Author: Joy
In the first couple of weeks of Season of Dawn, the Titan, called Saint-14 gets saved from Mercury. After you save him from the Infinite Forest, he goes and starts chilling in the “Tower Hangar”. When you go and speak to him, you will get a few new missions from this season. One of them can provide you a new source of Polarized Fractaline – Destiny 2 Saint-14's Bounties. If you need any help here, you can always use our Saint-14 Bounties Farm Service!
Destiny 2 Saint-14's Bounties - A Guardian’s Duty
A Guardian's Duty: Community service is the easiest from the new quests. To pick it up, you have to go and speak to Saint-14 in the Tower Hangar.
Then, your goal is to complete 8 Vanguard strikes, Gambit bounties, or Crucible missions, in order to complete it. Just pick up your favorite activity and start grinding there. You can mix up the bounties that you complete, of course. You are not obliged to stick to only one activity.
When you are done with completing the eight bounties, you should turn them in. Go back and talk to Saint-14 in the Tower Hangar. Talk to him there. He will ask you to put his book somewhere around his ship. You will see a small, glowing area behind him, you should interact with it.
After you put his book there, Saint-14 is going to propose to give you 4 daily bounties. Each of them will reward you 50 Polarized Fractaline. Saint-14's bounties respawn every day, are really easy, and help you to quickly increase the Obelisk level you have.
Tribute To The Colonies
In case you go through “A Guardians Duty”, without having completed the other quests of Saint-14, you may not be able to unlock the bounties. You may also have to complete the quest “Tribute to the colonies”.
This quest is longer than “A Guardian’s Duty” but its objectives are fairly easy:
- First, kill 100 enemies on Titan. You can jump into a Lost sector or a public event and you will complete this step in zero time.
- After you are done with Titan, you should travel to Nessus. There, you should talk to Failsafe. When you do, your objective is to kill 100 enemies there, then complete 1 Patrol and 2 Public events. Remember that 1 Heroic public event is equal to 2 in this mission. You can pick up a quick patrol, while you are doing the Heroic public event and deal with both objectives at the same time.
- Kill the number of remaining enemies to complete the quest.
- Next, you will have to go to the European Dead Zone and visit Devrim. He will give you a few new objectives on Earth – kill 100 enemies, complete 2 Public events, and 1 Patrol. You can use the same strategy that you used in the previous stage. When you have complete Devrim’s objectives, go back and talk with Saint-14 in the Tower Hangar. He is going to give you a statue made of gold. Place the statue on the right side of the ship – there should be a small stand. You will earn the triumph “A Past Remembered” and receive your fair share of Polarized Fractaline.
The statue itself could possibly be connected not only to the Triumph but to future quests from Season of Dawn.