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King's Fall Raid Guide

Greetings, Guardian! It's time to delve into one of the most epic raids in Destiny 2 history: King's Fall. This bad boy is so good, Bungie decided to resurrect it from the original Destiny for the Season of Plunder. Can you hear the battle cry of your fireteam? Let's go!

In this guide, we're going to break down each of King's Fall's encounters and help you take on Oryx like the boss you are. We'll include screenshots and examples, because let's face it, nobody likes a wall of text. And if that's not enough for you, we've got some video guides linked below that are so helpful, you'll wonder how you ever played without them.

So what's the deal with King's Fall? Well, you and your team are going to assault Oryx's Dreadnaught from The Taken King expansion, hunt down the big man himself, and commit regicide. Yup, you read that right - you're going to take down the titular monarch. But don't worry, you've got this. You're a Guardian, after all.

So grab your weapons, load up on ammo, and get ready for the fight of your life. King's Fall awaits, and the loot is just waiting for you to claim it. Let's do this!

The Court of Oryx

Ah, the Court of Oryx. This is where the fun really starts. To get there, head to the Legends tab and look up by Strikes, Gambit, and Crucible. You'll find the King's Fall raid node waiting for you. Select it, load up the activity, and prepare to enter the Hall of Souls. Are you ready?

Once you're in, you'll find yourself in a triangle-shaped room with a long hallway ahead of you, flanked by doorways on either side. There are two lanterns with Relics sitting on top before the hallway. You know what to do - grab a Relic and carry it forward. But wait! A group of enemies and a Taken door have appeared. Shoot the Blight, open the door, and kill the enemies. Now, dunk the Relic in the glowing Thrall statue on the right. But don't get too comfortable, because things are about to get a little more complicated.

It's time to split up your team. Divide them into three groups of two:

  • Two Guardians to defend the current room
  • Two Guardians to go right
  • Two Guardians to go left

The defenders have the easiest job - kill enemies and shoot out the Taken Blights. But the right and left Guardians are on a mission to collect more Relics. Only one Relic spawns per side, so it's best to have a designated carrier and escort in each duo.

When both carriers are ready, have them count down and grab the Relic at the same time. This will spawn a horde of Taken, which the escort will need to kill for the Relic carrier. The escort will also need to shoot out the Taken Blights blocking the doorway back to the Thrall statue hallway.

Now, here's the tricky part. With the help of the escorts and the middle Guardians, both Relic carriers need to return to the Thrall hallway statue and dunk within five seconds of each other. But as soon as one Guardian picks up a Relic, a timer starts ticking down. If it hits zero, the Relics will respawn and you'll have to do it all over again. Yikes!

Bring six sets of Relics (including the first two) to the six Thrall statues to open the King's Fall raid. Once you've done that, a few enemies will spawn near the portal in front of you. Take them out, jump in the portal, and bask in the glory of your first taste of King's Fall loot. You earned it, Guardian.

Tomb Ships

Ahoy Guardians! Are you ready for the greatest jumping puzzle in Destiny history? It's time to gear up and put on your jumping boots, because we're about to take on the Tomb Ships.

First things first, jump over those swinging urns and make your way forward until you reach the enemies and the Tomb Ship. Wait for your fellow Guardians to catch up, and when everyone is ready, it's time to jump on the Tomb Ship together. Hold on tight and enjoy the ride!

Once you arrive at the next ship, jump on it diagonally and face the direction that it's moving. From there, you'll need to make a series of jumps onto the following Tomb Ships: right, forward, and then onto the platform to get a checkpoint.

Now for the tricky part - jump onto the Tomb Ship that spawns to your right and make the following jumps in order: forward, skip the next ship and hang left to avoid it, forward, forward, forward, and finally forward again (don't panic, this last ship doesn't spawn until the last second).

Phew, you made it! Jump off onto the final platform with the enemies to finish this section. Continue around the corner to find another ship, but this time leave two players behind to stand on the plates on the left and right side of the platform. The rest of the team can safely ride across. On the other side, stand on the two plates to lower the barrier and send the remaining two players back over to join the team.

Now that we've made it through the Tomb Ships, it's time to take on King's Fall's first real encounter: Totems (Basilica). Let's show Oryx what we're made of, Guardians!

