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This spider tank was developed for one reason only – keeping the peace! Anyone who has the stupid idea to disturb the order will face this mechanical nightmare’s full sense of justice. With its giant gears and joints, distinctive yellow paint and bright blue eyes with lights that can reach far out into the distance, this scary mecha-spider or crab-like mechanical crawler will incite fear and respect in those who think about breaking the law! Keeping the peace by turning your enemies into pieces, now that's a slogan every player can live by, especially in WoW!This mount can drop from HK-8 Aerial Oppresion Unit in Operation: Mechagon but only in Mythic mode, so keep that in mind. If you were not that lucky with this drop and you are tired of trying, just order our WoW Mechagon Peacekeeper Boost Service, and our team of highly talented players will step in and will grind until you have it.
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