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Stunning Valorant Breach Guide

Valorant is a first-person, tactical 5v5 shooter developed by Riot Games. It was recently released on June 2nd and is quickly gaining popularity in the FPS genre. There are similarities between Overwatch and CS: GO, which can be seen in the subtle map design and in the character’s abilities, but overall it’s more of a shooter-oriented design. The game has a distinct art style that gives players a clear sense of their surroundings. There is also a ranking system where there are eight competitive ranks - Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Immortal, and the highest one - Valorant! In each rank, there are three levels, similar to League of Legends. You start the match by picking a character called an agent and each of them has four unique abilities, two of which can be bought with gold earned between the rounds. Valorant currently has 11 different agents - Phoenix, Jett, Viper, Sova, Cypher, Brimstone, Sage, Omen, Raze, Breach, and a new one, who got released with the live launch of the game - Reyna.

Check out our guides for the other Valorant Agents here:

Valorant Breach Overview

Are you ready to breach the competition and be a top fragger? Then look no further than Breach, the initiator with an offensive kit that helps him win duels and take space with low risk to himself and his team. He's got a whole arsenal of abilities to get your team safely through choke points and onto the bomb site, and on defense, he can stall a push long enough for help to arrive.

But let's be real, you don't want to be the first one in. Leave that to your accompanying duelist or entry fragger who will most likely end up as a sacrifice for the cause. You want to be the second one in, the one who sets up plays for the team and guarantees the trade off kill. Plus, going in second means you don't have to scan so thoroughly for enemies and can focus on the bombsite, surroundings, and enemies without risking your life.

Of course, mastering Breach isn't easy. It requires reading the situation and the enemy, knowing how they'll react to your abilities and placing them in the right spots. A well-timed Aftershock can displace the enemy team, allowing you to push aggressively with your Flashpoints and position your Faultline for maximum impact.

But don't worry, with a bit of practice and some growing pains, you'll be top fragging in no time. So next time you're looking for a hero to play, give Breach a try and watch as your team safely breezes through choke points and onto the bomb site. Just remember, don't be the first one in!

Here are some insightful tips and tricks on how to play Breach  


Breach's got some serious moves, and his signature ability, Faultline, is one of his most powerful. Every 35 seconds, Breach can unleash a quake that dazes all players caught in its path. Not only is it great for clearing corners and displacing enemies from high ground or tight spaces, but it's also a great setup tool for your team.

You can use Faultline to give your teammates an easy win over a pesky camper in a corner or to punish players rushing to defuse the bomb. Just make sure you time it right and be mindful that it will stun your teammates too, so don't accidentally give them a taste of their own medicine.

But don't underestimate the power of Faultline in a solo situation either. It's a great corner-clearing tool, sending anyone caught off guard back to the spectator screen. And if you're feeling really cheeky, you can even use it to move defenders from their chosen positions. Just make sure you use it wisely, as it can be easily dodged if the enemy sees it coming.

So if you're looking to mix things up and catch your opponents off guard, Faultline is the way to go. Just remember, it's not only about stunning the enemy team, it's about working with your own team to make the most out of this game-changing ability.


If you're looking to get the drop on some unsuspecting enemies, Aftershock is the way to go. This ability lets you shoot a detonating blast through any wall you're facing, giving you a fighting chance to push around the corner and catch the enemy by surprise. It's hands down the best ability for clearing corners in the game, so be sure to use it on a push to cover any blind spots you may not have checked yet. Plus, you can use it to push enemies out of their hiding spots and into your line of fire, making for some easy kills.

But hold your horses, cowboy! Aftershock can do some serious damage, so be careful not to hurt your own team. Fire it into common enemy locations for an early pick, or use it in combination with Flashpoint or Faultline to stun the enemy team and really make the most of its power. And don't forget, you only get one charge per round, so make sure to use it wisely.

A clever way to use Aftershock is to pair it with Flashpoint. Most opponents will freeze like a deer in headlights when hit with a flash, so take advantage of this by unleashing your Aftershock at that moment to punish any campers lurking in the corner. On the other hand, if you know an enemy is trapped in a corner and there's no way out for them, don't hesitate to use Aftershock to catch them off guard or force them to face the full might of you and your team.

