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Grasp of Avarice Guide


Ahoy there! Let me tell you about the crown jewel of the Bungie 30th Anniversary DLC in Destiny 2 - the Grasp of Avarice dungeon. This high-level activity is all about getting a little too greedy with the Destiny equivalent to crown jewels. So, if you're feeling adventurous and ready to hunt for some of the game's greatest treasures, including the iconic Exotic rocket launcher Gjallarhorn, then this dungeon is calling your name!

To get started, you'll need to make your way down beneath the infamous Loot Cave, a place from the game's distant past. Once you're inside, get ready to uncover plenty of secrets along the way. But beware! This dungeon is not for the faint of heart. You'll need to be prepared for every encounter, and every trap that's marked to get through it successfully.

But fear not, my friend! Below, you'll find a complete guide to the Grasp of Avarice dungeon. It's packed with every detail about every encounter, every trap, and every lore item cataloged. Everything you need to complete the dungeon alone or with your fireteam is right here.

So, gather your courage, sharpen your weapons, and get ready to delve down beneath the Cosmodrome. The Grasp of Avarice dungeon awaits you!

The Entrance

Ahoy there, adventurer! To gain access to the Grasp of Avarice dungeon, you need to grab the Gjallarhorn quest. Don't worry, it's not hidden in some dark corner of the galaxy. You can find it on Xur's vendor screen in his treasure hoard located in the new Eternity location on your Director map (just make sure to check the second page if you can't find it).

Once you have the quest in your sweaty palms, head on over to the Cosmodrome and talk to Shaw Han to advance it. This will create a new Grasp of Avarice node on your Cosmodrome map. Easy peasy, right?

Well, not exactly. To get inside the Grasp of Avarice dungeon, you need to find a way inside the Loot Cave. But here's the catch - the main mechanic of Grasp involves being greedy! As you shoot the enemies streaming out of the cave, they'll drop yellow engrams that look a lot like Exotic engrams. But pick one up, and you'll get the "Burden of Riches" debuff with a timer. When that timer runs out, you'll be pushing up daisies, but don't worry, you can reset it by picking up additional engrams.

Your goal is to grab as many engrams as you can while you clear out the enemies. Then, head into the cave where they spawn and find a white crystal. Stand beside it, and the riches you're carrying (thanks to all those engrams) will be absorbed by the crystal. Voila! You'll lose the debuff (thus keeping you from dying), and the crystal will grow larger. Keep grabbing engrams to raise your Burden of Riches debuff, then stand beside the crystal so it can absorb all your greed and get bigger. When the crystal becomes large enough, it'll flash, signifying that you've satisfied its lust for riches. Congratulations, you've passed the first encounter!

Now, the real fun begins. The entrance to the dungeon proper is a hole in the floor of the Loot Cave, but be prepared for all sorts of traps and challenges on the way down. This is where your fireteam comes in handy, so gather your friends and face the dungeon together.

So, are you ready to get a little greedy and face the Grasp of Avarice dungeon? The Loot Cave is calling your name!

Descending into the Cave

Well, well, well, look who's back for more Grasp of Avarice action! This time we're diving deeper into the cave, and things are about to get puzzling.

First things first, to even get into this crazy dungeon, you gotta have the Gjallarhorn quest, which you can grab from Xur's treasure trove in the new Eternity location. Once you've got that, head to the Cosmodrome and chat with Shaw Han to advance the quest and unlock the Grasp of Avarice node on your map.

Now, to get deeper into the dungeon, you gotta navigate some traps and puzzles. Easy, right? Well, first off, as you enter the next hallway, keep an eye out for Message in a Bottle lore item No. 1. Grab it to learn about the unlucky Guardian, Wilhelm-7, who ventured down here and met his untimely demise.

Next, you'll come across some white crystals and a bridge made of them. Careful not to slip, or you'll be spending your afterlife at the bottom of the cave. Once you've crossed, turn left and look for a crate of blank engrams with Message in a Bottle lore item No. 2.

Now things start to get a little more tricky. You'll reach a room with three doors, but only one of them won't kill you. The door with the arrow signs is a trap, and the one with the skull and crossbones is the real deal. But don't get too excited yet, because there's a pressure plate on the floor that'll trigger yet another trap. Jump over it or use the table on the right to bypass it and push to the back of the room to find a button that'll open the big round hatch in the previous room.

But wait, there's more! Before you go through that hatch, check out the small alcove to the left of the button. You'll find a secret cubby hole with Message in a Bottle lore item No. 3 inside. Collect all three messages to unlock the full story of Wilhelm-7 and his fatal obsession with the treasures of the Grasp of Avarice.

