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The Stasis Prototype Quest - Salvation's Grip Guide

Welcome, Guardian! Are you ready to get your hands on the coolest Exotic grenade launcher in the game? That's right, we're talking about Salvation's Grip, the one and only Stasis weapon in Destiny 2: Beyond Light.

Now, don't let the fact that it doesn't deal any real damage fool you. This weapon is essential for destroying the Entropic Shards scattered around Europa, so you'll definitely want to add it to your arsenal. But first, you'll need to complete The Stasis Prototype quest.

Salvation's Grip Weapon Guide - How to Get it?

  • Step 1 – Complete the Campaign

So you’ve saved Europa, now what? Well, it’s time to get your hands on an icy Exotic grenade launcher, of course! To start your quest for the Salvation's Grip, you must first complete the Beyond Light campaign. Then, head over to the Drifter in the tower and listen to his pitch about using your newfound Stasis powers for good.

Once you've accepted The Stasis Prototype quest from the Drifter, it's time to get to work. And by work, I mean destroying Entropic Shards scattered across Europa. These pesky crystals are the only way to make progress in the quest, so start hunting them down one by one. But be warned, they're not easy to find and even harder to destroy.

Pro-tip: If you're struggling to locate the Entropic Shards, try using your Ghost's tracking system. It might just lead you right to them!

Good luck out there, Guardian. And don't forget to bring your warmest mittens for all the ice you'll be handling.

  • Step 2 – Collect Intel

Ahoy there Guardian! So you're looking to tackle the first step of The Stasis Prototype quest in Destiny 2: Beyond Light? Well, prepare yourself for a bit of a grind.

Step 1 involves collecting intel on Europa from Fallen Captains and Servitors. Unfortunately, there's no shortcut to this one. You'll need to wander around the frozen moon until you find and take down 10 of each enemy type. It's not the most exciting task, but having a fireteam to help can make the experience a bit more bearable.

Our advice? Head to Cadmus Ridge and start doing some Public Events or exploring the area. But if you're in a rush, you can clear Cadmus Ridge, then move on to Asterion Abyss and Eventide Ruins before looping back to Cadmus Ridge again.

Once you've bagged all 20 pieces of intel, you'll be ready for Step 2. Good luck out there, Guardian!

  • Step 3 – Empire Hunt

Ah, the infamous Step 3. It’s time to go on a scavenger hunt for Herealways Pieces.

First of all, you might be asking, "what the heck are Herealways Pieces?" Well, they’re basically little green pyramid-shaped doodads that can be found all over Europa. They’re also notoriously hard to spot, so get ready to squint at your screen.

You need 120 Herealways Pieces in total, but don’t worry, you don’t have to find them all at once. Just go about your business on Europa and keep your eyes peeled. They can be found in Lost Sectors, as random drops from enemies, and in some chests.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, try using a Ghost Shell that highlights nearby resources. And if you really can’t find any, try asking your Fireteam for help. But don’t be surprised if they make you pay them in Herealways Pieces.

  • Step 4 – Killing with Stasis

Alright, Guardian, it's time for a secret rendezvous. Ooh la la, how exciting!

But first, let's get down to business. To complete this step of The Stasis Prototype quest, you'll need to kill enemies with your Stasis abilities. No need to worry, though, you won't be alone in this. Roll around Europa and join Public Events or Patrols, all while having your Stasis subclass equipped. You can even work on any Sabotage missions that Variks might have.

Once you've taken care of that, it's time for the juicy part. Meet up with the Exo Stranger, the mysterious ally that has been helping you throughout your journey. Head over to Bray Exoscience and make your way to the back of the facility. You'll find a door that was previously locked, but is now open. Go inside and have a chat with the Exo Stranger.

Don't forget to put on your best outfit for this secret meeting. And maybe bring some flowers or chocolates. Just kidding, Guardian, she's not that kind of ally. But do be prepared for some intriguing conversation about the mysteries of the universe and your role in it.

