• Choose Dungeon - Please choose which dungeon you'd like us to complete. Alternatively, you can leave it on the Random Dungeons option, and our booster will choose the dungeons for you!
• Class - Needless to say, we need to know which character to log on!
• Stream - For a flat fee you will get a private stream link from YouTube, Twitch, or another service provider. The link will be provided by your booster in your order chat.
• Appear Offline - is a service we usually provide by default. We will play while "'offline" or "invisible" and we will never reply to any messages. Note that when playing in a party the "offline" status will have to be temporarily disabled.
• Priority - Looking to start your order swiftly? Grab an additional incentive for our Boosters to initiate your order as soon as possible.
• Secured VPN - This option is mandatory for all boosters on our website. We will only log on to your account through a highly secure VPN connection, so let us know where you usually log in from!
• Booster - This option allows you to choose either a specific booster or any of the first available ones to complete your order.