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Last Wish Guide

Are you ready to take on one of the most challenging raids in Destiny 2 history? Last Wish is not for the faint of heart - it's a full-blown end-game experience that requires multiple weeks of preparation. But fear not, guardians! Our guide will help you conquer this beast and emerge victorious.

The premise is simple: you and your fireteam must venture into the Dreaming City and slay the last Ahamkara, a powerful beast that awaits you at the end of the raid. But don't be fooled - this is no easy feat. Last Wish is on par with Leviathan and the original Destiny raids, so get ready for a true test of your skills.

To even stand a chance, you'll need to grind Powerful Engrams to level up your gear. This raid requires serious preparation, so make sure you start early. And don't forget about the Wall of Wishes - it can help you unlock emblems and skip to specific encounters.

So grab your weapons, rally your fireteam, and get ready to take on Last Wish. With our guide by your side, you'll be one step closer to becoming a Destiny 2 legend.



Are you thinking of tackling the Last Wish raid in Destiny 2? Hold on tight, because it's going to be a wild ride! But before you jump in, there are a few things you should know.

First things first: be prepared. The recommended Power for the first encounter is a whopping 560, so make sure you've leveled up your gear as much as possible. Of course, if you're feeling extra brave, you can try it at a lower Power - but be warned, you'll need some serious skills to make up for the difference.

And it only gets tougher from there. Each encounter increases by 5 Power, so you'll need to be even stronger for the later stages. By the time you reach the final encounter, you'll need a Power level of 580 just to survive.

So, what's the key to success? Practice, practice, practice. Work on leveling up your gear, hone your skills, and don't be afraid to fail a few times. After all, every guardian needs to start somewhere.

With these tips in mind, you'll be well on your way to conquering the Last Wish raid. Are you ready for the challenge? Let's go!


So, you want to take on the Last Wish raid in Destiny 2? Well, get ready to gear up and team up - because this raid is not for solo players.

If you want to maximize your chances of success, you'll need to have the right team composition and weapon loadouts. Here's a breakdown of what you'll need:

First up, the Nightstalker with tether. This class is essential for generating orbs of light and controlling those pesky mobs. Plus, with their stealthy abilities, they're perfect for sneaking around and taking down enemies without being seen.

Next, the Dawnblade Warlock with Well of Radiance. Not only do they provide a critical overshield for the team, but they also increase damage output. And if you can get your hands on Lunafaction Boots, you'll be even more powerful. These boots are like rocket fuel for your weapons - so make sure to grab them if you can.

Finally, Titans should consider using the Sentinel class or Sunbreaker. Their ability to stay in their Super and clear out adds is crucial for team survival. Plus, they're just plain fun to play - who doesn't love smashing enemies with a giant hammer?

So, there you have it - the ultimate team composition and weapon loadouts for taking on the Last Wish raid. But remember, teamwork makes the dream work. So gather your fireteam, gear up, and get ready to kick some alien butt. Good luck, guardians!


Hey there, guardians! Are you ready to get your hands on some killer weapons for the Last Wish raid in Destiny 2? Well, it's time to gear up and let's get started!

When you're just starting out and your Power level is low, weapon choice is crucial. But as you level up and accrue more Power, you'll have more room to experiment. And trust us, you're going to want to experiment.

First up, let's talk about two Exotic Power weapons that are absolute must-haves for this raid: Sleeper Simulant and Whisper of the Worm. These bad boys are the best options for dealing damage, so make sure to unlock them as soon as possible. Here's a tip: check out all the Sleeper Node locations to make the process a little easier.

Moving on to the Energy slot, the Ikelos Shotgun is an absolute beast when it comes to DPS. But if you don't have it, don't worry - a Badlander will do just fine.

As for the Kinetic slot, you have a bit more flexibility. Midnight Coup is always a solid choice, but if you're looking for something new and exciting, try out a Go Figure with good rolls. Keep an eye out for one with Outlaw and Rampage - that's a god-tier roll right there. And if you want to deal even more damage to red-bar enemies, throw on a Minor Spec mod.

So, there you have it - the ultimate weapon loadout for taking on the Last Wish raid. Get out there, guardians, and show those aliens who's boss!

Symbol Callouts

As you venture deeper into the Last Wish raid, the symbol callouts can become a real brain teaser. To avoid getting tongue-tied and frustrating your team, it's best to have a clear and concise system in place for identifying each of the sixteen symbols. If you're scratching your head, don't worry - just refer back to this helpful symbol callout graphic and your team will be back on track in no time.

Kalli, The Corrupted

Kalli, the Corrupted, is the first boss encounter in Last Wish, and while the mechanics are relatively straightforward, the chaos of the fight can make even the most seasoned players feel like they're herding cats. The key is to find a reliable partner and stick to the plan. First, take a good look at the six symbols around the sunken arena. Then, scour the room for plates that match those symbols and stand on them. Once you've vanquished the Knight that spawns, regroup in the middle and unleash hell on Kalli. When things get too hairy, retreat to the safety of the designated rooms, but don't get too comfortable in there - you'll need to come out and deal damage when you get the chance. Rinse and repeat until it's time to move on to the next phase. Easy, right? (Just kidding, it's a raid. Nothing is ever easy.).

Alright, let's spice up this text!

Picture this: you and your fireteam have just entered the room where Kalli, the Corrupted awaits. As you look around, you notice that the room is split into three sections, all centered around a sunken arena with six snake symbols hanging above. It's like a twisted game of musical chairs, but instead of dancing, you're killing enemies and avoiding deadly bombs.

Your first task is to pair up with another player and find the plates around the outside of the arena that match the symbols in the middle. Sounds simple enough, right? Well, not so fast. Kalli won't just sit back and let you complete your task, as she teleports around the arena trying to interfere with your progress.

Once you've found your plates, it's time to stand on them with your partner. But watch out! Two random sections of each plate will spawn Taken bombs that will explode and send you back to orbit faster than you can say "Last Wish". So be sure to communicate with your partner and avoid those deadly sections.

Once all six plates have been activated and the Knights have been defeated, it's time to regroup in the middle and deal some damage to Kalli. But don't get too comfortable, as she'll teleport around the arena and try to take you out. When things get too hot to handle, retreat to the safe rooms and wait for your chance to strike again.

And that's the gist of it! Just keep an eye on those symbols and plates, work together with your partner, and avoid those pesky bombs. Good luck, Guardian!

Ah, the infamous plate section. You'll need to bring your A-game to clear this one. Here's the deal: six snake symbols hang around the middle sunken arena. Assign a symbol to a pair of players, and it is their job to find the matching symbol hanging above the plates around the outside.

But beware, enemies will be swarming you and Kalli herself will be teleporting around like a bee on caffeine. Oh, and don't forget about the Taken bombs that randomly spawn on the plates. They'll kill you quicker than a cat can knock over a glass of water.

