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Destiny 2 Harbinger Mission Overview

Destiny 2 Harbinger Mission 

Bungie’s Destiny 2 got an interesting new activity from one of the updates of the game. Usually we were expecting some bug fixes and things like that but we got much more. It is a hidden mission called “Harbinger” and it was added for all Season of the Hunt players. This new mission is very platform heavy and it will test your jumping, double-jumping and gliding skills to the max. Don’t worry tho, because at the end of it, you will be awarded with two randomly rolled exotic hand cannons (only on your first run) called “Hawkmoon”.

Destiny 2 Harbinger Mission - cover

How To Start The Mission.

First of all, there is no point looking on the map for the mission, it is not there! What you want to do instead is to go to the EDZ (more specifically Trostland). On the opposite side of the church, near the Maevic’s Square entrance, you should look for a building that has a bird sitting on the side of the wall. Jump there and start searching for the fireplace. If there is not a hole there, try shooting it and the entrance will open. You will have to enter the hole and then start searching for the button that starts the mission.

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Destiny 2 Harbinger Mission Is Not That Easy!

Let us start with that, that there are two exotic rewards waiting for you in this mission. The first is the exotic hand cannon called “Hawkmoon”, that every time drops with random perks and the second is a new exotic ship. We know everything about the gun, finish the mission and get two Hawkmoons (only for the first run) with random perks from the last chest. Let us talk about the exotic ship now. To get it you will have to collect these feathers of light that are scattered throughout the map. Some of them can be found on the ground or behind items, others can drop from minibosses (defeat the three Emissaries) and you get some from the end chest. Of course, you will have to kill the final boss for the third one lol.

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Do not think that this mission is anything easy that you can sprint through in couple of minutes. The recommended power level for the Harbinger quest is 1270, putting it above the Deep Stone Crypt raid in terms of a challenge and about the same level as the Legend and Master Lost Sector. It is very possible to get lost in some of the hallways on your first run, so take it slow. Also you will have to bring you’re A game in the jumping sections of the mission, those places can be brutal at times. Watch out for some of the encounters, there are many enemies that will give you a hell of a challenge and the fact that most of the times you are fighting in small spaces makes it even worse. Going solo is only recommended to pro players that have mastered the game and understand perfectly how every mechanic works.

Destiny 2 Harbiger Mission - pic

Here Are Some Tips From Us.

  • When you reach big open areas – always look around and search for a platforms to jump on. There is one instance, where the platform is right under you. Keep your eyes opened.
  • For the jumping sections – our advice is to practice your jumping skills somewhere safe before starting the mission. There will be places that can test your patience and probably make you rage really bad.
  • Go in with your friends the first time. Many enemies will be hard to kill and standing on a small platform while doing it won’t help either. Also, there is a place where you will have to defend from waves of normal enemies, minibosses and big bosses. Having other guardians with you will be a huge help.

What We Think About The Destiny 2 Harbinger Mission?

Overall, this is a very interesting mission that everyone should play and try to beat. It can be hard at times but if you are with your buddies, it won’t be that difficult. We think that this is a great addition to the game and we can not wait to see what is next. To the guardians that are struggling with this mission, we have a solution for you. Simply choose one of our Destiny 2 Boosting services and we will help you by clearing the mission, boss, raid or whatever you need. Now go try the Harbinger mission guardian.

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Author Heisenberg
Published 2023-04-07