The Totems (Basilica)

Ahoy Guardian! So you've reached the Totems, one of the most classic Destiny clockwork raid encounters, where every player gets to do every job. It's time to put your skills to the test!

The encounter begins in a room with stairs leading down to a large plate, sitting in front of a massive door flanked by two balconies with runes running along the side. Your mission is to deposit a buff called "Deathsinger's Power" in the center plate, charging up the runes on the door, and ultimately opening it to Warpriest.

To get the job done, split your team into two groups of three: team left and team right. Assign each Guardian a position: Brand Holder, Plate Defender, or Brand Claimer. But don't get too comfy in one spot because you'll need to rotate through each job. Brand Holders will become Plate Defenders, then Brand Claimers, then Brand Holders again, and so on.

It's like a game of Destiny musical chairs, except the stakes are higher, and you can't just sit out. Every Guardian needs to perform each job as their allies on their side are completing their tasks, making sure the well-oiled machine runs smoothly.

First up, Brand Holders. These brave souls must pick up the glowing ball of energy that spawns in the back of the room and hold onto it until it disappears, then pass it to their ally on the other side of the room. But wait, there's more! Brand Holders must also watch out for Vessel, a meanie that spawns on the opposite side of the room and needs to be killed before it reaches the plate.

Plate Defenders stand on the plates, charging them up and activating the runes on the door. But don't get too comfy on the plate, as you'll need to help your Brand Holder allies by shooting at the Vessel.

Finally, Brand Claimers grab the buff from the center plate and bring it back to their starting position, activating a new set of plates to keep the machine running.

With everyone working together, you'll have the door to Warpriest open in no time. Get ready for some more clockwork raid fun!


Ah, the Totems encounter! It's a classic raid experience in Destiny that requires coordination, communication, and a little bit of bravery.

First things first, you'll need to split your team into two groups of three: team left and team right. Each group will have a Brand Holder, a Plate Defender, and a Brand Claimer. But don't get too comfortable in your starting positions, as you'll be rotating through each job throughout the encounter.

Now, to start the fight, you and your fellow Brand Holder will need to pick up the Brand simultaneously. Make sure you count down properly, or you'll end up looking like a fool holding the Brand by yourself. And trust us, that's not a good look.

With the Brand in hand, it's time to run through the poison and stand on the Annihilator Totem plate at the end of your room. Don't forget, if nobody is standing on the Totem for too long, everyone will die. And your non-Brand Holder buddies will take poison damage while in the Annihilator Totem rooms, so make sure they're covered.

Once you're in position, it's time to get down to business and start taking out enemies. Each kill will give you and your team stacks of Deathsinger's Power, but be warned, the Brand has a timer. You'll need to kill as many enemies as possible before the Brand expires, or it's lights out for you.

When your time is almost up, it's time to pass the torch to your Brand Claimer buddy. Make sure they're ready to take the buff from you, or you'll end up being an unwilling martyr. But don't worry, you have enough time to meet them halfway as long as they move fast.

Once the Brand Claimer has the buff, it's time to head back to the middle of the room and stand on the big plate. From here, you'll repeat the process until you charge up the runes on the door and open it to Warpriest. Easy, right? Just remember, teamwork makes the dream work.


Ah, the Plate Defenders, the unsung heroes of the Totems encounter. While Brand Holders and Brand Claimers get all the attention, Plate Defenders just stand around killing enemies, right? Not so fast, Guardian!

As a Plate Defender, your primary role is to ensure the safety of your team. Sure, killing enemies may seem like a mundane task, but it's crucial to keep the team alive. So don't just stand there idly, take out those pesky Wizards and Knights that are harassing your Brand Holder friend.

But don't think your job ends there, Plate Defenders. Once you've had your turn as a Brand Holder and racked up some Deathsinger's Power, it's your turn to shine. Run to the middle plate and stand on it, depositing all that power and charging up the door to the Warpriest.

Now, if you're feeling particularly bold, feel free to jump up onto the balcony and help out your Brand Claimer friend. But be warned, an Unstoppable Ogre is waiting for you in front of that middle plate. So make sure you're prepared with anti-Champion mods and weapons.

Remember, Plate Defenders, you may not get the recognition you deserve, but your role is vital to the success of the team. So stand your ground, take out those enemies, and deposit that Deathsinger's Power like a pro.