To complete a plate section, players must stand on the clear section of the plate and wait for the Taken bombs to explode three times (or 4 if things get really crazy). Then a Knight will spawn, and it's time to send him back to wherever he came from. Killing the Knight marks the plate as "complete" and removes a symbol hanging from the center.

Players can choose to either clear both plates as a team or split up and tackle them solo. However, it's best to stick together as two people can take down enemies far more efficiently.

One final tip: if you accidentally activate the wrong plate, a Power 580 ogre will spawn, and it's game over for your team if you're not strong enough to take it down. So be sure to keep an eye out for the symbols around the outside of the arena to avoid any mishaps.

Alright, let's take a look at the grand finale of this raid. Once all six plates have been cleared, Kalli will enter her damage phase. Now, it's time to show her what you're made of. You'll want to group up in the middle and dish out as much damage as you can. Don't hold back!

After a few seconds, a message will pop up that reads "Kalli prepares to wield her weapon." And when that happens, six doors will appear right below her. It's time to play hide and seek, guardians! Quickly find one of the safe rooms, or else you'll be wiped out. When the explosion goes off, the doors will reopen, and you'll need to continue your attack on Kalli. Remember, during each damage phase, a group of Psions will spawn in the middle. Use this opportunity to unleash your Shadowshot Super and show them who's boss!

Once you've dealt enough damage to Kalli, you'll see the same message on your screen, and it's time to hide again. This hiding process will repeat three times, so make sure to keep track of your whereabouts.

Also, here's a heads up: every time a correct Knight is killed, three doors will unlock, giving you access to safe rooms during the wipe attack. But if you fail to kill a Knight, three fewer safe rooms will be available. So make sure to stay on top of things, guardians!

And that's not all! Once you've used all three sections of the arena for their safe rooms, the symbols will change, and you'll need to figure out what new symbols match which plates. The entire process will then repeat until Kalli, the Corrupted, is defeated or until your team wipes. Good luck out there, guardians!


Ah, the joys of raiding in Destiny! One of the most fun parts of the game is coming up with creative names for the symbols in boss encounters. In the Last Wish raid, all six symbols use snakes, making it hard to come up with clear and distinguishable names. But don't worry, we've got you covered!

The image below shows the names that my team used during the encounter, so feel free to borrow them if you're struggling to come up with your own. Of course, you can always unleash your creativity and come up with something even better! Just make sure it's easy to remember and communicate in the heat of battle. After all, you don't want to be shouting out confusing names while dodging fire from the Corrupted Kalli.

So, get those thinking caps on and let the symbol-naming brainstorm begin!


Ah, the good old dilemma of what to name each section of the room during a game! It's like trying to name your pet - it's a big responsibility! Fortunately, you don't have to be Shakespeare to come up with names that everyone can understand.

One idea is to go for simple and easy-to-remember labels. For instance, you can label the left side of the room as "caves", the right side as "lights", and the back area as "stage". These names can help pairs communicate with each other more efficiently, especially during the heat of the moment.

But hey, if you have a knack for naming things, you can definitely come up with something more creative! How about "Serpent's Den" for the left side, "Flickering Foyer" for the right side, and "Dark Theatre" for the back area? Whatever you choose, just make sure it's easy to remember and that everyone is on the same page.


Ah, the art of picking a safe room during a raid. It's like playing a game of musical chairs, but if you lose, you get wiped out of existence. No pressure, right? Luckily, there are a few ways to make this process a little less daunting.

One popular method is to split the team in half and assign one side to have the "top" rooms and the other to have the "bottom" rooms. But be warned, sometimes only one room will spawn up top or down below, so you'll have to think on your feet. To avoid confusion, you can also decide who will go left, mid, and right, or who will go up or down if there aren't enough rooms. It's like a complicated game of Twister, but with less physical activity.

Another option is to assign players a number, with the top left-most safe room being "one" and the bottom right-most being "six". So if you're assigned to room number four and it's your time to hide, you'll know exactly where to go.

But let's not forget the importance of labeling the different areas of the room. Calling the left side "caves", the right side "lights", and the back area "stage" can make it easier for pairs to communicate where the other symbol is during the phases. Plus, it's more fun to shout "I'm heading to the cave, cover me!" than "I'm going to the left safe room!"

So, whether you split the team in half, assign numbers, or create your own method, just remember to have fun and don't get too stressed out. After all, it's just a game, right?

Shuro Chi, The Corrupted

Ah, Shuro Chi, the Corrupted. This encounter is a bit like a game of hot potato, but with an Eye of Riven instead of a spud. Here's how to defeat this boss:

First, clear out the baddies and approach Shuro Chi. One brave soul will need to grab the Eye of Riven, while another picks up the Prism Weapon. Then, hop on a plate and shoot the player to your right to create a little triangle to remove Shuro Chi's pesky shield. Finally, it's time to lay on the hurt and damage Shuro Chi until one segment of health is gone. At this point, the player with the Eye of Riven should use their Super to interrupt Shuro Chi's attack. Easy peasy, right?

No time to celebrate yet, it's rinse and repeat time. Clear the adds, grab the Eye of Riven, hop on the plate, remove the shield, damage Shuro Chi, interrupt the attack. Got it? Good.

Now, it's time for the puzzle room. Two players will clear out the adds while the others stand on the appropriate buttons to complete the image. Then, it's on to the next two buttons in sequence. Next up, you'll need to jump up the rotating half-spheres to the next level. If you don't solve the puzzle within four minutes, you'll wipe, so don't dilly-dally.

Finally, it's back to the start. Rinse and repeat the whole process until Shuro Chi bites the dust. Good luck, Guardian!

Listen up, Guardians! If you thought the previous fight was a walk in the park, think again because Shuro Chi, the Corrupted, is here to put you to the test. This boss battle is a complex, multi-step process that will require your full attention and some serious teamwork. You'll need to be on top of your game if you want to emerge victorious.

Get ready to face a barrage of buffs and debuffs that'll make your head spin. You'll need to learn the spawn points of all the enemies, use your Supers like a pro, and be able to think on your feet to make quick adjustments. And that's just the tip of the iceberg, folks.

But fear not, fellow Guardians! With a little bit of practice and coordination, you'll be able to take down Shuro Chi and emerge victorious. So buckle up and get ready for the ride of your life, because this boss battle is not for the faint of heart.

Welcome to the Shuro Chi fight, where the Taken enemies are feeling pretty cheeky and trying to ruin your day. But fear not, brave Guardian! With a little bit of strategy, coordination, and a lot of luck, you'll emerge victorious and ready to take on whatever challenge comes your way.

