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Valorant Agent Killjoy Guide

Valorant was officially released on June 2nd, 2020 and it took a solid stand in the FPS genre. Since then it’s amassed millions of fans and players all over the world, with streamers playing the game even before that, when it was still in beta. It’s considered a 5v5 tactical shooter with an emphasis on methodical strategies and careful planning. Lore wise, the story is set in a near-future Earth where a big technological boom known as the First Light happened, which gave rise to massive life and technological advancements. There were many individuals who had benefit from that event, now known as Radiants. An unknown organization formed the Valorant protocol, which pulled many different Valorant agents from all over the world to battle it out! These agents have four unique abilities in addition to their normal weapons, which makes the gameplay really diverse and different every time! Another interesting thing is the map design, it’s made to be camper-friendly and the whole aesthetic makes it easier to see the agents compared to the background.

Read our guides for all the Valorant agents here:

Valorant Agent Killjoy

Valorant Agent Killjoy Overview

Valorant's Act 2 introduced a new agent, Killjoy, who quickly found her way into players' hearts. This sentinel agent is all about defense, excelling at locking down sites and providing critical intel to her team.

But don't expect Killjoy to be a one-person army. Without smokes or the same level of dueling potential as some other agents, she relies heavily on her teammates. However, her ability to force enemies away from bomb sites and provide utility during skirmishes makes her a valuable asset to any team composition.

In other words, if you're looking to add a new agent to your hero pool, Killjoy is definitely worth considering. Sure, she may not have the flashy moves of some other characters, but when it comes to holding down the fort, this girl knows how to get the job done.

Valorant Agent Killjoy - personality

Valorant Agent Killjoy Abilities Preview


Valorant Agent Killjoy - Alarmbot ability 

Killjoy's Alarm Bot is like having a robotic watchdog on the battlefield. Set it down in a hidden spot and wait for an enemy to trigger it. Then, BOOM! It detonates, dealing damage to both the unsuspecting victim and any nearby buddies. Plus, it applies the vulnerable effect, giving you double damage for a short time. Talk about a rude awakening!

Pair it up with the Nanoswarm grenade and you've got yourself a recipe for deleting enemies faster than they can say "Nerf Killjoy!" Just make sure to mix up your placement game and keep an eye out for new spots that might catch your enemies off guard. And if you're feeling particularly sadistic, go ahead and punish the poor sucker who triggered your bot in the first place.

But the Alarm Bot isn't just a one-trick pony. You can also set it up near your turret to deal extra damage and cover your back. Use it on defense to lock down those pesky blind spots, or on offense to prevent flanking maneuvers and secure a site after planting.

Just remember, your skills are only as good as your placement. And if things don't go according to plan, no worries - the Alarm Bot can be picked up and used again after a 20 second cooldown. So go ahead and experiment with different tactics, because with Killjoy's arsenal, the possibilities are endless.


Valorant Agent Killjoy - Turret ability 

Killjoy's Turret is one of the most versatile tools in her arsenal. It shoots in three-round bursts and can deal up to 24 damage per burst, with the added bonus of applying the vulnerable effect that doubles damage taken by the enemy. Plus, with a 180-degree field of vision and 125 HP, it's a formidable obstacle for any attacker.

But don't be fooled into thinking the turret will do all the work for you. While it can slow down enemies and give away their positions, it won't do enough damage to take them out on its own. On offense, it's perfect for covering your flank and alerting you to any incoming threats. On defense, it's all about gathering information and coordinating with your team.

The best way to use the turret on defense is to wait for the enemy to trigger it and then take advantage of their slowed movement to land some easy shots. You can also use it to hold down a specific line of sight, allowing you to focus on another angle. And if things start to go south, don't worry – the turret has a quick recharge time, so you can always pick it up and move it somewhere else.

Just like the Alarm Bot, you can pick up the Turret to shorten its cooldown to 20 seconds. While it's not as useful on offense, it can be a great tool for clearing out smoke or peeking around corners safely. And let's not forget – even if the turret doesn't get a kill, it can still provide valuable intel by alerting you to the enemy's position.

So don't underestimate the power of Killjoy's Turret. Use it wisely, mix up your placements, and keep your enemies on their toes. After all, there's nothing quite like the satisfaction of watching an enemy get taken down by your trusty automated friend.


Valorant Agent Killjoy - Nanoswarm ability 

Killjoy's got her own version of Brimstone's spicy meatball with the Nanoswarm grenade. Toss it underhand or overhand and watch as it unleashes an area effect that'll stop pushes dead in their tracks. Not only will it prevent bomb plants and defuses, but it'll also deal sustained damage for three seconds - talk about a rude awakening for your enemies!

