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Diablo Immortal - Main Game Features

Diablo Immortal - Main Game Features 

The Diablo series holds a special place in the hearts of many gamers. Since the very first game in 1997, Diablo has been a staple when it comes to action-packed RPGs with great storytelling and atmosphere.

Diablo Immortal is the latest installment in the hugely beloved series. The story takes place between the events of Diablo 2 and Diablo 3, and the game is built for mobile devices. Thanks to some negative backlash though, Blizzard decided to release the game for PC as well, so now you can enjoy it on your desktop if you’re not a fan of gaming on mobile.

In this article, we will cover Diablo Immortal’s main game features. You’ll learn all about the best classes, how the leveling and combat work, how to obtain legendary items, the battle pass, and lots more useful information about the game.

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What Game Exactly is Diablo Immortal?  

Unlike the traditional Diablo games, Diablo Immortal is both an MMO and an action RPG. The game is labeled free-to-play, but it has some pay-to-win elements that can massively speed up your progress.

The game is designed to be played with your friends, as many challenges and missions require working as a team. While you can play solo, to experience Diablo Immortal fully, you’ll need some good teammates to rely on.

This also means that in order to play without problems, you’ll need a stable internet connection.

One of the great features of DI is the fact that it’s cross-platform. This basically means that your progress will be saved in your account and you can play the same character on your mobile and PC devices without any issues.

Just like a proper mobile game, Diablo Immortal is quite fast-paced and simplified compared to previous Diablo games. This makes it more accessible to casual gamers, but the game is still challenging enough for more experienced fans of the series.

In fact, a lot of players struggle with some of the more difficult parts of the game and often require a guide or help from more experienced players.

Blizzard also added difficulty levels, so that you can fine-tune the challenge just the way you like it.

What Class To Start With  

Generally, DI is a pretty balanced game. You can have fun with any of the classes, but if you really wanna crush it and be competitive as much as possible, two classes currently are above the rest. Those are the Barbarian and Crusader classes. Obviously, with future updates that can change. So always stay on your toes for changes in abilities and other balance patches.


What makes the Barbarian class so strong is the fact that it doesn’t require any kind of specific playstyle to be played effectively. All you have to do as a Barbarian is walk up to an enemy and smack it. Barbarians are perfect for beginners, as they are super simple to play and you don’t need to know a lot about the game, at least in the beginning. They have good mobility, excellent damage, and can stun enemies, making them unable to fight back. Plus, slashing hordes of undead armies with just a bunch of axes is a ton of fun. To complement their strong damage, they also have great survivability. This is extremely important for new players, as at the start they probably won’t be able to position their character correctly in fights. On the other hand, playing with the Barbarian can get a little boring after a while. Still, if you’re new to the series, this is your best character class to start the game with.


If you’re the type of player that dies a lot, then the Crusader is the class for you. With the largest health pool currently in the game and great survival abilities, Crusaders are hard to kill, even if you mess up a lot. But on top of that, they have some great AoE damage, stun abilities, and group buffs that benefit the entire party. The Crusader class is generally easy to play and is a more conservative option compared to the Barbarian. You’ll also do a bit less damage overall, plus the cooldowns are longer. This means that it might take you slightly more time to get used to playing with the Crusader, but overall, it’s quite easy and fun.

The Other Classes Are Great Too

If you want to play with some of the other classes like Demon Hunter, Necromancer, Wizzard, and Monk - go ahead! You can’t go wrong with any of them. Just know that they require a bit more skill and understanding of the game. But again, with some practice and time spent slashing enemies, you’ll get the hang of them in no time. Plus, the different way each class plays is a great incentive to try them all and have fun for a long time with the game.

Leveling Up 

Every time you level up, you’ll be able to pick new skills and abilities. You can gain levels by simply doing the main campaign and killing enemies.

Side quests, taking part in certain events, or getting the paid battle pass will also help with leveling up faster. But generally, if you just do the main campaign you will gain enough skills and abilities to complete the main story of the game.

If you want to put in the hard work and do the grind, clearing out dungeons repeatedly is one of the best ways to level up faster and obtain some cool gear at the same time.

The max level you can reach with a character is 60. But if you think that’s where the fun ends, you’re wrong!

When you reach level 60, there is another set of leveling up called Paragon levels. The Paragon levels system allows you to continue leveling up even after reaching the end-game.

Now you’ll be getting Paragon Points, that you can spend to acquire Paragon perks, which will make your character even stronger and unlock some of the super fun late-game content, like special raids and challenge rifts.

So definitely make sure to get your character at max level, or you’ll simply miss out on some of the best fun the game can offer.


The combat in Diablo Immortal seems simple enough, but some bosses and challenges can be quite difficult if you don’t take them on with the proper gear and game understanding.

Oftentimes, it’s a good idea to kite enemies, bunch them up in one area, and blast them with AoE. That also gives you a tiny bit of bonus EXP, which might help a bit with the leveling up part.

Each boss fight requires slightly different strategies, so you’ll always have to be on your toes, especially when playing the main campaign for the first time.