First things first, let's talk about the three main roles you'll need to master: Prism Weapon holders, Eye of Riven holders, and puzzle solvers. If you're a Prism Weapon holder, your job is to pick up and fire the lasers. Eye of Riven users need to time their shots just right to interrupt Shuro Chi's devastating team-wipe attack. And puzzle solvers will need to work together to solve the puzzle that appears in the final room.

The fight itself takes place over three levels of the building, each with its own set of Taken enemies to contend with. On the bottom level, you'll face Taken Thrall. On the second level, Taken Psions will try to mess with your mind. And on the top level, you'll be facing Taken Acolytes. But don't worry, they're all just as ugly and mean as each other.

When the door opens, the 4 minute timer will start counting down, and it's go time! Clear out all the adds, and head up to the pergola/stage where you'll find a very special Taken Captain called Eye of Riven. Killing this guy will drop an Eye of Riven, a Taken weapon that is key to interrupting Shuro Chi's team-wipe attack.

But here's the catch: once you've used the Eye of Riven, you'll be given a debuff that prevents you from picking up another one for 90 seconds. So, make sure to coordinate with your team and decide who will be the next Eye of Riven holder.

Now, with all these moving parts, you might feel a little overwhelmed. But don't worry, you got this! Just remember to stay calm, communicate with your team, and don't forget to dodge those pesky Taken attacks. Good luck, Guardian!

Welcome to the thrilling adventure of the Shuro Chi fight, where players are in for a rollercoaster ride! Once the Prism Weapons and Eye of Riven spawn, it's go-time. Shuro Chi will start counting down the 4-minute timer faster than you can say "Guardian down!" until her shield is down, so players need to be quick to remove it to save precious time.

With her shield down, players need to pull out their best weapons and deal enough damage to remove one segment of her health bar. But wait, there's more! After a few seconds, Shuro Chi decides to get nasty and starts a wipe mechanic, at which point the player holding the Eye of Riven will need to unleash the weapon's Super on her to interrupt the wipe. Players then have one chance to finish removing the health segment before Shuro Chi attempts another wipe. It's like playing a game of "Simon Says," but with way more danger and a lot more at stake.

But the fun doesn't end there. Players will need to push forward, killing the Taken Ogre that spawns under the next pergola, and clear the adds to reach Shuro Chi a second time. It's like déjà vu, but with Taken and more danger. Repeat the process of damaging Shuro Chi and interrupting the wiping action using the Eye of Riven, and with the next segment of health removed, players will need to enter the puzzle room.

In this fight, there are three key roles players need to play: Prism Weapon holders, Eye of Riven holders, and puzzle solvers. Prism Weapon holders will need to fire the lasers, Eye of Riven users will need to interrupt Shuro Chi, and puzzle solvers will need to put their heads together to solve the puzzle. It's like a big puzzle game with laser guns and high stakes.

This fight takes place over three levels of the building, and each level is home to different types of Taken. The bottom level has Taken Thrall, the second level has Taken Psions, and the top level has Taken Acolytes. All levels have Taken Knights, a Taken Captain (Eye of Riven), and a Taken Ogre. It's like a big Taken family reunion, and we're the uninvited guests crashing the party!

So buckle up, Guardian, and get ready for a wild ride. The Shuro Chi fight is full of surprises, but with quick reflexes, sharp aim, and a little bit of luck, you might just make it out alive!

Ah, the puzzle room, a classic challenge that tests players’ patience and problem-solving skills. This room has got nine buttons on the floor and three pictures on the walls, and players will need to channel their inner Sherlock Holmes to figure out what’s missing.

To start, players need to solve each puzzle starting on the left and work their way around to the right. Simple, right? Not so fast! Each player needs to be assigned a button, and they must all stand on them at the same time to complete the puzzle. And just like in a game of musical chairs, players can't stand on the same button twice. So no cheating, you sneaky button-hogging guardians!

As you progress through the puzzles, the pictures will get more complex, and you'll need to be even more attentive to detail. Think of it like a game of memory, but instead of matching cards, you're matching missing puzzle pieces.

So, sharpen your pencils, dust off those thinking caps, and get ready to do some mental gymnastics. The puzzle room awaits, and it's not going to solve itself!

Ah, the infamous Shuro Chi fight - a challenging encounter that requires players to juggle multiple roles while dodging enemy attacks and solving puzzles. But fear not, brave Guardian, for I shall guide you through this madness with wit and wisdom!

First off, there are three main roles to assign during the fight: Prism Weapon holders, Eye of Riven holders, and puzzle solvers. The Prism Weapon holders are in charge of shooting the lasers, while the Eye of Riven holders must use the weapon's Super to interrupt Shuro Chi's attacks. As for the puzzle solvers, well, you can probably guess what they do.

Now, the fight takes place across three levels of a building, with the enemies getting tougher as you climb higher. But no matter where you are, the key is to take down Shuro Chi's shield as fast as possible to save time. Once her shield is down, deal enough damage to remove a segment of her health bar before she tries to wipe your team. This is where the Eye of Riven holder comes in - fire the Super to interrupt the wipe and repeat the process until all the health segments are gone.

After the second health segment is removed, it's time to enter the puzzle room. There are nine buttons on the floor and three pictures on the walls. To solve each puzzle, assign each player a button, figure out which pieces are missing, and stand on the buttons at the same time. Just remember, you can't stand on the same button twice!

Once all three puzzles are solved, it's time to climb up the half-spheres and repeat the process on the next level. And then the top level. Easy, right? Well, not quite. During the final damage phase, enemies will keep spawning, which is why having a Warlock with a Well of Radiance is so darn useful. It'll keep you alive while you focus on dealing the final blow to Shuro Chi.

And with that, you've completed the second boss fight in the Last Wish raid! Give yourself a pat on the back and a nice cold drink - you've earned it.

Morgeth, The Spirekeeper

Ah, Morgeth, the Spirekeeper, the third boss encounter in the Last Wish raid! I see you're ready to take on this challenge. Don't worry, this fight is considered easier than the first two, but that doesn't mean it's a walk in the park. The main challenge here is to manage enemies at a higher Power level while maintaining clear communication with your teammates. So, what are the main steps you need to follow? Let me break it down for you:

Step 1: Collect Taken Strength that appears around the map Step 2: Kill Eye of Rivens Step 3: Cleanse anyone who gets locked down by Morgeth Step 4: Collect last Taken Strength in front of Morgeth Step 5: Collect Taken Essence from Eye of Riven Step 6: Deal damage to Morgeth Step 7: Interrupt Morgeth’s wipe mechanic with Taken Essence super

Now, let's take a closer look at these steps. First up, you need to collect Taken Strength that appears around the map. The Taken Strength will give you a buff that increases your damage output and allows you to break the shield around the Eye of Riven.

Speaking of the Eye of Riven, you'll need to kill them to progress through this encounter. Keep an eye out for them and make sure to take them down quickly.

