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Parasite Quest Guide - "Of Queens and Worms" Steps

Hey there Guardian! Are you ready to get your hands on the latest exotic grenade launcher, The Parasite? Trust me, it's worth it. Why? Because you get to hurl creepy crawly worms at your enemies! Yes, you heard that right, worms! Who said Guardians can't have a little fun while saving the universe? The good news is, the quest to obtain The Parasite isn't too hard, but it's definitely a bit of a trek. So, let's gear up and get started on this worm-throwing adventure

Parasite Weapon Guide - What to do?

Are you ready for some Witch Queen spoilers? If so, let's dive into the quest to get the Parasite exotic grenade launcher in Destiny 2.

First up, you have to complete the entire Witch Queen campaign. It's a bit of a grind, but it's worth it. You can choose to do it on normal or legendary difficulty, but if you go with legendary, you'll get a gear drop that boosts you to 1520 power, which makes the next part of the quest a little easier.

Once you've finished the campaign, you'll receive a message from Mara Sov. She wants to speak with you. You can find her in the Enclave, behind the Relic where you craft weapons. Say hi to her and you'll witness a short cutscene where you'll get to meet Savathun's worm. It's not as gross as it sounds, I promise.

  • Step 1 – Throne of the Vile

Well, well, well, it's time for the second step of the Parasite exotic grenade launcher quest. Time to flex your power level muscles, Guardian, and complete the new strike added in Witch Queen. This strike is called the "Aphelion's Rest" and it's located in the Throne World, so you don't have to travel far. The recommended power level for this strike is 1510, but if you've completed the legendary campaign, you'll be a mighty 1520. However, if you're not there yet, try to hit the soft cap of 1500 power before taking on this challenge. Remember, you don't want to be caught with your pants down. At the end of the strike, just plop the worm onto the altar like you're feeding a pet and complete this step. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.

  • Step 2 – Cryptoglyph Rune

Ahoy there, fellow Guardian! Are you ready for the next step in your journey to obtain the Parasite exotic grenade launcher? Good, because it's time to venture down to the Temple of Cunning to find the Cryptoglyph Rune.

Don't worry, you won't be alone on this mission. Fynch, the helpful vendor, will guide you every step of the way. Just follow the quest marker and be prepared for a long, long descent. It's like going down a flight of stairs, but without the exercise.

When you finally arrive at the temple, you'll need to flex your combat skills by taking down several waves of Scorn. Show them who's boss, and you'll be one step closer to obtaining the Parasite. Keep up the good work, Guardian!

  • Step 3 – Charge The Rune

Well, well, well, looks like we've got some Scorn to take care of! Luckily for us, they're scattered all over the Throne World, so it's not like we have to go on a wild goose chase for them. You can find them all over the place, including the Temple of Cunning, but if you want to make things interesting, why not try out the new Wellspring activity? Not only will it provide a challenge, but it will also throw a ton of Scorn at you. And let's be honest, who doesn't love a good old-fashioned Scorn-slaying spree? So get your weapons ready and let's go hunt some Scorn!

  • Step 4 – Sepulcher Lost Sector

Welcome, Guardian, to the world of Lost Sectors! In Destiny 2, they are the perfect hiding spots for treasure and loot, and they usually involve a bit of platforming and a boss fight. If you're not sure how to find them, just look for a symbol that looks like a semi-circular doorway or tunnel. They're hidden in plain sight, so keep your eyes peeled!

Now, for this particular quest, the marker will lead you to the general area of the Lost Sector, but it won't show you the entrance directly. Instead, you'll need to look for a raised platform with a curved side, jump down on that side, and look back towards where you came from. The entrance is under one of the arches on the curved wall, so keep your eyes open!

Once you've completed the Lost Sector, you'll discover a Deepsight marker that you can activate, just like in the campaign. This will reveal a hidden platform just behind the final chest, which you can jump onto to reach a secret room with an altar. Place the worm on the altar and have a good old chat with it to complete the quest. And who knows, maybe the worm will have some wise words of advice for you.

  • Step 5 – Three Patrols

Listen up, Guardian! If you're not familiar with patrols, they're basically little tasks that your Ghost assigns you, like taking out a certain number of enemies or finding hidden goodies. Think of them as your Ghost's way of keeping you busy between saving the universe from impending doom.

To find them, just summon your Ghost and look for little grey diamonds with white symbols in them. Now, I know what you're thinking, "But ChatGPT, I don't have time for this!" Trust me, these patrols are quick and easy, and they're a great way to earn some extra loot and experience points. Plus, who doesn't love the feeling of accomplishment after completing a task?

For this particular step of the Parasite quest, you'll want to focus on the kill enemies patrols (diamond surrounded by four small triangles pointing at it) or scavenge patrols (pyramid shape). They're simple enough to complete, and they'll get you one step closer to launching some creepy crawlies at your enemies. So get out there and start patrolling, Guardian!

