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Valorant Viper Overview

Valorant is a new IP from Riot Games, the same people who made League of Legends, that became a huge hit from the start of its BETA. It is a 5v5 character-based tactical shooter, that allows you to choose from a number of different agents, all of whom have different playstyles and abilities. Many people think that it resembles Counter-Strike but with the addition of Overwatch’s type of abilities and art style, the game becomes more unique. The goal is to eliminate the enemy team or detonate/defuse a bomb, depending on which side you spawn. Riot is focusing only for PC launch for now but we strongly believe the game will find its way to the consoles.

Check out our guides for the other Valorant Agents here:

Today, we will be talking about Viper.

Viper is a poison type of agent that is excellent for map control, thanks to her gas-emitting abilities. On the offense, her gas is perfect for team pushes, and on defense, she is great at entry denials. Her greatest asset is her ultimate - Viper’s Pit. With it, she becomes one of the best spike (bomb) planters in the whole game. Also, thanks to her ultimate, she can turn around games that normally look hopeless.

Valorant Viper Agent - abilities

The first thing you have to know is that Viper has a unique trait called Fuel

 By using her Q and E abilities, the fuel tank will start dropping, until it goes all the way to 0. You don’t have to worry, her fuel tank will recharge over time when you are not using the abilities. The toxic gas’s damage is called Decay Damage. We will explain how this works. When you step into the gas, you will start to lose armor and after that health, and it can go down all the way to 1HP, but it won’t kill you. After you step out of the gas, your armor and hp will start to regenerate to their original point.
Her C is called Snakebite and it is 100 credits. You throw a canister that upon contact with the      ground, explodes and it leaves a pool of poison that will slow enemy agents (when they are walking on it ) and deal some damage. You can also bounce the canister off walls to make some cool trick shots.

Next is her Q ability which is called Poison Cloud and it will cost you 200 credits. You throw a grenade to a place, where you can turn into a toxic gas ball. That will continue until you turn it off or your gas fuel hits 0%.This ability can be used in every game like a smoke grenade (giving your teammates a place to hide in ) or to obscure the enemy’s vision by blocking paths, doors and etc. You can always walk to the grenade and pick it up so that you can use it again. Of course, there will be a small cooldown, that you will have to wait out before you can throw it again.

Her E is called Toxic Screen, it is a free ability that also heavily relies on the gas tank. You can fire and make a straight line of toxic gas that can be used just like the Poison Cloud to block paths. Also, it can be turned on and off.Every enemy that walks through the wall will take decaying damage. This wall can be fired in far distances over rooftops and object, so be very smart where and how to use it. Unlike the grenade, you will not be able to pick up the Toxic Screen and use it after a small cooldown. If you cast it, it will stay there to the end of the round.

And her ultimate and most fun ability is called Viper’s Pit. You activate it by pressing X and it will cost 7 ultimate orbs. You have to choose a spot on the ground, close to Viper and she will create a huge cloud of gas that will act as a small room, from which you can not see outside nor enemies can see inside. Every enemy agent that steps into the Pit, will take decay damage and have bad vision. Viper on the other hand will see everyone perfectly and outlined. The Pit will remain on the place it was cast until Viper leaves it for an extended period of time. She can exit for a short time and go back inside. In that case, the Pit will stay active.

Viper is a hard carry type of agent and in the hands of a pro, she can do crazy things.

We can help you stay competitive as Viper

We at Boosting Ground understand that not everyone is a pro and we also understand that many of you will find it hard to unlock all of her items and cosmetics. That is why we have gathered all of the best boosters around the world and made all kinds of Valorant boosting services. Just go on our website, choose the game, the character, or the service you want and let the pro players help you out with your difficulties.

Author Eugency
Published 2022-09-24