If anyone gets locked down by Morgeth, you'll need to cleanse them. This will require coordination and clear communication between you and your teammates.

After collecting all the Taken Strength, you'll need to grab the last one in front of Morgeth. This will allow you to collect Taken Essence from the Eye of Riven, which you'll need to deal damage to Morgeth.

With Taken Essence in hand, it's time to deal damage to Morgeth. This is where the Taken Strength buff comes in handy, so make sure you have it before engaging Morgeth.

Finally, Morgeth will attempt to wipe your team, but you can interrupt it with the Taken Essence super. Just make sure you have good timing and communication with your team.

And there you have it! With these steps in mind, you should be able to take down Morgeth, the Spirekeeper, and move on to the next challenge in the Last Wish raid. Good luck, Guardian!

Ahoy, fellow Guardian! Are you ready to take on the Spirekeeper, Morgeth? This third boss encounter in the Last Wish raid is no easy feat, but fear not, for I am here to guide you through it with humor and ease.

At the start of the battle, you will notice some Taken Strength appearing around the arena. It's up to you and your team to grab them before Morgeth does, as they feed him power. Trust me, you don't want him to hit 100% power or you'll be wiped out faster than a Hive Knight in a tornado!

To make matters worse, there are pesky Eye of Rivens lurking around, just waiting to blind you and make things even more difficult. Make sure you take them down as soon as possible, or you'll be stumbling around like a Thrall in the dark.

Oh, and one more thing, Morgeth has a dirty little trick up his sleeve. He can lock down one of your teammates, leaving them vulnerable and in need of a good cleanse. So keep your eyes peeled and be ready to save your buddy from getting stuck like a Cabal in a tight spot.

Once you've collected all the Taken Strength and taken care of those pesky Eyes of Riven, it's time to take on Morgeth himself. Grab the last Taken Strength in front of him and then quickly get the Taken Essence from the Eye of Riven.

With the Taken Essence in hand, it's time to deal some damage to Morgeth. But watch out, because he'll try to wipe your team with a nasty mechanic. You can interrupt it with your Taken Essence super, but be quick or you'll be saying goodbye to your Ghost.

And with that, you've successfully beaten Morgeth and are one step closer to claiming victory in the Last Wish raid. Good luck, Guardian, and may the Light be with you!

Ahoy matey! So, in this part of the Last Wish raid against Morgeth, players will need to keep an eye out for the Taken Strength that will pop up around the arena. You can only hold two at once, so no hoarding here! If a player does end up with three, they will be sent to Davy Jones' locker, or in other words, they'll die.

But watch out, because Morgeth might decide to lock players in place with some Umbral Enervation. To avoid a watery grave, players will need to be cleansed within 20 seconds. To do this, another player with zero Taken Strength must kill an Eye of Riven, grab the Taken Essence, and chuck it at the locked player with their grenade ability. This transfers the Taken Essence from the locked player to the cleanser. And just a friendly reminder, if someone with Taken Strength x1 tries to help a player with Taken Strength x2, they'll take on the x2 and immediately keel over. So, keep your eyes peeled and your wits about you, mateys!

Well, well, well, it seems like you're about to face the Spirekeeper himself, Morgeth, in the Last Wish raid. Don't let his name fool you, this guy isn't a keeper of anything but trouble. But fear not, brave guardian, for I'm here to help you navigate through this encounter with ease and a bit of humor.

As soon as the fight starts, you'll notice black pillars of Taken Strength appearing around the arena. Morgeth feeds on this power, so your goal is to prevent him from reaching 100% and initiating a team wipe. You don't want to be on the receiving end of that, trust me.

Now, here's the catch. You can only hold two Taken Strength at a time, marked by a nifty little x2 debuff. If you try to grab a third one, well, let's just say you won't be doing much fighting after that. And if you're unlucky enough to get hit with Umbral Enervation, Morgeth's lockdown ability, you'll need someone to cleanse you or say goodbye to your guardian.

To cleanse a locked player, a teammate with no Taken Strength must kill an Eye of Riven, pick up the Taken Essence, and toss a grenade on the locked player. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy. Just make sure you don't mess up the Taken Strength transfer or you'll be joining the Taken army.

Rinse and repeat until all the Taken Strength is collected. The final piece will spawn in front of Morgeth, so whoever has the lowest Taken Strength should grab it. Then, while they're doing that, the rest of the team should group up and deal some damage from a safe distance. Trust me, you don't want to be close to this guy.

And there you have it, guardians. Morgeth is tough, but with some coordination, communication, and a pinch of humor, you'll be able to beat him and move on to the next challenge. Good luck!

Ah, Morgeth the Spirekeeper! This boss fight might seem easier than the previous ones, but don't let your guard down just yet. The key to defeating Morgeth lies in managing the Taken Strength that appears around the arena, which fuels Morgeth's power. If Morgeth manages to get 100% power, it will unleash a team wipe faster than you can say "Guardian down!" So, let's make sure that doesn't happen, shall we?

Each player can only carry up to two Taken Strength at a time, and if they pick up a third one, they'll go down faster than a ton of bricks. And if that wasn't enough, Morgeth has a nasty trick up its sleeve: Umbral Enervation. This will lock a player in place, and they'll need to be cleansed within 20 seconds or face a certain death. To cleanse a locked player, another player with zero Taken Strength must kill an Eye of Riven and use the grenade ability on the locked player. Easy, right?

Here's the thing: using the Taken Essence on a locked player transfers the Taken Essence from the locked player to the cleanser. But if a player with Taken Strength x1 uses the Taken Essence on a player with Taken Strength x2, the cleanser will take the x2 and add it to their x1, bringing their Taken Strength to x3, and that's game over, my friend. This game of hot potato continues until all the Taken Strength is collected, with the final Taken Strength appearing in front of Morgeth.

Now comes the fun part - the damage phase! Players will need to focus on shooting Morgeth's big, juicy protuberance on its back, which is its critical spot. While doing this, Morgeth will be firing homing orbs that can explode on impact, but don't worry, one player can shoot them out of the sky. And just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, Morgeth will start gaining power again. So, when Morgeth's power reaches 90%, the player holding the Taken Essence will need to use their super to interrupt Morgeth's team-kill mechanic. Because let's face it, no one wants to be wiped out by a big, angry boss with a chip on its shoulder!

Ah, the Morgeth fight. A true test of a Guardian's coordination and teamwork skills. Before diving in, you'll want to split your Fireteam into two groups and assign roles. It's like a trust exercise, but with more taken enemies trying to wipe you out.

Each group should have two players designated to collect the Taken Strength. Just remember, they can only carry two at a time, so don't get greedy and try to grab a third. If you do, you'll be immediately killed. And trust us, that's not a good look.