As an MMO, Diablo Immortal offers some great team PvE and PvP battles as well. And while in PvE some of your teammates can cover your mistakes, in PvP you better be on your A-game, or you might get crushed.

Diablo Immortal Battle Pass

The Battle Pass in Diablo Immortal is your main ranking system in the game. With it, you’ll have to complete challenges and daily activities to earn rewards. Its main purpose is to keep you playing the game daily and it will reward you for it.

You’ll unlock the Battle Pass once you reach Mad King’s Breach in the main campaign. After that, you can access it at any time through the main menu.

There are two Battle Pass paths:

Free - for all players who don’t want to spend money on the game
Empowered - for the players who want to progress quickly and earn more rewards.

You’ll find your objectives in your Diablo Immortal Codex. Once you complete the listed quests and activities, you’ll earn Battle Points.

They function quite similarly to the main level-up system in the game, so you can think about them like EXP points in a way.

Once you have enough, you’ll increase your Battle Rank. You can also choose to purchase Eternal Orbs with real money to rank up even faster.

Just keep in mind that the Battle Points are capped each week and they reset every Monday.

The maximum Battle Pass rank is 40 and it lasts over the game season, which is about a little over a month.

But if you manage to max it out before the season ends, every time you get over 180 Battle Points, you’ll get a special gift of renown. It contains very special and valuable rewards.

Battle Pass Rewards

Both the Free and Empowered paths will give you some nice rewards, but understandably, the Empowered one will give slightly better ones.

Generally, you’ll be getting crests, hilts, enchanted dust, and scrap materials. The further your rank is, the better the rewards.

If you’re on the Empowered path, you can also get valuable gems, cool emotes, cosmetic stuff, scoria crafting materials, and other cool things.

You don’t need to pay for the Empowered path to enjoy the game. But if you’re able to, you might have a little more fun with it.

Either way, make sure to complete the Featured activities as they yield double Battle Points!

Legendary Gems and Items

While you’re playing Diabo Immortal, from time to time you’ll find legendary gems and items that can massively improve your character.  

They can provide all kinds of buffs that will make you much stronger, so definitely be on the lookout for them.

Legendary gems are extremely valuable, especially once you reach the endgame. They can be put in items that have the appropriate slots and each of them has different perks that can be upgraded.

Most of the 1-Star and 2-Star gems can be obtained as drops, or you can craft them yourself by visiting the Apprentice Jeweler.

5-Star gems are the most valuable in the game and you cannot craft them (except with one super-rare recipe), so to get them, you’ll have to get lucky with drops.

One of the main reasons players love the Diablo series so much is the aspect of finding better gear. In Diablo Immortal, it’s no different. You can get all kinds of gear from killing enemies, clearing dungeons, and pretty much doing anything in the game.

Gearing Up

Just having a bunch of cool items in your inventory won’t make your character strong. To maximize your effectiveness, you’ll need to gear up properly.

Oftentimes, you’ll have to decide between pure stats and special effects. Some items do more base damage or have a better defense, while others don’t have such good numbers, but offer an improvement of a special ability or skill.

This is where the ability to gear up properly can shine. That, of course, won’t happen until you get better at the game with time. But just knowing about the importance of gearing up with legendary or set items will help you out tremendously.

Collecting gear from fallen enemies is just one part of gearing up. The other part is upgrading and improving your items. Some items can become much better with the proper legendary gems, so spending some time and learning about them can make you quite a force to be reckoned with.

To upgrade items you’ll need gold and materials, which you can get by completing missions. Then, you can go to the Blacksmith and have him upgrade your stuff. You can also have him break down some of the gear that you don’t need, to get some materials for your new upgrades.

Diablo Immortal Bestiary

One of the cool features of Diablo Immortal is the Beastiary. It’s essentially a catalog with all of the rare and unique monsters you can find in the game.

With over 100 entries and the ability to complete only 3 pages per day, it might take you a while to complete the whole bestiary, but it’s definitely worth it.

The main reasons are two - it’s super fun and it gives you 40 battles points per 3 completed pages each day. This will allow you to rank your battle pass, which in turn will help you with everything else in the game.

The bestiary is locked until you do the associated quest for it at the start of the game in the Dark Woods area. It’s part of the main story, so you can’t miss it.

Once it’s unlocked, you can get contracts and once you find and kill the targeted monsters, you’ll get monster essence that you can then turn in for your rewards.

The bestiary is a great way to learn about the lore of the game while having fun and improving your character even further, so you definitely wanna check it out.

Activities and Raids

There are quite a bit of different activities and raids in Diablo Immortal. In most of them, you’ll have to kill at least one main boss and clear the whole area for them to be completed.

Once you do, you’ll be rewarded with valuable loot.

Most activities are designed to be completed as a team. Each team can be from just two players to, incredibly, 48. Here are some of the best activities in Diablo Immortal:

- Challenge Rifts
- Dungeons
- Elder Rifts
- Helliquary Raids
- Faction Wars

Challenge Rifts
One of the best ways to test your skills in Diablo Immortal is to try the Challenge Rifts. Plus, they can give some awesome rewards for completing them. Keep in mind that these are a bit different from the ones in Diablo 3.