So, you've made it to the Brand Claimer part of the Totems encounter! This job might seem like the easiest, but it's actually crucial to the success of the raid.

Your first task as a Brand Claimer is to take out the pesky Hive Wizard that spawns on your balcony. It's like playing a game of whack-a-mole, but instead of moles, you're hitting a space-magic-wielding Hive Wizard.

Once you've dispatched the Wizard, get ready to face the Taken Blightguard Knight that spawns in the middle of the platform. This Knight is no joke, so make sure you bring your A-game and some heavy firepower. Take it down, and a power-up will spawn in the middle of the balcony.

And what's this power-up, you ask? It's the Brand Claimer, of course! Pick it up and run to your Brand Holder, who should be waiting patiently on their Annihilator Totem. While standing in their bubble, press and hold the interact button to steal the Brand from them and reset the timer.

Now you're the Brand Holder, and it's your turn to wreak havoc on the enemies. Don't forget to coordinate with your fellow Guardians and rotate through each job. And remember, communication is key!

Ah, the Totems encounter. One of the classic Destiny raid challenges that requires teamwork and coordination like a synchronized swimming routine. You start in a room with stairs leading down to a large plate, which is like a big shiny button that activates the giant door with runes on it. So, how do you open it? By depositing a buff called "Deathsinger's Power" on the plate and charging up the runes.

Now, to get that buff, you need to split your team into two groups of three and assign each player a job: Brand Holder, Plate Defender, or Brand Claimer. But wait, there's a catch. You'll be rotating through all three roles, like a game of musical chairs. So, everyone gets to do every job. Yay, variety!

If you start as a Brand Holder, your task is to grab the Brand from the edge of your room, jump into the poison, and stand on the Annihilator Totem plate. Meanwhile, your teammates will be killing enemies to charge up Deathsinger's Power. Don't forget, if no one's standing on the Annihilator Totem for too long, everyone dies. So, don't be a slacker!

As the Brand Holder, you have a limited time to kill enemies and get as many stacks of Deathsinger's Power as possible before your Brand Claimer friend relieves you. Make sure to pass the buff before it expires and kills you. No pressure.

Now, if you're a Plate Defender, your job is to hang back, relax, and let your teammates do the heavy lifting. You can help by killing the pesky Wizard and Knights that spawn on the balcony, but try not to steal their kills. Rude.

But, when it's your turn to be a Brand Holder, make sure to deposit your Deathsinger's Power on the big plate in the middle of the room. You don't want to hold onto that power forever. It's like holding in a sneeze, uncomfortable and pointless.

Finally, the Brand Claimer. Your job is to kill the Wizard on the balcony, summon a Taken Blightguard Knight, and slay it too. Then, a power-up will spawn on the balcony, which you can use to steal the Brand from your teammate and start your own killing spree. Sharing is caring, but stealing is more fun.

Once you've completed enough cycles and deposited enough Deathsinger's Power, the Warpriest will open the giant door and challenge you to a real boss fight. Don't forget to grab your loot before rushing in. It's like getting your diploma before entering the real world.


Welcome to the Warpriest's arena, Guardian! Get ready to face your first real boss, but first, let's get organized. You'll need a team of Plate Holders, Knight Slayers, and an enemy clear person. Once you've got your crew assembled, assign your Plate Holders to their posts and pair them up with non-Plate Holders to take on the opening wave of enemies.

Once you're ready, it's time to start the fight by having all three Plate Holders step on their plates at the same time. Then, get ready to take on waves of Hive enemies, with Major Knights spawning in each of the three quadrants. Once you've taken them all out, the Glyph Reading Sequence will begin.

Now, here's where those giant pillars and plates come in handy. The Glyph Reading Sequence will reveal a sequence of runes on the pillars, and you'll need to match them up by having your Plate Holders stand on their plates in the correct order. It's like a giant game of Simon Says, but with more alien monsters trying to kill you.

Once you've successfully matched the sequence, the Warpriest will appear on stage, and it's time to take him down. But watch out for his abilities, like the Aura of the Initiate that can kill you if you're not careful. Keep working together with your team, and with a little bit of luck (and maybe a lot of firepower), you'll emerge victorious and ready to tackle the next challenge.


Welcome, Guardian! Let's talk about how to take down the Warpriest. You've made it to the cramped arena where the boss will spawn and attack. The key to this fight is teamwork and communication.