The remaining member of your team will be responsible for collecting the Taken Essence from the Eye of Riven and cleansing anyone who gets locked down by the Umbral Enervation. Think of them as the team's personal bartender, mixing up some cleansing cocktails when things get tough.

Now, about those Eyes of Riven. Two of them will spawn during the fight, typically on opposite sides of the arena. But sometimes, the RNG gods might decide to throw you a curveball and have both spawn on one side. If that happens, be ready to rotate and cover for your teammate. And if you see a teammate struggling, don't be afraid to lend a helping hand. It's like a game of capture the flag, but with deadly taken enemies and a lot more pressure.

After killing an Eye of Riven, the Taken Essence will stick around on the ground for 45 seconds, so don't worry about picking it up right away. Just remember, once you do pick it up, you'll receive the Taken Essence Antumbra debuff, which counts up to x10 and will kill you if it reaches that point. So don't get too cocky with your taken energy.

During the damage phase, focus your fire on Morgeth's large protuberance on its back - that's the crit spot. Keep an eye out for homing orbs that explode on impact - these can be shot down by one player. And don't forget, Morgeth will be gaining strength again, so the player with the Taken Essence will need to use their super on Morgeth when its strength reaches 90% to interrupt the team-kill mechanic. It's like playing whack-a-mole, but with a giant taken boss and a whole lot of danger.

If you're looking to optimize your team build, consider having a Warlock with Well of Radiance for more damage and protection, a Titan with a ranged roaming super for add-clear, and a Nightstalker Hunter for generating plenty of orbs. And don't forget about using a Sleeper Simulant or Whisper of the Worm - these weapons will help you burst down Morgeth's health in no time. Just don't forget to have fun and stay focused - there's a lot riding on this encounter!

The Vault

Ah, The Vault. The fourth encounter in the raid, and quite a departure from the usual boss-fight shenanigans. Instead, the Fireteam is tasked with opening the vault by removing duplicate symbols using the correct Taken Essence - all within three minutes. No pressure, right?

To get started, players need to stand on locks to reveal the symbols, and call out any duplicates they see. Once a duplicate has been identified, it's time to hunt down and kill an Eye of Riven to collect the Taken Essence. But wait, there's more - not all Taken Essences are created equal. Players need to confirm whether they've picked up a Penumbra or Antumbra Taken Essence before using it to cleanse the lock with the correct duplicate symbol.

It may sound like a lot to juggle, but with a coordinated team and a little practice, opening the Vault is a breeze. And who knows, maybe you'll even have time for a victory dance before moving on to the next encounter.

Ah, the Vault, the fourth encounter in the raid. No bosses here, folks! Just a good old-fashioned puzzle to solve. The objective? Open the vault, of course! How? By removing the duplicate symbols, of course! But be quick about it, because you only have three minutes to get it done.

The central lock mechanism is the heart of the vault, surrounded by three separate arenas: tree, ball, and rock. Now, pay attention because this is where the callouts come in. You'll need to use these locations to communicate with your Fireteam, letting them know which lock to cleanse with the Taken Essence grenade ability. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

Ah, The Vault - the place where Guardians go to test their teamwork, communication skills, and patience. This encounter is all about cooperation, coordination, and careful observation.

First things first, the Vault is split into four distinct areas: the central lock mechanism and three arenas that we'll call tree, ball, and rock for convenience. Got it? Good. Now, to open the vault, you'll need to remove the duplicate symbols by using the correct Taken Essence grenade ability. But beware - you only have three minutes to do so!

To get started, assign one player to each lock and have them stand on it. This will cause three sets of symbols to appear on the central lock mechanism, one for each player on a lock. However, only the middle symbol is the "real" one - the two symbols on either side are potential duplicates.

Each player on a lock will see their own set of symbols and must communicate this information with the other two players. The goal is to call out the middle symbol and find its left or right duplicate on the other locks. It's like playing a game of matching symbols, but with higher stakes than your average board game night.

For example, if one player's middle symbol is an infinity snake and another player has the infinity snake as their left symbol, then the left symbol is a duplicate. Once you've found the duplicate symbols, it's time to use the Taken Essence grenade ability to cleanse the correct lock.

Remember, communication is key here. Make sure you're using clear callouts and actively listening to your teammates. And don't forget to keep an eye out for the Eye of Riven enemies that will spawn periodically - take them out and collect the Taken Essence they drop.

With a bit of practice and a lot of patience, you and your team will soon be able to open the vault with ease. Just be prepared for the inevitable jokes about how it took longer to open this vault than it does for a Warlock to cast their Nova Bomb.

Ah, the Vault. It's not a boss fight, but don't let that fool you - it's still a crucial part of the raid. Your goal is to open the vault by removing the duplicate symbols within three minutes using the correct Taken Essence.

To start, the Vault is divided into four sections: the central lock mechanism and three arenas - tree, ball, and rock. You'll need to use these locations as a callout to know which lock to cleanse with the Taken Essence grenade ability.

Now, the fun part: standing on all three locks at the same time will cause three sets of symbols to appear on the central lock mechanism. But here's the catch - only the middle symbol is the "real" one, while the ones on either side are potential duplicates.

Each player on a lock will see their own set of symbols and must communicate this information with the other two players. Your goal is to call out the middle symbol and find its left or right duplicate on the other locks. For example, if one player's middle symbol is infinity snake and another player has infinity snake as their left symbol, theirs is a left duplicate.

But wait, there's more! Whenever an Eye of Riven is killed, the Taken Essence they drop will either be a Penumbra or Antumbra status effect. Depending on which status it is, you'll need to cleanse the corresponding duplicate symbol - left for Penumbra and right for Antumbra. So, using our example above, the player with the left duplicate of infinity snake must have their lock cleansed with a Penumbra Taken Essence.

And as if that's not enough, after picking up a Taken Essence, you'll receive a debuff preventing you from picking up another one too soon. Plus, when the Eye of Riven dies and the Taken Essence is picked up, two of the arenas will be sealed off by a Taken barrier, so the player holding the Taken Essence will need to run through the connecting tunnels to reach the central lock mechanism.

In short, the Vault is a puzzle that requires clear communication and quick thinking. But hey, if you can master this encounter, you'll be one step closer to completing the raid. Good luck, Guardian!

Hold onto your helmets, Guardian, because it's time to tackle the Vault! This is the fourth encounter in the raid, but don't expect to face off against a big boss. No, this time around, the goal is to crack open the vault by removing the duplicate symbols using the correct Taken Essence within three minutes. Easy peasy, right?

To start, the Vault is split into four sections: the central lock mechanism and three arenas known as tree, ball, and rock. These locations are crucial for communicating with your fireteam and knowing which lock to cleanse with the Taken Essence grenade ability. It's like a high-stakes game of Simon Says, but with alien symbols and deadly consequences.

