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Apex Legends Octane Tips and Tricks Guide


Whether you are a new player just starting your Apex Legends adventure or a seasoned veteran wanting to add a new character to your legends pool, this article, Octane – tips and tricks, is just for you.

Why Octane

Octane has been the most popular legend for a very long time, he always has a very high pick rate among all ranks. His popularity is nothing to be surprised by, his ability kit revolving around movement attracts a lot of players, he is very mobile and can reposition easily with his ultimate making him a great team asset whether your party is pushing forward or staying behind. 

Octane's speed is not the only thing worth mentioning here, his passive regeneration ability makes him a solid fighter that can quickly recover from a fight to drain up the enemy resources and finish them when most vulnerable. Now that we know Octane is a very and good versatile legend choice, let’s take a closer look at his abilities.

Abilities Breakdown

Passive: Swift Mend – Octane Passive ability allows him to recover one health point per second after not taking damage for at least 6 seconds, this ability is usually overlooked by new players because the one health point per second doesn’t seem like much but it is easily one of strongest passives in the game.

Stim – Octane's immense mobility comes from this skill, it increases walk speed by 30% and sprinting speed by 40% for a 6-second duration. Additionally, it removes all enemy slow effects upon activation and decreases the effectiveness of slows applied during the ability duration. Octane Stim costs 20 health points or all but one health point if used when a player is 20 health or lower.

Launch Pad (Ultimate) – Octane's Ultimate ability allows him to place down a jump pad that provides him and his allies with an ability to jump over a large distance. The jump pad has 200 health points and there can be a maximum of four pads on the map at once with a 90-second cooldown.

As you can see Octane being one of the oldest characters only have three abilities but that doesn’t make him a low-skill celling champion, there are a lot of interactions to keep in mind and use when playing Octane, so let's check out some of them.

Abilities Specific Tips and Tricks

Swift Mend Tips & Tricks – While this ability is very strong, it is not something that can replace Medkits, due to the health cost associated with Stim ability you can quickly run out of health if not careful, especially when going under enemy fire as the healing is interrupted by damage. Self-Inflicted damage while using Stim also stops this ability from working for a few seconds. Another thing worth mentoring is that the health regeneration works even if Octane is knocked down, it is however not enough to prevent him from bleeding out.

Stim Tips & Tricks – Stim is a double edge sword, while the ability itself provides a great speed boost that gives a lot of combat advantages, the health cost may quickly become too high a price to pay. Stim can be used while healing yourself with either a Med Kit or a Phoenix Kit, it is a good idea to use it right before the channel ends to get one more free ability to use out of your healing resource. Due to how fast you become during the ability duration, you can quickly close the gap between you and your enemies to either flank or ambush them, remember to not run in a straight line, side-stepping left and right will save you a lot of health when running under enemy fire. The speed bonus is not the only utility provided by this ability, you can use your 

Stim to remove enemy slow almost instantly, when facing an enemy like Wattson or Caustic you may want to wait until getting affected by their slows, this way you can quickly remove the slow and surprise them by moving to position otherwise unreachable with slow effect.

Launch Pad Tips & Tricks  – While providing movement and repositioning tools for you and your teammates is the main strength of the launch pad, it has some additional uses that can’t be overlooked. Player characters are not the only thing that can be launched by a jump pad, you can throw all kinds of grenades and throwable objects onto a pad to launch them into the air. Using a pad for this purpose can not only disorient and surprise your enemy during an assault but also provide a defensive utility for your party members as objects like Lifelines healing drone or Gibraltars dome of protection are also affected. 

Another tip that is very important when using Octane's ultimate ability is that it is possible to partially control the arc and horizontal length of a jump, hitting the pad while walking on sprinting will result in a higher arc but a lower distance than crouching or sliding. Octane himself has increased bullet spread while being in the air, making it harder to use the ability offensively.

This is everything we have prepared for Octane Tricks & Tips, as mentioned previously, even a legend with just a few seemingly simple abilities has a lot of depth and outplay potential, a good Octane player should never be underestimated.

Apex Boosting

Apex Legends is a very competitive game, it is best to play it with teammates that share the same desire to climb the ranked ladder while also having fun. People spend hours getting to the appropriate level of ranked play to have the most fun of their matches. 

Unfortunately, not everyone has time and patience to deal with people during their initial climb to the rightful rank, here is where Boosting Ground may help you. We provide safe, secure, and professional Boosting Services at reasonable prices, if you don’t want to deal with the grind or just need a little nudge in the right direction, don’t hesitate to contact us!

Author Heisenberg
Published 2022-08-11