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The Reins of the Blue Proto-Drake is part of six different color proto-dragons that share the same family tree and not so surprisingly - the same short and unpredictable temper. This particular blue-tinted proto-drake has a unique, ice-cold wintery look to it, perfect for combining with a plate set with that same thematic, which would serve you very well while exploring the vast, frigid wastes of Northrend! Oh, and it's also an awesome mount to combo with a similar ice and snow-themed gear, which will win you a lot of cosmetic competitions! Normally these dragons are very nice to others but don’t try to annoy them because you might find yourself in an unpleasant situation. To get this dragon you will have to kill Skadi the Ruthless in Utgarde Pinnacle (Heroic mode). Now, you may be tired of grinding for this mount, in that case, order our World of Warcraft Reins of the Blue Proto-Drake Farm Service and our team of highly talented players will help you.
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