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Apex Legends Mirage Tips and Tricks Guide


Whether you are a new player just starting your Apex Legends adventure or a seasoned veteran wanting to add a new character to your legends pool, this article, Mirage – tips, and tricks, is just for you.

Why Mirage?

Apex Legends has a variety of different heroes to pick from, some of them specialize in mobility to outrun your opponents, others have a very effective way of dealing a high amount of damage and some of them have special quirks that make them instantly distinguishable from other Legends in terms of gameplay. Mirage belongs to the last group, his abilities allow for a unique trickster game style to deceive your opponents and spread chaos across the battlefield. 

Despite being an offensive legend, Mirage also has some team utility tricks up his sleeves so it is not just a one-trick-pony kind of character. If you are looking for a unique playstyle and epic gameplay moments while also making fun of your opponents Mirage is just a character to try out, and who knows maybe you will get hooked and he becomes your new main. Without further ado, let's start our guide by taking a quick look at Mirage's abilities.

Abilities Breakdown

Now you see me…(Passive) – First, not even active ability, and we already have something to disorient your opponents, Mirage passive ability makes him invisible while using a Respawn Beacon and while reviving a downed teammate, additional upon being downed themselves, mirage becomes invisible and spawns a decoy (simply a clone of himself) that imitates the character dying animation.

Psyche Out – Mirage's first active ability allows him to spawn a holographic decoy that can be controlled by a player, upon spawn, the decoy mimics the player's state (crouching, standing, etc.) and also preserves the moment which player was traveling at, the decoy will run in a straight line until the player takes control of him. Mirage decoys have 45 health points and last for 60 seconds

Life Of The Party (Ultimate) – Mirage's ultimate ability is just his psyche-out ability but cranked up to maximum, he spawns 5 decoys around him that will mimic his movement, while also making the original Mirage invisible
And.. that would be all about the basics of his abilities, however, abilities being simple don’t make him any less of a playmaker than other legends, let us dive into the more advanced use of his potential

Ability Specific Tips & Tricks

Now you see me… Tips & Tricks – Starting with Mirage passive ability, it is arguable the least versatile ability in the whole kit as it only revolves around either reviving a teammate or being downed yourself. There are, however, still a lot of options and ways to trick your opponent or play to your own advantage with the usage of this skill. When you are stuck down, try to use the time of your invisibility (5 sec) to change the elevation of your position, if you are near the edge of a building or cliff, jump down, it will make it a lot harder for the enemy to follow your movement and track you don’t finish you off. Another good thing to remember is to not use your tactical shield as it will instantly show off your location to the enemy, unless you are being directly attacked in your invisibility and the enemy knows exactly where you are, it is better to not reveal your location. Mirage's ability to revive teammates while being invisible is also a great playmaker here, in heat of battle, especially when more than two teams take part in combat, it is very possible, with the use of other abilities to create decoys, to revive a down teammate even in the middle of combat, it is very easy to lose track of where a downed enemy go as it is more important to track the players that are still alive, so take it to your team advantage.

Psyche Out Tips & Tricks – Mirage's active ability to create clones provides countless possibilities so it won’t be possible to list all of them, however, let's point out the most useful uses of this ability. 

Deploying decoys near windows and open, highly placed spaces with a sniper rifle is a great way to lure out snipers, as it is a perfectly normal scenario where someone would stay still in otherwise a very fast-paced game, additionally, being far away from snipers themselves won’t be able to instantly tell that your character is Mirage, so they won’t expect the decoy in the first place. 

Decoy tries to imitate the mirage movement to be as good copy as possible, it also means that it will copy a character's movement speed, when using the decoy while sliding, the copy will move extremely fast as mid-slide speed is very high. Another thing to remember is that the decoy, when deployed while looking straight up, will run directly forward, you can use this to make him run into enemy traps such as Wattson or Caustic equipment to figure out where the enemy currently is located. 

Lastly, the higher in the matchmaking ladder you go, the easier it will be for your enemies to tell that something is a decoy and not a character, you can use this to your advantage by imitating the predictable movement of the decoy to confuse your opponents and caught them off-guard, it becomes a mini-game for Mirage players and more you play the character, the better you will get at this.

Life of the Party Tips & Tricks – This ability is less versatile than Psyche out as you can’t really use it to pretend to be a decoy or bait an enemy into thinking the decoy is a real player, the best use of this ability is to create a distraction while running away, reviving a teammate or repositioning to ambush the enemy from a better spot. 

The best way to use Mirage ultimate is to pair it with his other abilities as sort of a supporting skill, trying to revive teammates. Make some extra distraction before becoming invisible while revising with Now you see me…, running away? Use the ultimate to become invisible and then follow up with psyche out to completely decimate the chances of your enemy finding you. 

The last thing to remember is that the clones have only 45 health points each, if you use them in situations when there is a lot of area of effect damage around, like Fuse ultimate, they will quickly disappear leaving you vulnerable.

While this is the end of what we have prepared in our Mirage Tips & Tricks, it is not the end of possibilities when playing Mirage, this legend more than any other is reliant on mind games with your opponent, the theoretical ceiling of what you can and can’t do to trick the enemy doesn’t exist, only by playing more and more games as Mirage you can excel at the true trickster gameplay.

Apex Legends Boosting

Apex Legends is a very competitive game, it is best to play it with teammates that share the same desire to climb the ranked ladder while also having fun. People spend hours getting to the appropriate level of ranked play to have the most fun of their matches. Unfortunately, not everyone has time and patience to deal with people during their initial climb to the rightful rank, here is where Boosting Ground may help you. We provide safe, secure, and professional Boosting Services at reasonable prices, if you don’t want to deal with the grind or just need a little nudge in the right direction, don’t hesitate to contact us!

Author Eugency
Published 2022-10-23