First things first, you need to assign roles to your team. You'll want three Plate Holders for the right, middle, and left plates, two Knight Slayers, and one person to clear out enemies. Once you've got everyone assigned, send the Plate Holders to their designated plate and pair them up with the other players to tackle the opening phase of the fight.

When everyone is ready, the Plate Holders should step on their plate at the same time to start the fight. Your team will have to clear several waves of Hive and then take down three Major Knights that spawn in each of the three quadrants.

Once you've taken out all three Knights, the Glyph Reading Sequence will begin. Clear your voice comms and have the middle Plate Holder step onto their plate. They will see a glowing pillar, which denotes who will start the sequence. The middle Plate Holder should call out the pillar they saw, even if it's the middle one, then step off their plate. The called Plate Holder should step on their plate, and the sequence will continue until all three Plate Holders are on their plate in the correct order. The third Plate Holder will acquire the Brand of the Initiate.

Now comes the fun part. Everyone should group up under the lip of the raised platform on the right and start shooting the Warpriest with precision weapons like Linear Fusion Rifles and Divinity. Supers like Gathering Storm and Nova Bomb are also great options.

Here's the catch: the Brand of the Initiate only lasts 15 seconds, which is not enough time to take down the boss. You need your Knight Slayers to step in and do their job. They'll need to grab the Relic from the middle and use it to kill the Knight that spawns on the corresponding plate. This will extend the timer for the Brand of the Initiate, allowing your team to do more damage to the Warpriest.

Don't forget to stay coordinated and communicate with your team. With a little bit of strategy and some good shooting, you'll take down the Warpriest in no time. Good luck, Guardian!


Are you ready to take down the Warpriest? After surviving the Totem encounter, you'll enter the Warpriest's arena, featuring three giant pillars with runes and corresponding plates, as well as a massive stage at the front. This fight requires some serious coordination and strategy, but don't worry, we've got you covered!

First things first, assign roles to your team. You'll need three Plate Holders, two Knight Slayers, and one general enemy clear person. Send your Plate Holders to their assigned plate, and pair them up with non-Plate Holder players to take out the opening wave of Hive enemies.

Once you're ready to start the fight, each Plate Holder should step on their plate simultaneously. Get ready for some serious Hive combat! Waves of Hive enemies will spawn, followed by Major Knights in each of the three quadrants. Once you've defeated all three knights, the Glyph Reading Sequence will begin.

Here's where things get tricky. The middle Plate Holder will step on their plate and call out the glowing pillar. The called Plate Holder then steps on their plate, followed by the next and finally the third Plate Holder. Get the order right, and the third Plate Holder will acquire the Brand of the Initiate.

Now, it's time to deal some damage to the Warpriest. Gather your team under the raised platform on the right and start shooting! You'll need to do this quickly though because the Brand of the Initiate only lasts 15 seconds. But don't worry, your Knight Slayers are here to save the day!

Choose one of your Knight Slayers to go first, while the other joins the team to deal damage. The first Slayer must kill a Taken Knight on either the right, middle, or left side of the map. Once the Knight is dead, the Slayer will grab the Brand Claimer buff and run back to the team.

Before the first Slayer steals the Brand, the second Slayer should leave the group and take out the other Knight. Both Slayers should wait until the Brand has just a second or two left before stealing it to continue the damage phase and save their teammates' lives.

After two extensions, the Brand of the Initiate will fall off your second Knight Slayer without dealing lethal damage. When the damage phase ends, gather behind one of the pillars to protect your team from the giant Taken Blight.

Congratulations! You've successfully defeated the Warpriest! Time to bask in the glory of your victory and move on to the next challenge.

The Warpriest, a notorious headache-inducer for many Guardians. But fear not, for with the right strategy, you'll make it through this encounter without a single gray hair. Let's break it down, shall we?

First off, you'll need to activate the Glyph Reading Sequence. Get everyone on their assigned plates, but make sure to clear the voice comms beforehand. You don't want anyone's chattering to mess things up.

Once the sequence begins, the middle Plate Holder should step on their plate and identify the glowing pillar. Shout it out, then step off the plate to let the next player step on theirs. Rinse and repeat until all players have activated their plates in the correct order. Congrats, you've now acquired the Brand of the Initiate!