When you stand on all three locks simultaneously, you'll see three sets of symbols appear on the central lock mechanism, with only the middle symbol being the "real" one. Each player on a lock will see their own set of symbols and must communicate this information to their teammates. The goal is to call out the middle symbol and find its left or right duplicate on the other locks. Got it? Good.

But wait, there's more! When you kill an Eye of Riven, the Taken Essence they drop will have either a Penumbra or Antumbra status effect. Depending on which status you get, you'll need to cleanse the left or right duplicate symbol. So, if you see the infinity snake symbol as your left duplicate and your teammate has it as their middle symbol, you'll need to cleanse your lock with a Penumbra Taken Essence.

Now, while you're running with the Taken Essence, a pesky Taken Knight called the Might of Riven will spawn and try to stick its sword in your lock. If it manages to hold it there, your team is wiped. The first round only has one Taken Knight, but it gets more challenging from there, with two Knights in the second round and three in the third. So be prepared to fend them off while you make your way back to the central lock mechanism.

Once all three locks are cleansed, a beam of light will connect the mechanism to the vault door and the entire process starts over again. It's like Groundhog Day, but instead of reliving the same day over and over, you're reliving the same encounter until three beams of light shine on the vault.

The Vault might sound like a brain-twister, but once you get the hang of it, you'll be cracking open that vault in no time. Just don't forget to watch out for those pesky Might of Riven Knights!

Alright, let's break it down! When you're running with the Taken Essence, keep your eyes peeled for the Might of Riven Knight. This guy will make a beeline for the lock and thrust his sword in there, causing a team wipe. And trust me, you don't want to wipe - this isn't a bathroom after all.

The Might of Riven Knight will come at you with his buddies, and you'll need to clear them out before they cause too much trouble. Bring your best offense, like the Blade Barrage or the bottom tree of the Dawnblade subclass, and don't be afraid to get up close and personal with your shotguns. But be warned, these Knights have health for days, so don't be surprised if they one-hit KO you.

The real trick to this fight is figuring out those pesky symbols. If you use the wrong Taken Essence on a duplicate symbol, you and your team will go kablooey. So make sure you communicate well, and don't be afraid to ask for help if you're not sure.

Oh, and one more thing - you only have three minutes to beat this thing. So, no pressure or anything. But seriously, you'll want to be quick and efficient. That means no dilly-dallying or taking your sweet time. Get in there, kick some Taken butt, and get out.

Riven of the Thousand Voices

Ah, the Riven of a Thousand Voices. The second-last encounter in the Last Wish raid and one of the most mentally challenging experiences in any Destiny raid to date. This boss fight will test your communication skills, reflexes, and endurance as you try to take down the monstrous Riven.

The main objective of the fight is to cleanse symbols and shoot Riven's correct eyes, all in an effort to destroy her weak points and then crush her heart. Sounds easy enough, right? Well, let's break it down:

Step 1: Collect Taken Essence and call out the symbol. This part requires quick reflexes and clear communication, as players need to direct the Taken Essence holder to the correct symbol to cleanse it.

Step 2: Deal damage to Riven's mouth or tentacle. This is where you'll need to bring out the big guns and deal as much damage as possible.

Step 3: Call out which of Riven's eyes are glowing. It's important to be precise here, as shooting the wrong eye can cause a wipe.

Step 4: Deal damage to Riven's mouth and shoot the correct eyes. This step requires some teamwork and coordination, as players will need to work together to take down Riven's weak points.

Step 5: Go up the lift to the next floor and repeat. Get ready for a rinse and repeat of steps 1-4.

Step 6: Go up the lift in the center to the main floor. This is where things start to get intense, as players will need to clear enemies and deal damage to Riven while keeping an eye on her glowing eyes.

Step 7: Deal damage to Riven's mouth and shoot the correct eyes. It's important to stay focused and not get overwhelmed by the chaos.

Step 8: Stand on plates and shoot Riven's weak points while descending. This is where the teamwork really comes into play, as players will need to coordinate to take down Riven's weak points while avoiding her attacks.

Step 9: Repeat until the last 10% of health. This is the home stretch, so keep pushing and stay focused.

Step 10: Find the path to the top and touch the light. This part requires some exploration and problem-solving skills, so be ready to think on your feet.

Step 11: Deal damage to Riven's mouth. You're almost there, so keep the pressure on!

Step 12: Run into Riven's mouth and destroy her heart. And...boom! You did it! Just make sure to celebrate your victory and enjoy the spoils of your hard-earned loot.

But, let's face it, even with this breakdown, the fight is still a lot to handle. You'll almost certainly need a callout sheet for the entire Riven fight, so here's one to get you started. And don't be afraid to change up the callouts to suit your Fireteam's style. Good luck, Guardians!


Are you ready for some intergalactic action? Buckle up, Guardian, because we're about to embark on the Riven of a Thousand Voices boss fight in the Last Wish raid. This fight is not for the faint of heart, as it will test your communication skills, reaction time, and overall stamina.

Before the fight begins, split your fireteam into two groups, with three players in each. As you descend on the plates, be prepared to face Riven and her minions. The key to success is to communicate clearly with your team and react to the ever-changing situation.

When Riven appears, glowing eyes are called out; when an Eye of Riven appears, the symbol is cleansed. But wait, there's more! You'll also need to deal damage to Riven's mouth or tentacle, shoot the correct eyes, and clear enemies while descending on the plates. And that's just the beginning.

Once you've made it to the main floor, clear the enemies and deal damage to Riven while making note of her glowing eyes. But don't get too comfortable, because you'll need to stand on plates and shoot Riven's weak points while descending once again.

This process repeats until Riven's health is at 10%, at which point you'll need to find the path to the top and touch the light. Then, it's time to deal the final blow by running into Riven's mouth and destroying her heart.

Phew, that was a lot to take in! But fear not, Guardians, because we've got a handy callout sheet to help you navigate this challenging fight. Just remember to communicate clearly, stay alert, and have fun!


Ah, the Riven boss fight in Destiny. It's a doozy, but don't worry, ChatGPT has got you covered.

Once all six players are standing on the plates, you'll be descending into the lower room, but before that, it's time to split up into two teams. You know, divide and conquer and all that. Three of you will be heading to the blue room, while the other three will be making their way to the yellow room.

Now, let's talk about the communication game. Depending on who or what appears in your room, you'll need to relay different pieces of information to your team. If Riven shows up, you'll either need to dodge her tentacle slam or shoot her in the mouth. A couple of glowing eyes will indicate that you've dealt enough damage, but you won't know which eyes until the other team tells you.

On the other hand, if an Eye of Riven pops up, you'll need to direct the Taken Essence holder to the correct symbol to cleanse it. Simple, right? Just make sure you keep your head in the game, because things can get a little crazy in the heat of the moment. But hey, that's what makes it fun, right?

