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Awesome Valorant Sage Guide

Valorant is a recently released 5v5 online tactical shooter developed by Riot Games. The release date was June 2nd and it is no longer in closed Beta. There are some similarities with CS:GO and Overwatch, as it seems to have subtle elements from both games. It’s more of a shooter than a cast-based champion game, though you have some unique abilities to add variety and flavor to the matches. You start off the match by picking a character called an agent and each of them has four unique abilities, two of which you buy with gold, earned between rounds. Valorant has currently released 11 different agents - Phoenix, Jett, Viper, Sova, Cypher, Brimstone, Sage, Omen, Raze, Breach and the new one, which got released with the Live launch - Reyna.

Sage Overview

Ah, Sage, the master of slow pushes and quick heals. She's like a wise old grandma who knows just how to make you feel better with a pat on the back and a warm bowl of soup. But don't let her kind demeanor fool you - she's a force to be reckoned with on both defense and offense.

Now, you might be tempted to charge headfirst into battle with Sage, but hold your horses, cowboys and cowgirls. Sage is better off supporting her team from the backlines, with her trusty wall and healing abilities at the ready.

But don't get it twisted - Sage isn't just a one-trick pony. She can also hold her own on the offense, using her walls to surprise enemies and take them out with a well-placed shot from her Operator. And let's not forget about her role as the primary spike carrier - after all, who better to keep the objective safe than a seasoned veteran like Sage?

Sure, Sage may be classified as a Sentinel, but she's far from your typical healer or flanker. She's a versatile agent that can be used in a variety of situations, from aggressive pushes to defensive holds.

So if you're looking to master the art of Sage, this guide is the place to start. Learn how to wall like a pro, position yourself for maximum impact, and keep your teammates healthy and in the fight. With Sage by your side, victory is just a wall away.

Here are some useful tips and tricks you can use while playing Sage

Heal Orb - Try to use your Heal Orb as often as possible, as you don’t have to spend credits to get it. It has a cooldown, but try to use can use it repeatedly. Be careful when using it, as it takes some time to re-equip your guns after you use the healing ability.

Ah, Sage, the healer of Valorant. While her Healing Orb may seem like a no-brainer ability, knowing when to use it can be the difference between winning and losing a round.

As tempting as it may be to pull out your Healing Orb and play nurse when your teammates are taking damage, don't forget that you're still in a battle. If you're close enough to the action, it might be better to support your team with gunfire instead of stopping to heal them.

But here's an advanced tip for you Sage players out there: know the damage output of the weapons in the game. Yes, I'm talking about those numbers on the bottom left of your screen that you might have ignored.

Let's say your teammate with 89 health and your teammate with 29 health are both taking fire. The Vandal does 30 damage per bullet on the body, so that one bullet could be the difference between life and death. If your teammate with 89 health is a crucial player or has more utility left, it might be wiser to heal them instead of the low HP teammate.

So, remember, Sage players: sometimes it's not just about how to use Healing Orb, it's about knowing when to use it. Keep these tips in mind and you'll be a true combat medic in no time.

Slow Orb - This ability amazing for comboing with your allies. A great example would be Phoenix and Viper’s abilities or with ultimates like Brimstone or Sova’s. Use your Barrier Orb wisely and place it only if you’re sure the enemy team will be pushing a particular side and try to avoid placing it at the beginning of a round. It has a timer and before it disappears, so if the enemy team is just scouting or choosing a different site to attack it would be kind of a waste. You can also combo your wall with your ultimate ability by blocking off potential narrow entry points, to bring your ally back to life.

You can also check out our other Valorant Guides here

If you're looking to be a true Sage master, you need to know how to use her Slow Orbs effectively. These little guys can be a huge headache for the enemy team, especially when used strategically.

One of the best ways to use Slow Orbs is to place them on entry points where the enemy might try to flank you. This can give your team an advantage in any gunfight that might break out, as the slow effect can throw off your enemies' aim and movement.

And don't underestimate the power of the Slow Orb in pistol rounds! For a mere 100 credits, you can buy a Slow Orb and use it to delay the enemy's push and even the odds a bit.

As an attacker, you can also use the Slow Orb to great effect. For example, on Icebox's A site, you can throw the Slow Orb over the top and make it land at the back of the site and A screens. This can prevent the enemy from turning back and waiting for a full team retake, and force them to defend the site with a huge disadvantage.

Just remember to use your other abilities in conjunction with the Slow Orb to really maximize its effectiveness. Flashes, stuns, and other deterring abilities can make it nearly impossible for the enemy team to defend against your push.

So if you want to be a Sage that truly shines, don't forget the power of the Slow Orb!

Barrier Orb - With this ability you can create a strong defense and use it to heal a wounded ally or even resurrect a dead one. This is extremely useful for cutting off enemies who are rushing in and quickly and stopping them in their tracks. It also has a potential to turn around a losing match by cutting off enemy reinforcements.