And don't forget, if you're after the Gjallarhorn Exotic catalyst, this room is where you'll find the first chest you need to open. Check out our Gjallarhorn catalyst guide for all the juicy details.

The Trapped Path

So you're stuck in a big cylindrical room with a platform in the middle and a pit below. The catch? The platform falls when you touch it and the button on the far side is boobytrapped. Again. Classic, right?

Here's the deal: jump across the pit to the platform and then jump again to reach the button. But wait, don't press it! Instead, turn around and look beneath the collapsing platform floor on the left. You'll see a hole in the wall you can enter. Jump to that spot and press the button inside to open the way forward.

Now, head back to the first room and exit through the big round hatch that should now be open. You'll find yourself in a room with six round tunnels, each with a fan at the back and pressure plates in front. Five of those plates activate their corresponding fan, sending you flying out of the tunnel to your death. Not ideal.

You want the tunnel that's farthest away and on the right side of the room from where you climbed up--the back-right tunnel. If you touch the right pressure plate, a hatch will open in the ceiling, allowing you to jump out.

The next room is narrow and filled with garbage, so watch your step. Look up and you should see a platform with a blue arrow on it. That arrow marks the location of a pressure plate on the elevated platform, so when you jump up to it, be sure to stay to the right to avoid triggering another trap.

From this platform, jump across to the hole ahead and follow it through until you hit another console with a button. Activate it to open the rotating hatch ahead, letting you into a reservoir with more hatches along the sides. You'll need to fight some enemies in here, while also keeping an eye out for more pressure plates that can activate traps. It's dark, so be careful.

Clear the room and find a button in the back that you can activate, which will cycle the hatches in the area. The room you're in has two hatches, so while the door you entered through will close, another will open to your right.

Back outside in the reservoir, jump across to the next opened hatch on the other side of the room and repeat the process. This should open the hatch directly across from the one you used to exit this room. Enter the room across from you and ignore the button on the console for now. Look for a hole in the ceiling that leads to another room lit from the outside through a window. You'll find a console here that opens the real path forward.

Before you leave the windowed room, look up toward the ceiling. Above one of the ancient computer consoles, you should see a hole in the corner of the room. Leap up to it and slip through to find a Message in a Bottle lore item.

The last button you pressed in the windowed room opened a path behind you, back at the bridge you first crossed when you entered the reservoir. Head back outside and jump over to it, but watch out for some pesky Hive enemies inside. Take them out and proceed through the new hole in the wall. At the back of the Hive room are two doors, and one is definitely boobytrapped. Pick the door on the right to find the path that safely leads forward. And that's how you navigate through the treacherous terrain of this adventure!

The Scorch Cannon Puzzle

Welcome, Guardian! You're about to embark on a thrilling adventure in Destiny 2, so grab your weapons and let's get started.

First things first, you'll find yourself in a cylindrical room with four doors. Don't panic, each door is numbered, and those numbers hold the key to your progress. But wait, there's more! You'll also learn a new mechanic involving Fallen Scorch Cannons that you'll need to employ later on.

To proceed, you'll need to open doors 1 through 3 in sequence. Door 1 has a button console in front of it that will activate Door 2. Once inside, be ready to fight off enemies and watch out for trap pressure plates. You'll find another console in the back of the room, which will unlock Door 3. Clear out the room and find the button to unlock Door 1, where a Vandal with a Scorch Cannon awaits. Take it out and grab the weapon, as you'll need it to progress. But beware, each time you open a new door, enemies will appear, including pesky Hive Wizards that fly around the central room.

Now, before you move on, there's a little secret you won't want to miss. Look for a column between doors 3 and 4 and on the back closest to the curved wall, you'll find a platform with a secret chest. It's just like the chests you find in raids, but it will only give you loot you've already received from within the dungeon. Still, it's worth checking out for new rolls on weapons and armor. Jump on the platform, but be quick, it will fall away a moment after you land.

Next up is Door 4, where you'll find a strange egg-shaped Fallen machine with a hole in the front. This is where your Scorch Cannon comes in handy. Launch your missile into the hole, but don't forget to charge it up by holding down the trigger before releasing it to detonate. If it's not enough to power the machine and open the door, shoot it again. Three uncharged Scorch blasts will do the trick.

Once through Door 4, you'll find a staircase leading up to a hallway and seemingly, a dead end. But wait, don't give up yet. Look on the wall to the right as you enter the hallway for an open door. Watch out for the pressure plate inside and make your way to the back of the room. Here you'll find a white flat piece of wood leaning against the wall. Walk around behind it to find a vent hole in the floor that will lead you to a room with the Message in a Bottle lore item No. 6.