As the team navigates their way through the Riven of a Thousand Voices fight, they may encounter an Eye of Riven that needs to be taken care of. But fear not, for the method to cleanse the correct symbol remains the same, whether Riven or the Eye of Riven is in the room first. Let's dive into how to deal with this pesky Eye and cleanse that symbol like a pro.


Alright, let's give this a shot!

So, you've made it to the Last Wish raid, ready to face the ultimate challenge. The fight against Riven of a Thousand Voices is no joke - it's the second-last encounter, and it's going to test you mentally like never before. You'll need to be quick on your feet, communicate with your team like a pro, and keep your cool during a marathon of a fight.

The goal of the Riven boss fight is to destroy her weak points and ultimately crush her heart. Sounds easy, right? Well, not so fast. To do this, you'll need to work through a series of steps that'll test your mettle. Here's a quick rundown:

  • Collect the Taken Essence and call out the symbol
  • Direct the Taken Essence holder to cleanse the correct symbol
  • Deal damage to Riven's mouth or tentacle
  • Call out which of Riven's eyes are glowing
  • Destroy the correct eyes and deal damage to Riven's mouth
  • Repeat, repeat, repeat

And that's just the beginning. The fight is split into two levels, with different challenges to overcome in each one. Your team will need to split up and communicate clearly in order to succeed.

For one team, Riven will appear first, and they'll need to bait out her tentacle slam or shoot her in the mouth to deal damage. Once Riven staggers and her eyes start glowing, they'll need to call out which of the two eyes is lit up.

Meanwhile, the other team will have to deal with the Eye of Riven, which spawns after Riven. They'll need to clear the enemies, kill the Eye, and grab the Taken Essence. Then, the player with the Taken Essence will need to communicate with another player to figure out which symbol needs to be cleansed.

When Riven enters the room, it's time to deal some damage. Shoot the Taken orb in her mouth to deal critical damage - but watch out! If you don't destroy the eyes in time, it's game over for the whole team.

Once both levels are cleared, it's time to head to the center lift and make your way back to the starting level. Easy, right? Well, maybe not easy, but definitely doable - especially if you keep your cool, communicate clearly, and follow the steps outlined above. And if all else fails, just remember: it's just a game. Take a deep breath, laugh it off, and try again. You've got this!


Alright, let's see if we can make sense of this encounter! It's a bit of a doozy, but with some coordination and strategy, Riven won't stand a chance.

First things first, split your team into two groups of three as soon as you all reach the plates. Each group will head to a different room once you reach the lower level. The teams will then communicate with each other based on whether Riven or an Eye of Riven appears in their room. Riven's glowing eyes must be called out, while the correct symbol must be cleansed if an Eye of Riven appears.

If Riven appears in your room, you'll need to either dodge her tentacle slam or shoot her in the mouth to deal some damage. Once enough damage has been dealt, she'll stagger and two eyes will glow. Let the other team know which of her eyes are glowing so they can destroy them.

If an Eye of Riven appears in your room, you'll need to clear out the enemies and kill the Eye of Riven. One player must then pick up the Taken Essence and communicate the symbol that appears on the wall to another player. That player will then stand behind a glass and guide the player with the Taken Essence to the correct symbol using their own perspective. Once the correct symbol is found, the player with the Taken Essence must use their grenade ability to cleanse it. After that, Riven will appear, and it's damage time. Shoot the Taken orb in her mouth to deal some critical damage, and quickly destroy the eyes that were called out. If all goes well, Riven will retreat, and you can continue to the next level.

Once you've cleared both levels, it's time to head back to the starting level. This time, all six players will work together to take down Riven. She'll appear through one of the black gates, and players must attack her mouth or dodge her tentacle attack to stagger her. Two players should then remember which eyes they need to destroy during the damage phase. Rinse and repeat three times until six eyes have been shown and remembered.

During the final phase, Riven will appear with a Taken orb in her mouth. All players should group up and deal as much damage as possible. Once her mouth closes, each player will need to destroy the eye they were responsible for. If everything goes according to plan, Riven will retreat, and you'll have successfully defeated her.

Phew, that was a lot! Remember to communicate with your team and stay focused on the task at hand. Good luck!


Alright, let's break it down and spice it up a bit!

So, the team reaches the top level of the room and prepares for the ultimate showdown with Riven. Here, they must work together to fend off waves of Goblins and Ogres while chipping away at Riven's health bar. To stun the beast, players can either bait out her tentacle attack or shoot her in the mouth like a dentist's worst nightmare, causing her to stagger and revealing two of her beady eyes.

The key to success here is assigning a specific eye to each player, ensuring that everyone has a clear role to play during the six total glowing eye phases. This strategy saves the team from the mental gymnastics of remembering all six eyes, and also reduces the risk of someone getting distracted by Riven's rockin' tentacles.

As Riven slithers through one of the black gates, all players must attack her mouth or tentacle, and the assigned players should destroy their designated eye. The team must stay on their toes during this phase, as the Ogres can be quite the grumpy bunch.

After all six eyes have been vanquished and Riven's mouth is full of a Taken orb, players need to unload all they've got on the beast to push her to the brink of defeat. When Riven's mandibles finally snap shut, each player must destroy their assigned eye. If all goes according to plan, Riven will take a step back, and players must prepare for the final phase.

All six players need to stand on the plates, and the lifts will take them down to the lower level. This time, Riven is madly crawling around the center crystal like a crazed tarantula. Players must take aim at her weak points and shoot them with precision. Every weak point destroyed deals a hefty blow to Riven's health, and players must repeat this process until Riven's final chunk of health is gone. It doesn't matter where Riven is when this final phase is reached; she'll get what's coming to her.

Once Riven is defeated, players will be transported to an Ascendant plane where they can celebrate their victory and revel in the glory of their teamwork. Let the loot rain down like a sweet, sweet symphony!


Are you ready to ascend to the Ascendant plane? Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to make your way to the top of the level, where Riven's face is located. Sounds simple enough, right? Wrong! You'll be facing the dreaded Ascendant Atrophy debuff, which not only stops health regeneration but also chips away at your health every few seconds. And just to make things even more interesting, you'll have to contend with pesky Taken Phalanx along the way.

You'll need to use the floating debris as stepping stones to navigate around the crystal to the top. The clock is ticking, and time is of the essence, so don't dilly-dally, or you'll suffer the consequences of the debuff. Once you reach the top, a beam of light will teleport you back to reality, but you'll need to be quick about it.

Once back in the main room, it's time for Riven's final stand. Get ready to unleash your fury on her and take down her remaining health. Victory is within your grasp, Guardians!


Alright, here's my attempt at a rewritten version!