And with that, you'll complete Step 4 of The Stasis Prototype quest. Congrats, Guardian, you're one step closer to claiming your very own Stasis Exotic grenade launcher, Salvation's Grip.

  • Step 5 – Concealed Void Sector

Alright, let's give this a shot:

Step three of The Stasis Prototype quest requires you to meet a sketchy dude who works for Spider. Don't worry, this isn't your first rodeo with the black market dealer of the Destiny universe. To find the lackey, head to the Asterion Abyss and find the Concealed Void Lost Sector. Easy peasy. After completing the Lost Sector like a boss, the Fallen boss will drop dead and you can loot the chest. As you try to make your escape, you'll come across the Spider's minion waiting for you with the Skiff Codes. Grab the codes and get ready for the next step.

  • Step 6 – Back to Drifter

Ahoy, Guardian! It looks like you've made it to the final step of the Stasis Prototype quest. It's time to channel your inner thief and get ready to do some heisting!

Make your way back to the Tower and pay a visit to the notorious Drifter. He's got a job for you and your buddies that will put all of your newfound Stasis powers to the test. And what better way to do that than with a shiny new Stasis Containment Device?

Just keep in mind that this device is pretty hefty, so it'll take up a spot in your Heavy inventory. But don't worry, the extra weight will make you feel like a true badass. Now, let's go pull off this heist!

  • Step 7 – Stealing Stasis

Ready for some icy action, Guardian? It's time to steal some Stasis! To start this mission, head on back to Europa, where you'll meet up with Variks. Get ready to embark on a mission to steal the Stasis Containment Device from Eramis herself.

As you progress through the mission, be on the lookout for the Salvation’s Grip. It's a sweet exotic weapon, so if you're looking to add some serious firepower to your arsenal, this might be your chance.

As you make your way through the mission, you'll finally reach Eramis' chamber, where you'll face off against her and her powerful allies. But fear not, Guardian! With your Stasis abilities and trusty weapons, you're sure to emerge victorious. Once you've cleared the room and lowered the shield, grab that Stasis Containment Device and get ready to fight your way out.

You'll face some tough Brigs on your way out, but with your skills, you'll make quick work of them. Follow the objective markers to escape the area, and when the mission ends, you'll have completed this step of the quest. Congratulations, Guardian! You've stolen Stasis from the Fallen themselves.

  • Step 8 – Back to Drifter

Well, well, well, it looks like you're almost done with the Stasis Prototype Exotic questline! But before you can call it a day, you need to head back to the Tower and have a little chat with the one and only Drifter.

Drifter will be thrilled to see you again, and he'll probably have a few stories to tell about his days in the wild west... or maybe not. Anyway, make sure you have the Stasis Containment Device with you, as you'll need to show it off to Drifter.

After a bit of chitchat, Drifter will congratulate you on your successful heist and officially mark the Stasis Prototype questline as complete. So take a deep breath, pat yourself on the back, and get ready to wreak some havoc with your new Stasis grenade launcher!

Final Words 

Ah, Salvation's Grip. The exotic weapon that's not much use in a scrap, but is essential for completing some quests and handy for Stasis-related tasks.

What makes it unique? Its primary perk, Cryocannon, causes it to generate Stasis crystals upon impact, similar to your trusty Glacier Grenade. At first glance, this may not seem very useful, but you can use it to freeze an enemy in place, allowing you to Shatter them for massive damage. And let's be real, who doesn't love a good Shatter?

Now, some of you may be thinking, "Why bother with this weapon? I can just rely on my abilities." Well, my friend, some Beyond Light quests require you to Shatter enemies as part of the objective. And that's where Salvation's Grip comes in handy. Instead of waiting for your abilities to recharge, you can simply use the weapon to get the job done. Plus, it's the only weapon that can destroy those pesky Entropic Shards, which are needed for certain Stasis-related quests later on.

Sure, you may not use it all the time, but if you want to complete those key Beyond Light quests, Salvation's Grip is a must-have. So go forth, Guardians, and freeze/shatter your enemies to your heart's content!

Author teodoran
Published 2023-04-03