But don't get too comfortable, as the Brand only lasts for 15 seconds. This is where your Knight Slayers come in. Choose one of your two Knight Slayers to go first, while the other joins the team to deal damage. The first Slayer should quickly seek out a Taken Knight and slay it. They'll then need to grab the Brand Claimer buff again and run back to the team. The Brand of the Initiate holder should count down their remaining time and when it gets to one, hold the interact button to pass it on.

Before the first Slayer passes the Brand, the second Slayer should leave the group and seek out the other Knight. Follow the same process as the first Slayer and wait until the Brand just has a second or two left. Steal it when it's low to continue the damage phase even further and save your first Slayer.

Remember to only destroy one pillar at a time to extend the fight as long as possible. You can take up to four damage phases to kill the Warpriest as long as you use one pillar per phase. If you survive the Warpriest's deadly wrath and emerge victorious, claim your spoils and venture through the portal behind the boss to face Golgoroth's maze. Good luck, Guardian!

Golgoroth's Maze

Ah, Golgoroth’s maze, the bane of many Guardians’ existence. Don’t worry, though, ChatGPT’s got your back. While the maze may be dark and twisty, the path is actually pretty straightforward if you follow these simple directions:

  1. Move forward from the giant lantern-thing you find after the Warpriest’s portal.
  2. Take a right at the first turn.
  3. Take a left at the second turn.
  4. Take another left at the third turn.
  5. Take a right at the fourth turn.
  6. Finally, go straight ahead until you reach the end of the maze.

Simple, right? Just don’t get distracted by the glowing eyes in the dark, or the sound of Taken whispers in your ear.

Once you’ve successfully navigated the maze, you’ll come across two big Knights and a door. Take out the Knights and gather your fireteam at the door. This will open the way to Golgoroth’s lair, where you’ll face even more challenges and earn even greater rewards. Good luck, Guardian!


Alright, here's my attempt at rewriting the text in an informative and engaging, but also a little bit humorous style:

Listen up, Guardians! We're about to face Golgoroth, the super gross Ogre with spider arms coming out of his back. But don't worry, we've got a plan!

First things first, divide your team into four Damage Dealers and two Tanks. You gotta have some muscle to take this guy down. Once you're ready to start the fight, spread out around the arena and aim for the little ball hanging over the pit. Shoot it like you're trying to impress your ex-girlfriend at a carnival and watch as Golgoroth spawns in all his slimy glory.

Now, just like with Warpriest, it's time to do some spring cleaning. Run around the room and kill all the enemies like it's the last day of school and you're finally free. Once you've cleared out the riffraff, it's time to focus on the big guy.

Golgoroth is a speedy encounter, so you gotta stay sharp. The key is to break him down into six health sections, and that's where your Damage Dealers come in. They gotta shoot those weak points like they're playing a game of darts at the pub.

Meanwhile, your two Tanks gotta take turns grabbing Golgoroth's attention like they're trying to win a staring contest with him. This will give your Damage Dealers the chance to shoot those weak points and deal some serious damage.

Keep doing this dance until Golgoroth is no more. And remember, teamwork makes the dream work, so stay focused and have some fun!


Ah, Golgoroth's chamber. It's time to face the super gross Ogre with spider arms coming out of his back. This encounter requires a lot of focus, so break up your team into four Damage Dealers and two Tanks. Now, let's get started.

First, shoot the little ball hanging over the pit to spawn Golgoroth. Then, run around the room and kill all the enemies. Return to the entrance and wait for your first Tank player to take Golgoroth's Gaze. Shoot down the bubble on the left side of the pit as fast as you can, and have all the Damage Dealers jump into the glowing white spot it leaves behind. This is the Pool of Reclaimed Light, and everyone should see the buff on their screen.

While in the pool, aim for Golgoroth's stomach, not his head. Linear Fusion Rifles work great here, just like with Warpriest. Keep attacking until your second Tank player takes Golgoroth's Gaze. Then, shoot down the bubble hanging from the ceiling to the right and move to the new Pool of Reclaimed Light it leaves behind.

Repeat this process each time the Tanks switch Golgoroth's Gaze, and follow the zigzag pattern of the bubbles. After the sixth bubble, jump out of the pit. Simple, right?