Back in the garage, climb the stack of boxes in the middle of the room to find a hole above them that leads to a ventilation duct. This will drop you into a flooded room with a catwalk on the left side. You'll need to leap across the water to the exit on the far side, but if that seems too daunting, look for some more ruined catwalk hidden in the corner to your right. Hunters might want to equip the ST0MP-EE5 Exotic boots for a little extra boost in clearing the gap.

Finally, you'll reach your first boss encounter, and you might recognize your location from the Devils' Lair Strike where you fight Sepiks Prime. However, you're on the opposite side of the room this time, approaching from a different direction.

There you have it, Guardian! Now, get out there and show those enemies who's boss!

Phry'zhia the Insatiable

Welcome to the exciting world of Destiny 2, where you get to fight some of the toughest bosses in the galaxy. Before you jump across the gap to face off against Phry'zhia, there are a few things you need to know. First, drop a Rally Flag and power yourself up. This fight will require you to use all the mechanics you've learned so far, but don't worry, it's not too tough if you can find some decent cover from the boss.

The ogre is not someone you want to mess with. It will constantly fire its laser eye attack at you, and you can't damage it right away. You're going to need to find some safe spots to avoid getting hit or use tactics like invisibility to avoid taking damage. As you enter the arena, you'll see some Fallen spawning in the back of the room, including a Vandal with a Scorch Cannon. Kill the Vandal and grab the cannon, then look to the sides of the room where you'll find two doors you can power up with Fallen machinery.

It doesn't matter which door you start with, so pick one and enter it. Once inside, you'll find a ton of enemies to kill, and they all drop engrams that give you the Burden of Riches debuff. Gather as many engrams as you can, then head back out into the boss arena and move towards where you jumped across the gap. Don't be afraid to use your Super throughout this encounter, as the engrams you pick up from the Hive enemies will grant you Super energy.

Your goal is to gather as many stacks of Burden of Riches as you can before heading to the white crystal at the front of the room. The crystal can block you from Phry'zhia's attacks as you're waiting for your debuff to fully go away. However, watch out for the Hive Thralls that will stream towards you during this time. You'll need 25 engrams to grow the crystal to its full size. Once you've accomplished this, Phry'zhia's shield will go down, making the ogre vulnerable to damage.

Now it's time for your damage phase! Linear fusion rifles are especially powerful here, especially with the Season of the Lost's Particle Disruption mod equipped. Stasis can also be helpful to keep the boss from messing you up too much, but really, you just want to do as much damage as you can, as fast as you can, with powerful weapons. Stick close to cover on the sides of the room to avoid Phry'zhia wrecking you with its attacks or use Supers such as Well of Radiance to keep you and your team alive.

After a short while, the boss's shield will return, requiring you to repeat the process of gathering engrams again. There's not much more to know about fighting Phry'zhia, and after you've hit it with enough damage, it'll fall, granting you your first dungeon loot drop and opening the way forward.

So, gear up Guardians, and get ready to face off against one of the toughest bosses in the galaxy. With these tips, you'll be well on your way to defeating Phry'zhia and claiming your rewards.

Sparrow Run

Okay, adventurer, let me guide you through a treacherous path to uncover the Message in a Bottle lore item No. 7. First things first, you gotta leave Phry'zhia's arena, just like you normally would if you were there to fight Sepiks Prime. Once you're out, take a left and you'll see a cylindrical tank up ahead. Jump on it and get inside, my friend. That's where the first clue is hiding.

Now, keep moving forward until you reach a dead end in a new area called Rusted Gangplank. Here, you'll find two buttons - one is safe, while the other is trapped. The safe button opens the door to get you out, but hold on, cowboy, don't press it just yet. Choose the left one, and take a second to steady your nerves. That button leads you to a hardcore Sparrow race section of the dungeon, and trust me, you don't want to go into this unprepared.

The Sparrow run is like a rollercoaster ride, but with a twist. You'll have to defuse Fallen mines with super short fuses as you power through at full speed. But don't panic, you don't have to slow down or stop to defuse them, just make sure you cross under them at full speed. Look for the round white and red lights on the ground, which will extend the mine timers slightly, giving you more time to reach them. Your fireteam should split up and hit the lights along the way, making it easier to navigate through the section.

By the way, if you've got the Always On Time sparrow from the Scourge of the Past raid, use it. Enemies will fire on it less, which means less damage to your ride and a better chance of making it through this insane section unscathed. If you don't have it, you can get it from the Monument to Lost Lights in the Tower.