Alright guardians, we've made it this far! Now it's time to take down Riven of a Thousand Voices once and for all. When we get teleported to the Ascendant plane, we need to keep our eyes on the prize: that beam of light at the tippy-top of the level. However, don't let the beauty of the crystal distract you from the fact that we'll be under the ticking clock of Ascendant Atrophy debuff. And don't forget about those pesky Taken Phalanx who want to knock us off the floating debris.

Once we make it back to reality, it's go time. Riven's final stand is here, and we need to give it all we've got. We'll continue to attack her until her health is completely gone. When she finally explodes, her mouth will open, revealing a Taken orb. Now, we have to make a run for it down her throat to destroy the Taken Blight. But be warned, the Metaphysical Bleed debuff will be slowly draining our health during this phase, so we need to move quickly and efficiently.

And just when you thought it was over, there's one final encounter before we can call it a day. Let's group up and finish strong!

Riven's Heart

Alright, let's see what we can do here!

Welcome to the exciting conclusion of the Riven of a Thousand Voices raid! But wait, there's more! Introducing the Riven's Heart encounter! This part of the raid has its own checkpoint, raid banner point, and a whole lot of complexity.

The mission, should you choose to accept it, is to take Riven's heart and transport it back to the room before the Vault. Sounds easy, right? Wrong! There's a catch. You have to stand in beams of light in another realm to keep the heart pumping. No pressure.

Here's how it goes down:

  • One brave soul picks up the heart while the rest of the team stays within the area-of-effect.
  • After 15 seconds, the player with the heart will die and be transported to another realm.
  • The next chosen player picks up the heart and continues the journey.
  • The chosen player counts down the timer.
  • The player in the other realm collects the light when the timer gets low.
  • The chosen player continues until they meet their inevitable demise.
  • The next chosen player picks up the heart and continues the cycle.
  • This continues until the heart reaches the offering plate.

Sounds like a lot, right? But don't worry, you got this! You'll start the encounter in the chest cavity of Riven of a Thousand Voices, with her heart lying on the ground. But beware, the heart will choose one random player to carry it. That player must then pick up the heart and begin their journey out of Riven's mouth.

So, get ready to be the chosen one, grab that heart, and show it who's boss! Good luck, guardian!

Get ready for the heart-racing challenge of carrying Riven’s heart! The goal is to take her heart back to the room before the Vault. However, there’s a catch. Only one player will be chosen to carry the heart, and everyone else must stay within the aura of the carrier. If they wander off, they’ll receive a debuff called Creeping Darkness, which will stack up to x10, and then they'll be out of the game. So, stick together and watch your step!

As you carry the heart, the aura around the carrier will gradually shrink until it disappears at the last second, taking anyone nearby with it. The first carrier will always disappear into another realm, where they must collect beams of light to reset the timer. If the timer hits zero, they'll be teleported away, and the next player will have to step up. Be careful, though, as the realm is full of powerful Taken Knights that will do anything to stop you.

As the heart is carried through the raid, waves of enemies will spawn, including Mights of Riven, who are tough to beat. All players must work together to clear the way for the carrier, and it's a good idea to stay close to them to avoid being taken to the other realm. Remember, the carrier can only walk and single-jump, so taking the shortest route is crucial.

Be sure to keep track of whether you’ve been chosen to carry the heart, and don't waste any time. The clock is ticking, and the Creeping Darkness debuff is waiting for those who stray too far. With teamwork, skill, and a little bit of luck, you can conquer this challenge and emerge victorious!

Ah, the final leg of the journey to complete the Last Wish raid! It's time to make a quick and steady exit, carrying Riven's heart like a precious football. But watch out, because if you're not the chosen one carrying the heart, you'll be in big trouble! The Creeping Darkness debuff will stack up to ten times and you'll be a goner. The only way to stay alive is to be within the aura of the lucky heart carrier.

As you make your way back through the raid, stick to the left through the open door and into a crumbled room. Avoid the toxic floor by using the debris to cross. But the real challenge will be getting through the Vault. The path down is blocked, so you'll need to find the side room and use the tunnels to completely circle the vault until you find the hole in the ground. Once you've dropped down the lift and run up the center stairs, you'll arrive at the basin below the statue of Riven. And don't worry, the heart will automatically be dunked in the bowl.

Oh, and let's not forget about the other realm, where waves of enemies will be relentlessly spawning. Just make sure to work together and collect all the beams of light to reset the timer for the heart carrier. And remember, the player carrying the heart can only walk and single-jump, so be sure to clear a path for them and take the shortest route possible.

Once you're back at the basin, Riven's heart will be dunked in the bowl and the Last Wish raid will be completed. You'll be teleported back to the statue of Riven with the two Techeuns, who will say a few words before disappearing. And with that, you'll be free to turn around and select a chest to open using the Ethereal Key. Congratulations, you've done it!

Final Words

Are you ready for a raiding experience that will test your skills and reward you with the sweet, sweet loot you've been dreaming of? Then look no further than the Last Wish raid in Destiny 2! This raid is not for the faint of heart, but with a skilled team and proper preparation, even the most casual players can triumph.

To prepare for this challenge, make sure your power level is up to snuff, and gather your team of fellow Guardians. Communication is key, so be sure to have a plan in place before you enter the raid.

As you progress through the raid, you'll face off against some truly formidable foes, like the Taken and Riven of a Thousand Voices. But fear not, as you work together with your team and use the right strategies, victory can be yours.

And once you've completed the Last Wish raid, you'll be rewarded with some of the best loot Destiny 2 has to offer. So what are you waiting for? Gather your fireteam and embark on this epic raiding adventure!

If you need more guidance, be sure to check out the Shacknews Destiny 2 Complete Strategy Guide for other raid walkthroughs and weapon breakdowns. It's the ultimate resource for all your Destiny 2 needs.

Last Wish Guide & Boosting

Destiny 2 is the kind of game that gets your heart racing and your palms sweaty - it's challenging, exciting, and just plain fun. But, let's face it, sometimes we all need a little help. That's where Destiny 2 Boosting Services come in.

These services are provided by seasoned players who can help you level up, conquer a tough task, hone your skills, or do pretty much anything else you need help with in Destiny 2. And the best part? You have two options - the player can either log in to your account and complete the task for you, or they can play alongside you to help you accomplish your goal.

One of the biggest challenges in Destiny 2 is the Last Wish raid, but fear not! With our guide, you'll know how to handle all the enemies and puzzles that await you. And if you ever need a little extra help, remember that Shattered Throne Boosting Services are always available to lend a hand.

So don't give up when the going gets tough in Destiny 2. With the help of Last Wish Boosting Services, you'll be able to conquer any challenge that comes your way. And who knows? You might even become a seasoned player yourself one day. Good luck, Guardian!

Author teodoran
Published 2023-03-28