Now, there's one other thing you need to watch out for. Each Pool of Reclaimed Light will select one player to get a debuff called Unstable Light. After a countdown, the player will explode and kill any Guardians nearby. Yikes! If you get Unstable Light, wait for the countdown timer to get low and leave the pool so you can explode away from your friends. But hey, this can actually be an opportunity for damage! Getting close to Golgoroth when you explode will deal a huge chunk of damage. Use this to your advantage and speed up your kills.

And that's it! Defeat Golgoroth and claim your loot. Onto the next challenge!


Welcome to Golgoroth's chamber, Tank! You might not get to shoot the boss, but your role is the most crucial. You're in charge of keeping the super gross Ogre with spider arms coming out of his back distracted. Don't worry, we'll tell you everything you need to know.

First, choose which Tank of the two of you will go first and grab a fast-firing weapon, like a submachine gun or a machine gun. When your team is ready, position yourself on one of the walkway platforms in the middle of the room. This is the perfect spot to shoot Golgoroth's pulsating tumor on the back of his head and grab his gaze.

If he's not looking your way, shooting the tumor is easy-peasy. But if he's eye-beaming you, ask your friends to shoot him in the backside to grab his attention. Just make sure they don't hit the tumor!

Once you have his gaze, it's time to signal your Damage Dealers to break their bubble. Run around the arena until they're between you and Golgoroth, giving them a clear shot at his belly. All you have to do now is shoot the Axiom Darts he'll send your way and keep an eye on your Golgoroth's Gaze debuff timer.

When your timer has about one or two seconds remaining, it's time to pass the gaze to the second Tank. Then, like you did before, they'll reposition themselves to give their team a good shot at the boss. Repeat this process six times, or until your team has taken down Golgoroth.

As a Tank, there are a few things you can do to make the raid go more smoothly:

If you don't have the Gaze, join your team in the Pool of Reclaimed Light to deal some damage. Just be careful not to get greedy, and watch out for the Unstable Light debuff. Take out the enemies that spawn while you don't have the Gaze. They can be a pain in the butt for your teammates. Help your team break the next bubble when the other Tank takes the Gaze from you. And, finally, keep an eye on the Totem at the back of the room. It gains a charge for every bubble your team doesn't use in a damage phase. If it reaches six stacks, it'll explode and wipe the raid. No pressure!

So you've finally defeated Golgoroth, the big bad ogre who's been giving you and your team some serious grief. Congratulations, you've made it past one of Destiny's toughest challenges! But don't get too comfortable just yet, because now you've got to tackle Destiny's most infamous jumping puzzle.

But before we get to that, let's talk about the loot. Take a moment to bask in the glory of your victory and collect your hard-earned rewards. Who knows, maybe you'll even get that sweet exotic you've been hoping for.

Now, onto the jumping puzzle. It's a test of skill, patience, and a little bit of luck. You'll need to jump from platform to platform, carefully avoiding gaps and obstacles along the way. It can be a bit of a nightmare, but don't worry, you've got this. Just take a deep breath, channel your inner parkour master, and make those jumps count.

If you're feeling extra adventurous, try to race your friends to the end. Who knows, you might even set a new record. But don't get too cocky, because if you fall off, you'll have to start all over again. And trust us, no one wants to do that.

So there you have it, Guardians. You've defeated Golgoroth, collected your loot, and conquered Destiny's most infamous jumping puzzle. Take a moment to revel in your victory, but don't get too comfortable, because there's always another challenge waiting for you in the world of Destiny.

The Dick Wall

Congratulations on defeating the spider Ogre! Now, prepare yourself for the next challenge: the infamous jumping puzzle known as The Dick Wall. Yes, you read that right.

As you enter the room, you'll immediately notice the dozens of phallic pistons that shoot out of the wall at random intervals. If you're not careful, you'll be launched across the room at breakneck speed and into the opposite wall. And trust me, no one wants that.

So, head left and avoid the pistons. Make your way down to a plate, and have one team member stand on it. This will spawn two platforms leading across the room. Send the rest of the team ahead and have them stand on the plates they come across. Keep repeating this until someone is standing on all four plates. Once this happens, the path will solidify, and everyone can catch up.

But wait, there's more! Now you'll find yourself on a different part of The Dick Wall. Jump along the edges and up until you reach a massive door. When everyone is together, the door will open, revealing a short vertical jumping puzzle. Complete it, and then stand by yet another door. When it opens, you'll finally be in the final chamber where you'll face Oryx's daughters and the Taken King himself.