When the door opens, head right to hit your first light, then veer left under the crashed ship to reach Mine A. As you enter the cylindrical crashed colony ship, stay close to the wall on the left and you'll hit the second light. Just be ready to get back in the center of the path to go through the tighter round opening, which will get you to Mine B.

There you have it, my friend! May the odds be ever in your favor.

 Looks like you're ready to embark on a journey to discover some hidden treasures in the Rusted Gangplank area. Don't worry, I'm here to guide you through every step of the way!

To begin, head out of Phry'zhia's arena just like you're heading to fight Sepiks Prime. Hang a left and you'll see a cylindrical tank. Hop on top and inside the tank, and you'll find Message in a Bottle lore item No. 7. Now that you've got that, keep moving forward until you hit a dead end in the Rusted Gangplank area.

In this area, you'll find two buttons - one that's trapped, and one that opens the door to leave. Choose the left button, but don't press it yet. Take a deep breath and prepare yourself for what's to come. This button opens the big door ahead, leading outside into an intense Sparrow race section of the dungeon.

The Sparrow run is quite similar to the one in Scourge of the Past, but with a twist. You'll need to defuse Fallen mines with extremely short fuses as you speed through the course. To make it a bit easier, look for round white and red lights on the ground during the run - crossing over these will extend the mine timers. If you have the Always On Time sparrow from the Scourge of the Past raid, now's the time to use it!

When the door opens, head to the right to hit your first light, then cut left under the crashed ship to reach Mine A. From there, bear left again, going up the rocky wall and back inside the ship ahead. Avoid the right side with the Fallen Walker, unless you're feeling extra brave. You'll hit the third light in the round opening ahead, and Mine C is just beyond in a big, open, rusted-out room.

After Mine C, go through the triangular opening with Fallen enemies standing in it, then bear right, bypassing the ramp in the center of the room. You'll see another ramp ahead of you on the right side of this area, with the fourth light at the end of it. Take the higher one on the left, which will launch you into the skull-faced cave. This will take you past the last light and into Mine D, where you'll have to quickly defuse it before defending yourself against some enemies.

But wait, there's more! Before leaving the skull cave, climb up the crystals along the side to reach the left eyehole above you. You'll find another hidden chest there. From there, drop down to the nose hole and look down into the gap you crossed with your sparrow. You should see a platform well below the skull cave that you can drop down to. When you arrive, turn around and face back toward the skull cave to find Message in a Bottle lore item No. 8 nestled up against the wall, in the shadow of the platform above.

Back in the skull cave, climb up the white crystals to reach the exit on the right side of the room. Don't drop down the shaft yet! Instead, climb up using the crystals to find Message in a Bottle lore item No. 9 against the wall on the large, horizontal crystal above you. It's a bit hidden in shadow, so keep an eye out for it.

And there you have it, Guardian! You've successfully discovered all the hidden treasures in the Rusted Gangplank area. I hope this guide was helpful and that you had some fun along the way! Happy hunting!

The Sunken Lair

Welcome, adventurer! The next encounter of the dungeon awaits you, and this one is involved, but fear not, it's not too difficult. It's a mix of combat and puzzles, and you'll need to use Scorch Cannons to power machinery and grow crystals using collected engrams.

As you descend down the shaft, you'll find yourself in a room made up of several islands with Fallen structures on them. Each island has a big round launcher that can launch you from one outpost to the next, and you can rotate them and aim them at different spots. To power up the launchers, you'll need to use a Scorch Cannon to activate the Fallen power generators. Each outpost has a Vandal wielding a cannon, so you can easily find one.

When you fire a Scorch Cannon blast into a generator, it'll turn on the connected launcher, and you can use the Scorch Cannon's ability to remotely detonate its projectiles to make sure you're in position before the launcher fires up. Just make sure you aim the launcher where you want to go before getting into it, or you might end up in the water below.

Your goal is to destroy the shield on the round metal structure in the center of the room, which looks like a hot air balloon. To do so, you'll need to target four round, lit-up objects around the outside edge of the opening. But you can't take them out with your weapons - you need to launch dead Servitors at those shield generators to destroy them.

The Servitors show up one at a time in random locations around the room, and they're all shielded, so you can't attack them. Start using the launchers to move around the arena until you find a Servitor. When you do, enemies will flood the outpost to attack you, but don't worry, kill them and they'll drop engrams to charge up a nearby crystal.

When you charge up the crystal enough, it'll deactivate the Servitor's shield, allowing you to destroy it. And when you kill the Servitor, you'll be left with its dead, round metal shell, which you need to push to the launcher on your island. Carefully aim the launcher at the shield generator on the hot air balloon above you, and power it up with your Scorch Cannon to fire the shell.

