Mythic + Dungeons
Achievements & Titles
Buy WoW Gold
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11.1 - Undermine(d)
Reputations & Renown
Amount of Gold
Battle Tag/Nick (For In-Game Contact)
Character Name
Boosting Ground Email (Auto Register)
Additional Info:
• A desired amount of gold traded you via the trade function, or sent via ingame mail box (please, keep in mind in this case you receive your gold in 1 hour after it's sent!)
• Delivery via ingame trade takes 5 to 30 minutes, depending on your server.
• Delivery via ingame mailbox takes approximately 1 hour to 1 hour 30 minutes, depending on your server, due to ingame restrictions.
• Both methods are equal and only dependent on your desire of the way gold would be delivered.
• If you checked out as a guest, an account would automatically be created for you. Make sure to check your email and the spam folder to receive your account details. If, by any chance, you you haven't received your email, please contact our 24/7 live support chat for help!.
• Log in to your account. A chat should be opened, between you and your booster. Say "Hi" check if he has everything he needs to start your order (like account access when doing a piloted boost)
• You will receive your gold via mail box or trade ingame.
• You will receive an email notification when your boost is completed. The order chat with your booster will also close after the order completion.
• Reviews - Since November 2016, we have implemented an integrated system that enables the comprehensive evaluation of each booster on our platform. This system has remained operational to the present day. Furthermore, commencing in December 2023, we are expanding our review platform presence to include Trustpilot. We kindly request your assistance in supporting us by sharing your valuable feedback on Trustpilot.
• Class and Faction - Choose your class so your booster could make sure they are sending gold to a right person!
• Method of Delivery - if you were to choose ingame trade, you would be traded by our booster within a short amount of time via the trade function, by meeting in some capital city! If you were to choose the mailbox, it could take up approximately 1 hour to be delivered due to the ingame restrictions
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