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Reins of the Bronze Drake is part of a family of drakes, from different Dragonflights with a wide color-spectrum, each with their individual paths. This particular bronze variation of drake has interesting ochre or sandy-colored scales and is part of the Bronze Dragonflight or as it's also know - the Yellow Dragonflight! They have also been assigned as the wardens and overseers of Azeroth's different timelines. They protect time itself from different intruders and interlopers, who are quickly dealt with and meet a cruel fate! When not traveling through the Caverns of Time, they can be seen in dry and desolate places such as the Tanaris deserts and Central Barrens.To get one of these dragons you will have to kill Infinite Corruptor in The Culling of Stratholme. If you are having trouble killing the boss, just order our World of Warcraft Bronze Drake Boost service and our team of highly talented players will do the job for you.
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