  • Step 6 – Find a CryptoGlyph Rune

Welcome back, Guardian! It's time to rinse and repeat the process. This time we're off to the Queen's Bailey, where you'll encounter some rather pesky Hive. You can easily get there from the Florescent Canal, just follow your trusty quest marker. Once you arrive, get ready to give those Hive a run for their money and defeat a few waves of them to get your hands on that precious rune. Let's show them what we're made of!

  • Step 7 – Metamorphosis Lost Sector

Alrighty, let me put on my informative, engaging, and humorous hat for this one! Here's the rewritten text:

Okay, okay, okay, we're back on the repeating grind, but no worries, we're pros at this now! Time to head to the Metamorphosis Lost Sector in Miasma, which is just like the last one, but with a different name. The quest marker will give you a general idea of where to go, but you'll have to use those keen eyes of yours to spot the entrance. If you're coming from Quagmire, drive on through and past the marker until you reach a ginormous tree, then turn around and voila! You'll see a cave with the Lost Sector symbol beckoning you in.

Once you're done beating the Lost Sector's boss, activate Deepsight and watch the rock in front of you disappear like magic. A hidden passage will be revealed, leading you to a cozy little spot where you can have a chit-chat with our friendly worm pal. Don't forget to bring some tea and biscuits for this one!

  • Step 8 – Locate the Rune

Alright, time to hunt for the final rune! We’re heading to Alluring Curtain, which is just a hop and a skip away from Quagmire, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. It's best to teleport back to Fynch to get some guidance on this one.

This rune might require a little more effort than the previous ones. First things first, follow the quest marker to Alluring Curtain and wipe out any pesky Hive in the area. But don't get too excited just yet, you won't be handed the rune on a silver platter. Instead, Fynch will prompt you to head to the nearby Deepsight marker. Once you activate it, you'll notice some floating platforms. Keep your eyes peeled for three that have unlit torches on them. Your task is to shoot all of these torches to light them up and summon a chest containing the precious rune. Sounds simple enough, right?

With all three runes safely in our possession, it's time to get back to business and return to the worm. But before you know it, you'll be knee-deep in more hilarious conversations with the creature. Get ready to wrap up this quest in style!

  • Step 9 – Extraction Lost Sector

Alright, guardian, time for the next step in your quest. This time, we're headed to the Lost Sector in Quagmire, which is like Fynch's personal playground. Your quest marker will give you a general area to search, but keep your eyes peeled for a cliff face with a rock sporting the Lost Sector symbol. Trust me, you won't miss it because there's a Deepsight marker right next to it, practically begging you to activate it.

Once you've jumped down to the newly-revealed ledge, turn to your right, and there it is, the Lost Sector you're looking for. Clear the sector and don't forget to activate Deepsight at the end. A statue will vanish, and voila, a secret room reveals itself, complete with one last altar for you to have a good old chinwag with the worm. Oh, those worms, always full of sass.

  • Step 10 – Get The Hive Casing

Ah, the end is near! But before you go, you need to see your pal Fynch for a little gift. He's got something special for you - an object that's so powerful it takes up a whole weapon slot. Make sure you've got some space in your power weapon slot or you won't be able to snag it. Once you've got it, you're ready for the final showdown. Are you excited yet?

  • Step 11 – Parasitic Pilgrimage

Welcome, fellow Guardians! We're getting closer and closer to the finish line, and now the quest is taking us to the big leagues. The next stage of this mission packs a punch with a power recommendation of 1520. You've been training hard, right? Of course you have! So, let's dive in.

First up, we have to transport the worm through various patches of hive energy on the floor. It's like playing hot potato, but with a giant, sassy worm. To make things easier, it's best to bring a friend or two along for the ride. You focus on carrying the worm, and let your pals take care of the enemies.

Next, we have to defend our wriggling companion from the Scorn's waves. It's like playing fetch, but with angry alien pirates trying to steal your toy. The stakes are high, but you can handle it.

Then, we have to race up a jumping section with the worm in a time limit. It's like playing hopscotch, but with a slimy creature instead of a rock. Don't worry if you stumble a little, the worm doesn't mind.

Finally, we get our reward: the Parasite launcher. But wait, there's more! We have to defend Mara from waves of Scorn. No pressure, though. To make things easier, there are little pools of Hive magic around the room that will give you free heavy ammo. So, go ahead and launch as many worms as you want! It's like playing skee-ball, but instead of tickets, you get to save the day.

And that's it! You did it! The Parasite launcher is all yours to keep. Congratulations, Guardian. You are officially a certified worm wrangler.

Author teodoran
Published 2023-03-31