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Destiny 2 Wish-Ender Combat Bow Guide

Wish-Ender Combat Bow

Ahoy there, fellow gamer! Have you heard about Destiny 2's fanciest weapon, the Wish-ender bow? This baby is the bee's knees! It's one of the two exotic bows in the game, and it's the only one that you can get as part of a quest. Plus, it's super powerful, making it perfect for both PvE and PvP.

But, let me tell you, getting your hands on this bad boy is no easy feat. It's like trying to find a needle in a haystack, only the needle is guarded by a fire-breathing dragon. Okay, that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but you get the point. It's going to take some serious time and effort.

But fear not, dear friend, for we have your back. In this guide, we'll spill all the tea on how to add this fancy new bow to your collection. We'll leave no stone unturned and no dragon undefeated. So, grab a snack, get comfortable, and let's get started on this epic quest!


Part 1 – The “Shattered Throne” Dungeon


Greetings, fellow Guardians! Are you ready for a challenge? If you're looking for an adventure that's partway between a raid and a strike, then the Shattered Throne is calling your name. But beware, this dungeon is not for the faint of heart. With a power level range of 570-580, it's one of the most high-stakes activities in the game. So, if you're feeling brave, then enter at your own risk, or better yet, bring some generous friends along to help you out.

To start your journey, you'll need to beat the Shattered Throne. This means conquering several encounters within the dungeon. But first, you'll need to enter The Confluence, which you can find by exploring the cathedral in Rheasilvia. Once there, seek out Sedia, the now-cleansed boss of the Corrupted strike, and talk to her to enter the great portal in the background.

As you make your way through the dungeon, you'll encounter the statue of Sjur Eido. Hand over your Awoken Talisman to the statue, which you've probably been holding onto for weeks now. Once the statue stops talking, keep moving forward to defeat the final boss.

After defeating the final boss, it may seem like nothing has happened and that you've reached a dead end. But fear not, dear Guardian, as the mission ahead of you is actually a secret. Can you handle the challenge? There's only one way to find out. Grab your gear, rally your fireteam, and prepare to embark on an epic adventure that will put your skills to the test. Good luck, Guardian!

Part 2 – The Secret Mission

Well, well, well, look who's back! Congratulations on beating the Shattered Throne! You're a real glutton for punishment, huh? But don't pat yourself on the back just yet, Guardian, as there's still more work to be done.

Head on over to the Tangled Shore, and ride that elevator up to the Four-horned Gulch. Once you're there, pull out your trusty Ghost, and voila! You'll find a mission icon nearby. Walk over to the building and investigate the little Taken ball. It'll be covered in question marks and ask you to "prove your worth."

This will set you off on a pretty straightforward mission, albeit one filled with tons of Taken baddies. Fight your way through the army until you reach the big final room. Here, you'll be pummeled by hordes of Taken. But fear not, as you'll also face down three Taken bosses.

Now, defeating these bosses is a piece of cake, especially with a solid team by your side. Once you've shown them who's boss, you'll receive three tokens — each with a boss's name attached to it. But here's the kicker, dear Guardian. You'll need to go back into the Shattered Throne to cleanse these tokens.

So, are you ready to step back into the belly of the beast? Can you handle more Taken mayhem? There's only one way to find out. Grab your gear, sharpen your skills, and prepare for another epic adventure that's sure to test your mettle. Good luck, Guardian!

Part 3 – Cleansing The Tokens

Well, well, well, if it isn't our brave Guardian, back for more punishment in the Shattered Throne! Don't you ever give up? Just kidding, we know you're up for any challenge that comes your way.

This time around, you get to have some fun and take on the final boss in the dungeon - the big cheese, the head honcho, the one and only... you get the point. But before you can get to that, there's a little something you need to do.

As you make your way through the opening section of the dungeon, all the way up to the massive Ogre boss, you'll come across some secret bosses. These guys aren't exactly friendly, so you'll need to be on your guard. To summon them, you'll need to locate an orb in the dungeon and then carry it to its matching statue. This will set events in motion that will help you cleanse your tokens.

We know it sounds like a lot, but trust us, it's worth it. The thrill of taking down those secret bosses is something you'll never forget. And who knows, you might even discover a new move or two that you can add to your arsenal. So gear up, sharpen your skills, and get ready to take on the challenge of a lifetime. Good luck, Guardian!

