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Diablo Immortal How the Raids work

Diablo Immortal How the Raids work

While Diablo Immortal has received some criticism from the hardcore Diablo fans, with over 10 million installations, the game has brought lots of new players to the legendary series.

Its simplified model and mobile-friendly design allow even casual gamers to enjoy Diablo, without having to spend countless hours playing the game.

At the same time, hardcore gamers can still get their fix thanks to some cool challenges and fun raids that can only be completed with the proper builds and adequate play.  

In this piece, we’ll go over one of the main Diablo Immortal features - The Helliquary Raids.

What Are Helliquary Raids and How to Unlock Them

Helliquary Raids are unique to Diablo Immortal. They’re an end-game feature and their main purpose is to increase your Combat Rating, which in turn will unlock harder content in all parts of the game.  

You’ll unlock the Helliquary Raids at level 36 via a special quest after you complete the main Bilefen story.

To start the quest, you’ll have to go over and talk to Deckard Cain and then meet Rayek - the creator of Helliquary. He will be in his workshop, near the Einfrinn Tree in Westmarch.

When you talk to Rayek, a special quest will begin, which will result in the opening of a demonic portal to the Helliquary. Rayek is hoping to stop the invading demons with his creation, so the destruction of his homeland can never happen again.

And this is where you come in. Your job will be to stop the Demons that threaten to invade Westmarch, and for completing that task, you will be handsomely rewarded.  

Helliquary Raids require a party of 8 players to get started, with the exception of the first Demon - Chaos Herald Pyl.

Your First Task - Introduction to Helliquary

You will get into the actual Helliquary Raids by just following the questline. In one of your first tasks, you’ll have to complete a Challenge Rift and defeat a boss called Chaos Herald Pyl.

Unlike the proper Helliquary Raids, this is an introductory solo mission and you won’t have to go through the Demon portal.

Once you slay this boss, the full Helliquary will begin and you’ll now be able to upgrade it and test yourself against more powerful enemies and Demons.

Lassal the Flame-spun

Your next big Demonic challenge is called Lassal the Flame-Spun. To fight him, you’ll need a minimum combat rating of 420.

To start this raid, go to Einfrinn Tree in the center of Westmarch and take the Demon Portal to Lassal's Sanctum.

Lassal has 3 difficulty levels, with minimum CR requirements at 420, 1250, and 1640. You can choose at what difficulty to fight him after each weekly reset.

The fight has 4 phases. Here is what you need to do to make them a bit easier:

Phase 1

In Phase 1, you’ll want to keep your HP high and dodge Lassal’s cyclones, ground slams and slashes. Just pay attention to the target zones on the ground and try to stay behind him.

Phase 2 

The second phase will include Slagspitters and Demon Warriors that you have to deal with immediately. Make sure to focus on them, or you’ll get overrun. Then you can go back to damaging Lassal.

Phase 3

Once Lassal gets to one-third of his health, the third phase begins. Now Lassal will try to create a very strong volcanic explosion that will melt down your health bar if he hits you with it.

The whole sequence starts with him creating three boulders and the best way to deal with this is to hide behind one of them.

Don’t stay between the boulders! That’s where the big volcano will hit and the damage is usually lethal.

Phase 4

In the final Phase, Lassal starts to get desperate and throws everything at you. It’s basically a chaotic mix of all three phases before this one.

Once you defeat Lassal, you will get rewards depending on your performance and difficulty level. Those rewards will usually include items, gold, and Scoria.

Vitaath, The Shivering Death

After Lassal, your next big challenge in the Helliquary is Vitaath.

To fight her, first, you’ll have to upgrade the Helliquary with the Scoria you find and turn it into Hellfire Scoria via the Blacksmith.


Vitaath is a difficult boss and you’ll probably need more than the required 2,280 Combat Rating to have a chance against her.

This fight also has four phases.

Phase 1

In the first phase, you’ll have to be careful of her frontal swipe attack, and her knockback damage from the ice barrage. Be wary of the ice circles that deal huge damage and avoid them at all costs.

Phases 2 and 3

Here you’ll need to destroy her Ice clones before she can take damage. At the same time, you’ll have to dodge her random AOE attacks. You can do this by avoiding the target zones that show up just before the attack.  

Phase 4

In the final phase, Vitaath will move to the center of the arena and will start raining down ice spikes. This huge AOE attack can be really hard to deal with, so make sure you and your party are all healed up and ready for it, as reviving during this attack is nearly impossible.

Make sure everyone in your party is strong enough to survive Vitaath. Play intelligently and make sure you can have easy communication with the whole party during the raid.

Avoiding attacks in this fight is key. Some of them can one-shot you, so your positioning needs to be on point. Play defensively, heal up often, and be patient.

Once you defeat Vitaath, you’ll get a trophy called the Frozen Wing of the Shivering Death that gives you a bonus +150 offense and defense rating, alongside a +20% block chance (active in Challenge Rifts only).

What Comes Next

After Vitaath, the next bosses are:

- Gorgothra the Claimer
- Beledwe and Gishtur
- Izilech the Misshapen

Since nobody has reached such a high level yet to face them, we’re not going to cover them today.


Helliquary Raids are one of the most fun parts of Diablo Immortal. Each fight is different from the other and offers unique challenges and rewards. This keeps the game fresh and fun to play.

The best part about them is that you have to team up with your friends. But If you don’t have someone to play with, you can also team up with random players, which is pretty cool.

Overall, the raids in Diablo Immortal are pretty fun, challenging, and rewarding. So if you manage to get far enough in the game to try them out, they are definitely worth it.

Diablo Immortal Boosting

Don’t have time to grind for Raids? Want to test yourself against the bosses, but you can’t dedicate your life to playing Diablo Immortal to get there?

This is where Boosting can help.

Diablo Immortal Boosting is a service that lets you have professional help with the game in order to save yourself a ton of time, effort, and the boring grind.

It’s totally safe, affordable, and easy to use.

You can choose to have an expert player play with your account on your behalf, or have him as a teammate and a coach during raids. It’s really up to you.

Unless you’re a professional player yourself, this is the quickest and currently the best way to:

- Get the best gear in the game;

- Complete the hardest raids;

- Reach the End-game in no time;

- Experience what top-level play looks like;

- Be a force to be reckoned with in PvP;

If that’s what you’re looking for, check out Diablo Immortal Boosting and experience gaming like never before.  

Author Eugency
Published 2022-06-28