts you need to move forward.

But hey, look on the bright side - at least you're making progress! Soon, you'll be able to unleash destruction upon your enemies like never before with the legendary weapon. So keep pushing forward, Guardian!

  • Step 7 – Talk to Banshee-44

Ah, the joys of a quest that involves a lot of traveling and not a lot of doing! But don't worry, we'll get through it together. Now, take those rocket parts and head on over to the Tower to visit Banshee-44, the Gunsmith.

Sure, it may be a bit tedious, but just think of all the XP and sweet loot you'll get from completing this quest. And hey, at least you'll have some time to catch up on your favorite podcast during all that traveling, right? Silver linings, my friend.

  • Step 8 – Run the Exodus Garden 2A Lost Sector

Seems like Banshee-44 wants to add some excitement to your life by sending you back to the Exodus Garden 2A Lost Sector. Yep, that same one you've been farming earlier for the Wolfpack Rounds. But hey, at least you know the way around now. So head back to The Divide and show those Fallen who's boss! Just a heads up though, you're almost at the end of the quest, so try not to break a sweat.

  • Step 9 – Assemble the Weapon

Congratulations! You're almost there! It's time to take all the pieces of your Gjallarhorn and assemble them into the ultimate weapon. But before you rush to Shaw Han for a little chat, take a detour to his base and peek behind a metal wall. That's where you'll find some cabinets waiting for you to interact with and assemble your rocket launcher.

Now that you have your shiny new toy, it's time to unleash its full potential on your enemies! Get ready to wreak some havoc and show off your newfound power in Destiny 2.

  • Step 10 – Shaw Han...

Alright, listen up Guardians! It's time to get your hands on the legendary Gjallarhorn rocket launcher! First, head over to Shaw Han in the Cosmodrome and get ready to embark on an adventure.

Your journey starts with the Grasp of Avarice dungeon, where you'll need to team up with two other players (or two friends if you have any) and complete the dungeon. Don't worry, it's not as hard as some of the other end-game activities, so just have fun and enjoy the loot.

Once you've defeated the final boss, you'll get your hands on the coveted Wolfpack Round. Now, it's time to head back to the Cosmodrome and talk to Shaw again. He'll ask you to gather more Wolfpack Rounds, but don't worry, you won't have to roam around the entire Cosmodrome. Just make your way to The Divide and farm the Exodus Garden 2A Lost Sector until you get all seven rounds.

Take your haul back to Shaw, who will reward you with some rocket parts. Next stop, the Tower, to see Banshee-44, the Gunsmith. Prepare for some traveling and not a lot of doing, but it's all part of the journey.

Banshee will send you back to the Exodus Garden 2A Lost Sector, but this time you'll need to complete it to get the Gjallarhorn pieces. Once you've collected all the pieces, bring them back to Shaw and assemble the weapon behind the small metal wall in his base.

But wait, you're not quite done yet! Talk to Shaw one last time and endure yet another speech before finally getting your hands on the Exotic rocket launcher. Congratulations Guardian, you now have one of the most powerful weapons in the game! Now go out there and show those enemies what you're made of!

Final Words 

Oh boy, let me tell you about the Gjallarhorn perks in Destiny 2. This weapon may have undergone a few changes from its original version, but it's still a beast on the battlefield.

First off, Gjallarhorn's intrinsic perk is called Pack Hunter, which makes it easier to handle and reload when you're near your pals. But here's where it gets really interesting: firing the weapon while Pack Hunter is active gives all nearby allies using non-Exotic rocket launchers a taste of its Exotic perk, Wolfpack Rounds. These little buggers are like piranhas, swarming bosses and other targets and dealing massive damage.

Speaking of Wolfpack Rounds, that's the signature move of Gjallarhorn. When you fire a rocket, it explodes into a bunch of tiny rockets that rain down destruction on anything in their path. It's a sight to behold, and one that will strike fear into the hearts of your enemies.

But wait, there's more! Gjallarhorn has an Exotic Catalyst that can be found in the Grasp of Avarice dungeon. This bad boy increases the magazine size to two and causes any kills made with Wolfpack Rounds to spawn a mega missile. Yes, you read that right - a mega missile.

So get out there, Guardian, and make your enemies tremble with the power of the Gjallarhorn.

Author teodoran
Published 2023-03-31