Part 4 – The Tokens (Last Chapter In The Journey For The Combat Bow)

1st token

Hey there! Looks like you're on a mission to get the Wish-ender bow in Destiny 2: Forsaken! It's a fancy weapon, and the only one available as part of a quest, but it's not going to be an easy feat.

First things first, you'll need to conquer the Shattered Throne, a dungeon experience that's partway between a raid and a strike, and is one of the highest Light activities in the game. No pressure, though! You can either take on the challenge solo at your own risk or enlist some generous friends to help you out.

Once you've emerged victorious, it's time to head over to the Tangled Shore and ride the elevator up to the Four-horned Gulch. Investigate the little Taken ball and prove your worth by fighting your way through the Taken army until you reach the final room. Here, you'll face three Taken bosses, but don't worry, it's pretty easy with a team. Once you defeat them, you'll receive three tokens with a boss' name attached to each one.

Now, it's time to return to the Shattered Throne, but this time, you'll have to locate an orb in the dungeon and carry it to its matching statue to cleanse your tokens. For token one, head to the first area of the dungeon, and clear the Labyrinth Architects. The statue you need is on the roof of the largest building, and the orb is in the Tower of the Deep. Once you pop the orb into the statue, a Taken Minotaur will spawn, followed by Querim, the Waking. Defeat Querim to cleanse the token of the same name.

You don't have to worry about any more orbs until you reach the room with all the scaffolding and the Ogres, so take a breather and get ready for the next step. Good luck on your quest to obtain the Wish-ender bow, and don't forget to have fun!

2nd token

Get ready for some orb-grabbing and statue-inserting action, because it's time to cleanse token number two! This one's a bit more complicated than the last, so buckle up and let's get to it.

First, head to the Ogre room and do your thing — you know the drill. Once you've cleared the place out, backtrack to the start of the room and take a peek behind the pillar on the right side of the door. Lo and behold, there's an orb spawn point waiting for you! Grab that sucker and keep it close as you make your way across the room.

Eventually, you'll reach a group of statues on the far side of the room. Don't be fooled by the first one, though — your destination is the second group. Pop that orb in place and move on, because there's nothing else to do here for now.

But wait, there's more! Your next orb is hiding out in the Thrall room. When you've made your way through the portal and are slowed down, head up the stairs to your right and keep an eye out for the orb in the entryway. Once you've got it, it's time to brave the Thrall onslaught and make your way to the end of the hallway. Pro tip: jump up and grab onto the walls as much as possible to avoid getting swarmed.

When you finally drop down into the next room, look to your right for the statue. Pop that orb in place and you're almost done!

Once both orbs are where they need to be, a massive door on the other side of the chasm will swing open, revealing an arena full of Taken. You know what to do: take 'em all out and prepare to face the boss. Defeat that sucker to cleanse the Eriviks token and bask in the glow of your hard-earned victory!

3rd token

Welcome to the final and most challenging part of the quest – the Shattered Throne. Brace yourself, guardian, because things are about to get real. But don't worry, I'll be your trusty guide throughout this adventure.

First things first, let's talk about token one. It's located in the Labyrinth Architects area. You'll need to channel your inner Indiana Jones and climb to the roof of the largest building to find a circle of statues with one missing an orb. To obtain the orb, head over to the Tower of the Deep, which is located above the room with a symbol in it. Easy, right? But wait, there's more. You'll need to defeat a Taken Minotaur and Querim, the Waking to cleanse the token.

Now, let's move on to token two, which requires two orbs to cleanse. It's located in the Ogre room, where you'll have to walk along beams above a giant pit. Don't be afraid of heights, and don't forget to backtrack to the start of the room to find the first orb. Then, head to the Thrall room to find the second orb. Be careful, though, because the Thrall can be pretty annoying. After you insert both orbs into the statues, a door will open, and you'll have to fight off a bunch of Taken to cleanse the token.

Finally, we have the hardest token to cleanse. You'll have to face a really annoying boss to do it. Once you drop the boss's shield, you'll need to kill a Taken Minotaur, grab the orb, and dunk it on the left side of the room. Once you insert the orb into the last statue, a second boss Ogre will spawn, and you'll need to defeat it to cleanse the token of Xavoth.

After you've collected all three tokens, head over to the statue outside the Ogre boss fight to claim your bow from the statue of Sjur. Congratulations, guardian! You've completed the quest and earned yourself a new exotic weapon. Now, go forth and wreak havoc on your enemies with your newfound power!

Author teodoran
Published 2023-04-12