Just remember, take it slow, watch out for the phallic pistons, and try not to get launched into oblivion. Good luck, Guardian!

Daughters of Oryx

Welcome to the Daughters of Oryx! Don't let their sweet name fool you, they are the prelude to the king and the mechanics you'll learn from this fight will come in handy for the final boss.

Let's set the scene first. You'll find yourself at the back of a large rectangular room with six raised platforms. Two of those platforms are occupied by the daughters of Oryx and you can't stand on them. The other four platforms are crucial for the fight, so make sure to communicate clearly with your team about callouts and positions.

Divide your team into four Plate Holders and two Floaters. Each Plate Holder should be assigned to a plate, and the Floaters should cover the front and back of the room. When the fight starts, shoot the Knight on one of the plates to begin.

Once the fight starts, one of the daughters will start singing the Dirge of Unraveling, which lasts for about two minutes. Your team will need to complete the mechanics within one and a half minutes if you want to deal damage or two minutes if you just want to survive. Otherwise, the entire raid will be killed if the daughter finishes her song before you steal one of their immunity bubbles.

To start the fight, work with your team to kill the Knight on the plate. When it's dead, the player who owns the plate should jump up on it, causing one random player on the team (excluding the person currently on their plate) to become Torn Between Dimensions. The Torn Between Dimensions player won't be able to shoot or attack and will instead need to collect a special item to progress the fight.

The Torn Between Dimensions player should join the Plate Holder on the Knight plate, and both players will see a Taken orb floating above one of the other plates. Call out the plate to the group, and ask the plate's owner to jump up. If the Torn Between Dimensions player is the owner of the next plate, the Floater assigned to that half of the room should jump up instead.

If you do this correctly, you'll have two Plate Holders standing on plates, and the Torn Between Dimensions player. When everyone is in position, a pathway will appear in the sky that only the Torn Between Dimensions player can interact with. Send the Torn Between Dimensions player along the path until they reach the Taken Orb.

When they run through it, you'll get a notification that "a piece of the Blightguard has been found." Everyone needs to get off their plates immediately. A new Knight will spawn on a plate, and you'll need to repeat this process two more times.

On the third time, the Torn Between Dimensions player will need to pick up the Brand Claimer buff, allowing them to steal one of the Daughter's protective bubbles. After stealing the bubble, have your team group up on the other Daughter's platform.

You won't be able to stand next to the other boss, so stand with your team on the little step jutting off of the other boss's pillar. This should give you a clear, diagonal angle of the vulnerable Daughter. You'll have until the singing sister finishes her song to deal damage to the vulnerable one. The faster you do the plate platforming, the more time you'll have to deal damage.

Killing each daughter is easy if your team has access to both the Divinity and Gjallarhorn Exotics. If not, equip linear fusion rifles and consider getting the Exotics as soon as you finish the raid. When both daughters are dead, repeat the entire fight from the beginning, alternating which sister you damage. Then you'll move on to their father.

So, are you ready to take on the Daughters of Oryx?

Oryx, The Taken King

Attention Guardians! It's time to put on your game faces because we have some exciting news. Remember when we told you about Oryx's children and how to take them down? Well, the good news is, the same tactics will work against Oryx himself. So, send your teammates to the same positions as before, with four Plate Holders and two Floaters, and get ready for the ultimate showdown.

But wait, there's a surprise waiting for you. Oryx is not just a bigger version of his children. He'll appear from under the platform, glaring at you with his beady eyes, and four Taken Knights will spawn on each plate. Take them down to get the party started!

Once the Knights are defeated, Oryx will move to one of the four plates around the room, smashing his fist down where he stops. Remember, this smash is fatal if you remain under it, so steer clear of the plate. After Oryx removes his fist, the plate will glow green. This is the signal that the plate is the starting position for the Torn Between Dimensions jumping section. Have the player jump up on the green platform and do the same Torn Between Dimensions sequence that you did with the Daughters.

Now, here's the catch. You need to do this three times again, but this time, there are two significant changes. First, look for the green glow to figure out which is the starting plate all three times. Second, Oryx will spawn four Light-Eater Ogres in the pools around each plate. Each Plate Holder will be responsible for killing their Ogre, but Floaters and other Plate Holders can lend a helping hand.