You'll need to repeat this process, moving around the room with the launchers to find and destroy all four Servitors, but it's not too tough. Once you destroy all the shield generators and the Fallen Shield is no more, head to the center island to claim your loot from the chest.

But before you leave, don't forget to explore the left side of the room, where you'll find Message in a Bottle lore item No. 10. And on the central island, you can find another Message in a Bottle lore item No. 11 by checking beneath the platform with the building on it.

Finally, adjust the launcher on the center island and use it to fire yourself up to the top. Congratulations, you've made it to Wilhelm's Hoard, the final phase of the dungeon, where the last boss fight awaits you. So gear up, get ready for battle, and show that boss who's boss!

Captain Avarokk The Covetous

Welcome to the fight against Avarokk, where you'll need to use all your skills to come out on top! But before you charge into the center of the room, take a moment to look around and assess the situation. You're in for a challenge as this room uses two unique mechanics: the Burden of Riches engram and the Scorch Cannon generator. Your objective is to collect engrams from boxes located on the walls of the ship, using a charged Scorch Cannon on one of three generators attached to the big rings in the center of the room.

Once you have your engrams, make your way to the center of the room where Avarokk is waiting for you. Your goal is to grow the crystal near him with 60 engrams to deactivate his shields and make him vulnerable. But beware, Avarokk won't make it easy for you! He'll blast you as you try to grow the crystal, and the room will periodically flood with Dregs who can quickly overwhelm you.

To make matters worse, Avarokk has two tough helpers in the center of the room: R-M80, a flying sniper shank, and Grisprax, a Fallen Marauder. Both of these elite enemies can deal a ton of damage, so it's essential to eliminate them first. Focus on R-M80, as its sniping ability can be deadly. Once it's down, deal with Grisprax, who will likely be invisible on the central platform.

With both enemies defeated, you're free to wipe out the Dregs and gather more engrams to activate Avarokk's damage phase. Remember, charging into the center of the room without a plan is a recipe for disaster. So, take your time, assess the situation, and work together with your fireteam to take down Avarokk and his helpers.

Get ready for a challenge, Guardian, but with some quick thinking and a steady aim, you can emerge victorious!

Alright, let's break down the final steps to defeating Avarokk and clearing the Grasp of Avarice dungeon. First things first, after you deal some damage to Avarokk, both R-M80 and Grisprax will respawn, meaning you'll need to take them down again. It's like playing a game of whack-a-mole, but with killer robots and aliens.

The key to survival here is to get away from the center of the room and find some cover to hide behind. It's a good idea to use your Well of Radiance ability to absorb Avarokk's attacks during the damage phase. That way, you can focus on pounding away at him without worrying about becoming a space popsicle.

Invisibility is also a great asset during this phase, especially when you're headed to the crystal with Burden of Riches. Avarokk will be relentless in his attacks as you try to shake off the debuff, so use the crystal as cover and run around it to avoid his stomping attacks.

Repeat these steps until you've dealt enough damage to Avarokk to defeat him and complete the dungeon. The final moments of the dungeon reveal the fate of Wilhelm-7, so don't forget to check out your final loot drop. Look inside the box that opens at the end, and you'll find Message in a Bottle lore item No. 12. Not to mention, completing the challenge will earn you the "Richest Dead Man Alive" Triumph and the Hraesvelgur ornament for Gjallarhorn.

While you can earn a full set of armor by completing Grasp of Avarice on normal difficulty, don't forget that tackling the dungeon on Master difficulty will net you Artifice armor pieces that offer an extra mod slot. It's like getting a shiny bonus on top of your already sweet reward. So, gear up and get ready for a challenge!

Grasp of Avarice Guide & Boosting

Destiny 2 is the kind of game that gets your heart racing and your palms sweaty - it's challenging, exciting, and just plain fun. But, let's face it, sometimes we all need a little help. That's where Destiny 2 Boosting Services come in.

These services are provided by seasoned players who can help you level up, conquer a tough task, hone your skills, or do pretty much anything else you need help with in Destiny 2. And the best part? You have two options - the player can either log in to your account and complete the task for you, or they can play alongside you to help you accomplish your goal.

One of the biggest challenges in Destiny 2 is the Grasp of Avarice dungeon, but fear not! With our guide, you'll know how to handle all the enemies and puzzles that await you. And if you ever need a little extra help, remember that Shattered Throne Boosting Services are always available to lend a hand.

So don't give up when the going gets tough in Destiny 2. With the help of Grasp of Avarice Boosting Services, you'll be able to conquer any challenge that comes your way. And who knows? You might even become a seasoned player yourself one day. Good luck, Guardian!

Author teodoran
Published 2023-03-28