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How Useful Are Scav Runs in Escape From Tarkov?

How Useful Are Scav Runs in Escape From Tarkov?

Escape from Tarkov is truly a unique game. Designed as a super-realistic FPS with survival, MMO, and even some RPG elements, the game offers many fun ways to play.

One of those fun ways is to get into the shoes and play with what are usually AI-controlled characters - the Scavs. If you’ve ever played Escape From Tarkov, you’ve probably encountered them on multiple occasions.

Scavs is short for scavengers, a collection of rogue factions that like to loot, rob, attack, and do anything for their benefit, regardless of who is in their way.

You’ll find Scavs in every Escape From Tarkov map, as they spawn at the very start and also during the matches.

AI-controlled Scavs spawn at random locations and with random equipment. Player-controlled Scavs will also spawn at a random location, but their equipment will depend on their fence reputation(Scav karma).

Playing as a Scav is a great way to get away from the usual PMC runs, play a short, fun match, and possibly get some extra loot without putting your hard-earned gear at risk.

But exactly how useful are Scav runs in Escape From Tarkov?

Let’s find out!

Scav Runs are Much More Safe

When you join a game as a Scav, you risk nothing. This means you can be a lot more relaxed when playing and just enjoy the match. If you manage to escape with some nice loot - great!

But even if you don’t, you don’t lose anything.

One of the reasons you can play stress-free as a Scav is that you have different characters for PMC and Scav Runs. They progress separately, which allows you to be a lot more loose and relaxed when playing a Scav Run.

Scav Runs Can Be Easy Money

Since you start the match with some gear, if you manage to find an extraction point quickly, you can make some easy cash by selling the gear.

Some players like to do this on Factory - the smallest map in the game. You can make like 100-200k rubles in just one minute if you do this right. And with a good enough Scav karma, you can make Scav Runs every 15 minutes or so.

And again, it’s totally risk-free.

Scav Runs Are Great When You’re Tired, But You Still Want to Play

We’ve all had those days, where we’re just tired and we can’t play optimally. But instead of not playing the game you love, with Scav runs you can just play without any stress of performing or losing gear.

You can even muck around and pretend to be an AI, Roleplay, or just do whatever. And you can still end up with some extra loot if you manage to escape.

You Can Do Scav Runs at Work

Just don’t tell your boss.

But seriously, Scav runs can be so quick, that you can do some even if you’re at work, waiting for dinner to arrive, or just kill some time during boring periods throughout the day.

Some players don’t even bother putting sounds on while doing their Scav runs. And they still sometimes end up with some great loot.

Scav Runs Are Perfect for New Players

If you’re new at Escape From Tarkov, you will suck at the game. There is no way around it. It’s a challenging game that takes a while to learn.

Most new players have a survival rate of 30% and less during the matches. So why not try some risk and stress-free Scav runs until you get a grip on the game?

Scav Runs Have No Rules and Offer Different Gameplay

This means, you can basically do whatever you want, and each time experience something new.

When you join a game as a Scav, the other AI Scavs will not be hostile towards you. Only if you choose to attack them, they will shoot back at you.

If other player-controlled Scav attacks you first, you can shoot back at him and the other AI Scavs will not get hostile towards you, because you’re fighting “the traitor”. And that is pretty cool.

Even bosses and their followers won’t bother you as long as you keep your distance from them.

Just keep in mind that if you mess with the Scavs too much, you will gain some negative Scav Karma which will make further Scav runs a bit more difficult.

Speaking of Scav Karma, let’s find out what it is and what effects it has on the Scav Runs.

Scav Karma

Scav Karma is a very cool system that makes helping other player-controlled Scavs worth it.

When you play as a Scav, each different positive action towards another Scav will give you some extra Karma level. And each hostile action towards a non-traitor Scav will net you negative Karma points.

For example, if you kill a traitor Scav, you’ll get a +0,03 karma. If you help a Boss, you’ll get a 0,05 karma.

But if you kill another Scav without him provoking you, you will lose between 0,05 and 0,1 karma and you will be a traitor for the rest of the raid. Killing a boss or his followers will net you a loss between 0,02 and 0,06.

You can keep track of your current Karma by checking your Fence trader reputation. Keep in mind that after having a Karma level of 6 and above, karma penalties are even higher.

What Does Scav Karma Affect?

Depending on your Scav Karma, you can gain some cool advantages, or have some pretty challenging disadvantages.

For example, if you have a high Karma level, which is 6 and above, AI-Scavs will help you by attacking your enemies. Plus, bosses will be considered allies and you don’t have to keep your distance from them.

And if you have a very low Karma level, which is -5 and below, the AI Scavs will attack you on sight, even if you did not provoke them.

But having a good level of Karma has some other benefits, such as:

Lower fees for car extractions;

More money from selling to fences;

Buying items at a 30% discount from the sales tab;

Less waiting on cooldown for the next Scav Run;

More extraction points when playing as a Scav;

Better gear when you spawn as a Scav;

The AI can follow your commands, like “hold position” or “follow me”

How Useful Are Scav Runs - Conclusion

As you can see, Scav Runs can be pretty useful, quick, and super fun. They allow you to play just for fun and get some extra rewards from doing it, mess around with the game, or just try some different gameplay.

Some players use them to make some quick money, others just want to make PMCs' lives a little harder.

What you decide to do, is entirely up to you. Just keep in mind that your Scav Karma is important and affects many things in your Scav Runs.

Escape From Tarkov Boosting

Wanna take your gaming experience to the next level? Try out some Escape From Tarkov Boosting!

Escape From Tarkov is a very challenging game, but Boosting services give you a great way to save yourself a lot of time and stress while progressing in the game.

You’ll be working with a professional player, who will help you to:

- Level Up Faster

- Complete Any Raid

- Farm More Roubles

- Upgrade Your Hideout

- Defeat Any Boss

- Unlock the Flea Market

- Get to the Endgame

- And Become a Much Better EFT Player

Boosting gives you a unique chance to have an expert play with your account on your behalf, or have him coach you one-on-one while helping you complete an objective.

If you don’t have enough time to play and grind, but you want to experience Escape From Tarkov to the fullest, try out boosting services and get a whole new gaming experience.

Author Heisenberg
Published 2022-08-16