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Apex Legends Caustic Tips and Tricks Guide

Caustic – Tips and Tricks

Caustic, also known as Toxic Trapper, is one of the most dangerous Apex Legends heroes, especially if located in an indoor space. He has some great abilities that can easily demolish anyone who has been trapped in one of his traps. Caustic is a Defensive Legend, and if you want to have successful fights with him – you will need to spend some time mastering his ability kit. 

If you are a person that likes to make misery to his enemies, and maybe you are a little bit of a sadist, well, then Caustic is the right hero for you. Today we will give some of the most important tips and tricks that should be taken into account when you play with the Toxic Trapper.

Caustic General Tips and Tricks

Caustic's ability kit can be very painful for the enemies, especially when used in the right way. As we already said, if you want your fights with this Legend to be successful, you will have to spend some time mastering him. Let's start with some general tips and tricks which should be always considered.

Firstly, you have to be aggressive. Caustic is more powerful when he is in an indoor space, so when you are outside, in the open – don't forget you are vulnerable. That's why is much better to go for inside locations such as flanks and buildings. In order to use your abilities as well as possible, you need to be in a close-quarter place.

Secondly, you should always be looking for a chance to use your Nox gas. This is one of the abilities that do not require you to be inside – you can easily use it outside, place it around a cover and it will definitely change the game.

Thirdly, you have to use your Ultimate if you ever see yourself in a panic situation. If you and your teammates are surrounded by enemies, don’t give up, just throw your Nox gas, blanket the area and you will all survive. And last but not least – you better wait for your enemies to be confused thanks to the gas and beat them.

Caustic Passive Ability Tips and Tricks: Nox Vision

Caustic's Passive ability gives him the opportunity to see all his enemies through the gas. That's what makes him so dangerous when the Nox Gas is on. He is not only immune to its damage and side effects, but also he can see through it and find all his enemies who are being damaged and confused at the moment.

Let us get to the tips – remember that the passive ability is only active when the enemies are taking damage and located in the Nox Gas. Once they get out of it scope, they will not be highlighted anymore. Furthermore, keep in mind that if there is another Caustic, as your enemy – your vision is not working on him! So, be careful!

In addition, the Nox Vision is not given to your teammates. So, make sure you are sharing the information you have, otherwise, they will not be able to make any kills and damages during the effect of the gas.

Caustic Tactical Ability Tips and Tricks: Nox Gas Trap

The Nox Gas Trap is what makes Caustic dangerous and so important for the team. When the tactical ability is activated, he drops canisters, and once an enemy is close enough to them, or they are being shot by anybody – they are activated. When activated, they start srpaying the toxic Nox Gas and make everybody confused and damaged. The gas lasts for 30 seconds.

Keep in mind that the gas makes damage and bypasses the shields completely. It damage will start with 5 per second and with every 2 seconds, it increases by 1 more damage. You have to place the canisters carefully, because there is a small period of time before they are being activated, and during this period they can be destroyed if shoot. 

One tip – use the trap to block a door from opening if you need that. If you need to hide, and you are in an indoor place – make sure you have dropped the Nox Gas next to the door. If your enemy enters somehow, he will be damaged and gassed.

Furthermore, you need to know that the traps can be destroyed if the red bottom section is shoot. This will destroy the whole trap and its effect on the enemies. So, make sure you have placed them in the right places. One tip – better activate them yourself by shooting, instead of waiting for your enemies to do that.

And, most important – think about your teammates before using the Tactical ability! They will not be damaged by the gas, but they don’t have the Nox Vision, and they will also be disoriented and confused when the gas is on.

Caustic Ultimate Ability Tips and Tricks: Nox Gas Grenade

Caustic’s Ultimate ability is a grenade that explodes and covers a large area of the location in Nox Gas. It is twice the diameter of the tactical ability, which makes it very dangerous. The damage is the same, but the duration of the ability is 15 seconds. Then, there will be a cooldown of 3 minutes.

Our most important tip – the ultimate ability can be used as a panic button. If you ever get yourself, and your team caught in a bad situation, you can throw the grenade next to you. Your team, together with you will be covered in gas, which will give you a great chance to get out of there without being seen and damaged.

If you find yourself reviving one of your teammates, then you can use the grenade as protection until you are finished. Furthermore, if you are in the final circle and the match is lasting too long – then you can use the Nox Gas Grenade for keeping you and your teammates alive when everybody is moving.

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Apex Legends is one great game, providing an unforgettable gaming experience to its players. There are many great characters, and Caustic is one of them. So, if you have chosen him for your Legend – spend some time on reading our tips and tricks, practice a bit, and be done! You will have a lot of successful fights. And don't forget – if you need help or you are stuck – Apex Legends Boosting Services are here for you!

Author Eugency
Published 2022-08-05