To unlock them, you’ll need to finish certain missions. Then, you’ll have to find the Challenge Rifts Entrance near Westmarch's Palace Courtyard.

Once you do that, all you have to do is interact with the stone statue in Westmarch. That’ll bring up a special Challenge Rift screen that will allow you to set up your difficulty, invite party members or if you have no one to play with, join a random party.

Keep in mind that the rewards you can earn depend on the difficulty you choose.

Challenge Rifts are another great way to earn Battle Points and improve your Battle Rank.


At the moment, you can encounter up to 8 unique Dungeon raids by just following the main story. But what’s super cool about dungeons is the fact that you can repeat them as much as you want.

Here are all seven dungeons that you can currently raid in the order that you’ll find them:

- Mad King's Breach (Ashwold Cemetery)
- Forgotten Tower (Dark Wood)
- Temple of Namari and Kikuras Rapids (Bilefen)
- Cavern of Echoes (Frozen Tundra)
- Tomb of Fahir (Shassar Sea)
- Destruction's End (Library of Zoltun Kulle)
- The Pit of Anguish (Realm of Damnation)

As we mentioned above, grinding dungeons is a great way to speed up your leveling and get better gear at the same time.  

Elder Rifts

These raids are similar to the Challenge Rifts and are another great way to farm legendary items and get some EXP.

Here, you’ll have to go through armies of enemies in a completely randomized setting. But don’t be afraid of the chaos, the rewards are usually worth it.

Elder Rifts are free to enter and can be done without restrictions. There isn’t a time limit, either. The only way to complete them is to fill up the bar with Elite globes that will be dropped during the raid.

Usually, you’ll be able to do those within 5 minutes, and the difficulty scales with your character.  

Helliquary Raids

Those raids are unique to Diablo Immortal and are a great way to increase your combat rating. Since some raids and challenges are locked behind a combat rating score, increasing this stat is quite important in this game.

Plus, combat rating also plays a big role in the damage you do in-game. So it’s always a good idea to increase it as much as possible.

Once you reach level 35, you’ll unlock Helliquary Raids. Then all you have to do is to complete a short mission, followed by a Challenge Rift with a difficulty adapted to your character’s strength.

Kion’s Ordeal

This is another Diablo Immortal exclusive. Remember when we mentioned you can have up to 48 people in a raid? Well, this is the raid for this madness.

Kion’s Ordeal is a very late game encounter, so we won’t be covering it in detail. But if you manage to enter and complete it, you’ll be in a very exclusive club of players.
Faction Wars
Once you finish Bilefen's main campaign, you’ll unlock a special introductory mission that will introduce you to the endless struggle between Shadows and Immortals.

Immortals are basically humans with god-like powers, while Shadows are rogue-like spies that have to ensure that this incredible power of the Immortals gets used correctly.

The real fun starts once you finish this quest because, after that, you can enter the Shadow Lottery for a chance to be admitted to Shadows.

Once you are a Shadow, you can explore a ton of new end-game content such as new challenges, heists, PvP, and in the end, even a chance at taking down an Immortal.

Are the Negative Reviews Justified?

With the game being massively popular and having over 10 million installations, it’s inevitable that with so many players, few will be frustrated.

The main criticism of the game is its pay-to-win model.

Even though the game is branded free-to-play, if a player decides to spend money on the game, he will have an advantage over the free-to-play players. And that’s a big deal, considering this is essentially a multiplayer game with PvP elements.

When it comes to mobile games though, that’s pretty much always the case. So while that can be a bit frustrating, it’s just the way mobile games work.

On the bright side, it’s possible to reach the endgame in Diablo Immortal without spending a dime. It will just take a lot of time and effort. And some players are okay with that.

Diablo Immortal Boosting

Diablo Immortal Boosting is a very fun, but also incredibly demanding game. You’ll have to put a lot of time and effort into it, to reach the late-game content, even if you spend some money on the Battle Pass.

But there is another way to get to the best parts of the game, without having to grind 24/7. It’s called boosting and it lets you get help from a professional player, who knows how the game works like the back of his hand.

Even though it’s early days, these players spend inhuman amounts of hours each day to make sure that they know anything and everything they need to know about the game.

And you can have them play for you on your behalf to save you a ton of time, or with you so that you can learn firsthand from the best. The choice is entirely yours.  

Boosting is an opportunity to get high-level playing that you might not be able to reach on your own unless you’re a 100% dedicated to the game. So it’s something to consider.

With this service, you will:

- Get Legendary gear;
- Earn the coolest rewards;
- Complete the most challenging raids;
- Enjoy the end-game game fun as very few players have
- Destroy everyone in PVP
- Experience high-level gaming like never before

Diablo Immortal Boosting is 100% safe, and affordable with 24/7 support. If you want a next-level gaming experience, then boosting is the way to go!

Author Eugency
Published 2022-06-24