So go ahead and use Aftershock to clear those corners, but remember to use it wisely and watch your teammates' backs. Happy hunting!


Ah, Flashpoint, the bane of any enemy’s existence and the key to a Breach player’s success. This ability is like a flashbang, but with a little bit more spice. It requires you to shoot the flash into a wall, blinding anyone who looks at it, friend or foe. Just like your mom's cooking, this one is sure to leave a bad taste in your enemy’s mouth.

Since it goes through walls, you can use it to punish campers in sharp angles and to surprise a team that hasn’t managed to set up a defense. It's like a jack-in-the-box, but instead of a clown, it's Breach and his flashpoint. Typically, by the time the flash has detonated, you will have your weapon re-equipped, with plenty of time to push before the enemy gets their sight back. It’s like a game of hide and seek, but instead of hiding, you’re seeking enemies and flushing them out.

There are so many ways to use Flashpoint. You can use two at once to cover different vantage points, progressively working your way through narrow chokes, or flashing in tandem with a teammate's push. It's like a synchronized swimming routine, but instead of water, it's bullets and flashes.

It’s handy on bomb sites since few enemies expect to get hit by an ability through the site's cover, let alone flashed. It's like a surprise party, but instead of balloons and cake, it's Breach and his flashpoint. Another strategy is to willingly concede some ground to the enemy. Whether in mid or on a point like B on bind. Allowing the enemy team to push past their cover and into the open can lead to some of the best playmaking potential Breach can offer. It's like letting the enemy get comfortable in their own bed and then pulling the covers off, leaving them exposed.

Remember, this is the longest-lasting flash ability in the game, so make sure you use it right. It's like a fine wine, you want to savor it and use it to its full potential. And as always, make sure to be careful where you shoot it, or you might blind your allies just as much as your enemies.

Rolling Thunder (Ultimate) 

Well, well, well, looks like we’ve got ourselves a big bad ultimate ability here: Breach’s Rolling Thunder. This bad boy sets off a shockwave that covers a huge area in front of Breach, and nothing – and I mean nothing – can stop it. It’ll go through cover and obstructions, and anyone caught in its wake will be sent flying into the air and dazed for a solid 5 seconds. That’s five whole seconds where they’ll be sitting ducks, while you and your team swoop in for the kill.

Now, I know what you’re thinking: “But ChatGPT, isn’t this just an offensive tool?” Well, my friend, let me tell you: this ability works just as well on defense, too. Few things can halt a push quite like a flash, stun, or – wait for it – the ability that stuns you and pops you up into the air like a ragdoll. Trust me, even the most stubborn defenders will think twice before charging through this bad boy.

And here’s a pro tip: use Rolling Thunder as a stall tactic or to displace the defenders when you’ve got the bomb. It can buy you precious seconds to plant or defuse, and even turn the tide of a seemingly lost fight. Just make sure to position it well and stay safe while the enemy is busy picking themselves up off the ground. So go ahead and roll out the thunder – with Breach’s Rolling Thunder, victory is yours for the taking.

Buy Strategies

Well, well, well, look who we have here. It's Breach, the all-around hero that everyone wants on their team. And why wouldn't they? With relatively cheap but powerful abilities, Breach is always a solid pick. For just 200 credits, you can grab a Flashpoint, and for 100 more, an aftershock. That leaves you with enough cash to buy a shield or ghost. Not bad, huh?

But it's not just about the price tag. Breach is a master of both offense and defense. His abilities can be used to surprise campers, punish pushers, and generally wreak havoc on the enemy team. And don't even get us started on his ultimate, Rolling Thunder. It's like a beach party, but instead of dancing, everyone gets sent flying into the air and dazed for a good 5 seconds. Who wouldn't want to be a part of that?

Of course, to truly master Breach, you need to have some serious map knowledge and quick decision-making skills. But that's all part of the fun, isn't it? The satisfaction of listening to your enemy's footsteps, waiting for the right moment, and then unleashing the full power of your kit is second to none. And with Breach, you'll rarely find yourself in a bad situation that you can't turn on its head.

So what are you waiting for? Grab your Flashpoint, charge up your aftershock, and get ready to show the enemy team who's boss. With Breach on your side, you're sure to climb the ladder like few others.

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Author teodoran
Published 2023-04-27