Now, don't go thinking that the Nanoswarm will automatically get you kills. You've gotta mix up your placement game like Cypher's tripwire, or your enemies will wise up and destroy it before you have a chance to blow it up.

One sneaky tactic is using the Nanoswarm to stall a defuse. Plant it on the bomb site and wait for an unsuspecting planter to come along. Then, BOOM! You've effectively denied their efforts with a well-timed grenade. It's also perfect for stopping soft pushes in their tracks, forcing enemies to flee like they've just seen a ghost.

But beware, predictable spots will only fool your foes once or twice. To really get the most out of Killjoy's abilities, you'll need to get creative with your trap placement. Find those nooks and crannies that your unsuspecting enemies will never see coming, and watch as they get caught in your web of destruction.

Lockdown (Ultimate)

Valorant Agent Killjoy - Lockdown ability

Ah, Killjoy's ultimate ability, Lockdown - a spicy addition to the Valorant gameplay experience. By planting a spike on the ground and expanding a dome outward, any enemies caught within will be stunned, unable to draw or use their weapons for a solid 8 seconds. That's like an eternity in gaming time, folks. It's a great ability to lock down a site, allowing you and your team to plant the bomb and detonate it with all the peace of mind in the world. But wait, there's more! Lockdown can also flush enemies out of cover, leaving them vulnerable to your team's attacks. It's like you're playing whack-a-mole, but the moles are your enemies and your hammer is...well, your weapons. If you're playing with a coordinated team, Lockdown can be a game-changer. On defense, if you feel like the enemy team is pushing your spot too hard, use Lockdown to stall them out and give your team enough time to flank them or force them to rethink their strategy. If you're feeling particularly cheeky, use it when your team is about to push a point and watch as the enemy team hesitates, unsure of how to play your ult. It's the ultimate (pun intended) psychological warfare. No matter the situation, whether you're defending a bomb plant or rushing to defuse, Lockdown is an ability that can turn the tide of the game. Just be careful not to get caught in your own dome, or you might be the one feeling stunned for 8 seconds.

Valorant Agent Killjoy - in game

Valorant Agent Killjoy Defense and Offense

Ah, Killjoy. The tech-savvy agent who knows her way around a machine or two. Her signature abilities are the turret, which shoots in bursts of 8 damage per shot under 20 metres, 6 per shot between 20 to 35 metres, and 4 per shot on anything over 35 metres. It may not seem like a lot, but add the vulnerable effect and it can pack a punch. The turret covers a 180-degree field of vision and has a sturdy 125 hp, making it quite the survivor on the battlefield.

But wait, there's more! Killjoy also has an ability called Lockdown, which is basically a stun zone. Place the spike on the ground, and a dome expands outward on a timer, stunning any enemies within for a whopping 8 seconds. It's a great way to buy time for planting and detonating the bomb, as well as forcing enemies out of cover. It's like playing a game of musical chairs, but the stakes are higher and no one's having fun.

On defense, Killjoy can be played similarly to Cypher. Place your alarm bot in a sneaky spot and wait for one of your abilities to notify you of the enemy push. Stay alive and save your ultimate for late rounds. It could make all the difference.

On offense, Killjoy's abilities can be used to protect your flank or displace enemies from vantage points after a point take. And don't forget about that ultimate. Place the spike and trap the enemy, setting up easy round wins for you and your team.

So, the next time you're playing as Killjoy, remember to channel your inner tech genius and outsmart your opponents with your arsenal of gadgets.

Valorant Agent Killjoy - robot

Valorant Agent Killjoy Buy Guide

Meet Killjoy, the high-tech, gun-savvy agent with a knack for setting up traps that leave her enemies stupefied. But be warned, fellow gamer, Killjoy is not a budget-friendly agent. Her abilities – Nanoswarm and Alarm Bot – come with a hefty 200-credit price tag, so choose wisely, my friend. When it comes to weapon choice, the trusty Ghost is a solid opening point option for Killjoy, but don't forget to factor in her abilities when deciding what to purchase. On defense, start with an Alarm Bot to cover a blind spot and secure a crucial early-round pick. For offense, Nanoswarm is your go-to, as it can deter even the most aggressive push. With Killjoy's kit, you can burst down enemies caught within her trap, making her an excellent choice for an aggressive playstyle. In later rounds, you'll want to grab a Vandal, Phantom, Spectre, or LMG to maximize Killjoy’s value. So, choose wisely, fellow gamer, and don't forget to stay alert for Killjoy's traps.

Valorant Agent Killjoy - in game

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Author teodoran
Published 2023-04-20