As soon as the Ogre dies, it will drop a giant Taken Blight bomb at its corpse, so stay away from it. The Ogres also have a companion Light-Eater Knight, which spawns when that Ogre dies. Kill these Knights immediately, as they'll make a beeline for their Ogre's bomb. If they reach the bomb alive, they will consume it, which is going to become a pain later.

The Ogres and Knights only spawn once per phase. When you've done the Torn Between Dimensions puzzle three times, the final afflicted player will receive the Blight Stealer buff. They'll need to take it from a powerful Knight who spawns when the third player gets Torn Between Dimensions. Steal the buff and kill the Knight.

While this is happening, all of the Plate Holders should move near their bomb's aura, meaning the black goop surrounding it, without going inside. Eventually, you'll get a notification that Oryx calls upon the Darkness. When this happens, all four Plate Holders need to walk into their bomb simultaneously and wait. Every bomb triggered will cause the player who triggered it to see their name pop up on the screen.

So, there you have it, Guardians! The tactics are pretty much the same, but the stakes are much higher. Are you ready to take down the big bad Oryx and save the day? Let's do this!

Welcome to the ultimate guide for taking down Oryx in Destiny! First, if you're triggering a bomb, get ready to run. And we mean fast. Make a beeline for the middle of the room, where your trusty Brand holder should be waiting. If you're caught outside the immunity Brand when the bombs go off, you'll be toast. And nobody likes toast, except maybe the Hive.

Once the bombs detonate, Oryx will open his chest and become vulnerable. Your goal is to detonate all four bombs to get a long damage phase. As long as one player is able to set off a bomb, you'll stun Oryx and prevent a total wipe. So, stay sharp and don't miss your chance to deal some damage.

During the damage phase, pull out your long-range weapons, like snipers and linear fusion rifles, and let 'er rip. And don't forget your supers, especially the Gathering Storm. It's a perfect time to unleash your inner Stormcaller and fry Oryx to a crisp.

But don't get too comfy, because Oryx will throw some intermission attacks your way. One of them involves a shade of himself coming after your party in a Thunderdome-style fight. The other is a missile barrage that you can escape by running in circles or taking out the Taken Knights that spawn on the plates. Either way, stay on your toes.

Once intermission is over, it's time to repeat the fight until you reach Oryx's final stand. But before we get into that, here are some important tips to keep in mind:

  • The third Torn Between Dimension player should always be the Brand Holder during the Oryx damage phase.
  • The Brand Holder should stay close to the middle to give everyone a fair chance to make it back in time.
  • Throw a grenade at your feet to deal with pesky Thrall swarming around you.
  • When you reach the final fraction of Oryx's health, be ready for Light-Eater Ogres to spawn.
  • Choose a player to run over to the right bomb and then have them enter it when Oryx calls upon the Darkness.
  • The bomb player should then run back to the Brand and join in on damage.
  • Repeat the process with the left bomb to take Oryx down for good.

If you fail to lower his health to zero after two final stand stuns, he'll wipe your raid faster than a Hive knight with a bad case of indigestion. But if you succeed, congrats! You've taken down the Taken King and can snap a screenshot with his corpse to show off to your friends. So, grab your loot and get ready to start over on your other characters. Happy hunting, Guardians!

King's Fall Raid Guide & Boosting

Destiny 2 is the kind of game that gets your heart racing and your palms sweaty - it's challenging, exciting, and just plain fun. But, let's face it, sometimes we all need a little help. That's where Destiny 2 Boosting Services come in.

These services are provided by seasoned players who can help you level up, conquer a tough task, hone your skills, or do pretty much anything else you need help with in Destiny 2. And the best part? You have two options - the player can either log in to your account and complete the task for you, or they can play alongside you to help you accomplish your goal.

One of the biggest challenges in Destiny 2 is the King's Fall raid, but fear not! With our guide, you'll know how to handle all the enemies and puzzles that await you. And if you ever need a little extra help, remember that Shattered Throne Boosting Services are always available to lend a hand.

So don't give up when the going gets tough in Destiny 2. With the help of King's Fall Boosting Services, you'll be able to conquer any challenge that comes your way. And who knows? You might even become a seasoned player yourself one day. Good luck, Guardian!

Author teodoran
Published 2023-03-28