Sage's Barrier Orb is like a mystical wall that can be used to block entry points, elevate your team to higher ground, and even shield teammates. It's so good that it's also the most expensive ability in the game - I mean, it's practically made of gold!

When using the Barrier Orb, be careful not to boost yourself into a dangerous situation. Enemies can easily take advantage of your momentary vulnerability and take you out. It's usually better to use the boost on your teammates, but there are some exceptions, like when you want to show off your sweet parkour skills.

If you're not sure how to use the Barrier Orb to its full potential, we've got you covered. Check out our video showcasing the best wall spots on every map, whether you're on defense or feeling aggressive.

One of the best things about the Barrier Orb is that it blocks line of sight. Enemies can't just spray through it and hope for the best. It also comes in handy when you need to shield a teammate who's been discovered by the enemy team.

As a defender, you'll be notified if the wall gets broken, which means you can quickly respond to any incoming enemies. You can even tell how many different weapons were used to shoot down the wall - I mean, who needs a recon drone when you've got Sage on your team?

For example, when defending B on Split, you can use Sage's Barrier Orb to block the mid-area. This allows defenders to focus on B Main and Heaven, feeling secure in the knowledge that they won't be flanked from mid. Even if the attackers push A, the Barrier Orb can prevent them from rotating to B too quickly. It's like a magical force field that keeps the enemy at bay.

Resurrect - Finally, Resurrect can be used when you’re sure there are no nearby enemies because you have to be at a close distance to cast it. Make sure you look around for any potential threats before using it, although sometimes you just have to risk it and go for it!

Ahoy there, matey! Are ye ready to learn about Sage's Resurrection ability? This skill be pretty straightforward, me hearties. Ye can bring back yer dead teammate to life and increase yer numbers for the round. But beware, it's best to use this ability on rounds where ye have a better shot at winning.

If ye want to secure a crucial round, like when the enemy team has a bad economy but still went for a full buy, using Resurrection can give ye an advantage of 1 to 2 more rounds. Arrr, that's some tactical play right there!

Ye can even use Resurrection as bait to force the enemy to re-peek, but it can be risky. So, before ye revive yer dead matey, use Sage's wall as safety. Just keep in mind that when ye resurrect a teammate, they float in the air for a brief moment, which can make them an easy target for enemies on high ground.

Sage's Resurrection ability requires eight points to use, and it can be tough to accumulate. Most Sage games only have a total of two resurrects per match, one per half. To get the ultimate orbs on attacking, ye can be the team's spike planter, but be prepared to be the biggest bait on the team.

When defending, it's sometimes better to quickly rotate to the other site than to get the ultimate orb on your empty site. Remember, ye don't need to force out resurrects when the ability is ready. Keep an eye on the situation, me hearties! If yer team is on a save round, it might be smarter to save yer ultimate ability even if it gives yer team a slight advantage.

So there ye have it, mateys! Ye now know all about Sage's Resurrection ability. Just be careful not to get too cocky and use it wisely. Arrr!

Sage's ultimate that can either turn the tide of a game or leave you feeling like you just wasted an ultimate. But fear not, dear player! Here are some tips to keep in mind when it comes to resurrecting your teammates:

First and foremost, try to prioritize resurrecting teammates who have their ultimate ability ready. Having that extra bit of firepower can make all the difference in a round.

Now, here's a bit of sage advice: resurrecting a teammate without a full rifle while fighting against a team with full buys is usually not the best move. Of course, this all depends on the situation, but keep this in mind before you hit that ultimate button.

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, keep track of the verticality when using Resurrection. Assume that your resurrected teammate will be slightly above head level when they're brought back to life. Even Sage's wall can't fully protect them, so be cautious when bringing them back into the fray.

With these tips in mind, you'll be able to make the most of Sage's Resurrection ability and, hopefully, lead your team to victory. Good luck out there, agent!

Tips and Tricks

Get ready to master Sage's incredible kit! Whether you're healing your squad or resurrecting your fallen comrades, Sage is a true powerhouse. Here are some tips to maximize your Sage potential:

  • Slow Orbs are your best friend! Toss them onto aggressive peek spots to slow down the enemy team's advance. Nothing ruins an enemy's day more than getting stuck in a molasses-like trap.

  • The Barrier Orb is not just a wall - it's a unique boost too! Use it to give yourself or a teammate a height advantage or to block off pesky angles.

  • Don't be afraid to use your Healing Orb when your team needs it, but be smart about it. Wait until you're in a safe spot before popping the orb, or you might find yourself getting caught off guard.

  • When it comes to Resurrection, save it for the big leagues. Use it only on winnable rounds, or you'll be wasting your time and effort.

  • Lastly, keep an eye on your teammates' abilities. Knowing which abilities are currently in play can help you make better decisions when it comes to resurrecting.

Sage is a must-have addition to any team comp. And if you're looking for the perfect map to showcase her kit, look no further than Ascent. So grab your orbs, hone your skills, and show the enemy team what Sage is made of!

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Author teodoran
Published 2023-04-20