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These raptors were once alive but after the death of their masters, they were mummified, so that they can carry their riders even in the afterlife! We can clearly see they were inspired by mummification, a process commonly used in ancient Egypt to preserve the bodies of deceased pharaohs and kings in the real world! Now this is quite a terrifying mount because for one, it's a dinosaur and second of all - it's mummified and brought back to life, so if you want a scary looking mount to add to your collection and possibly win some transmog competitions with, this will be a very nice addition! There are two ways to get this mount, by killing King Dazar in King's Rest (Mythic only) or you can get is as a reward from the Challenger's Cache for the same dungeon.If both are hard for you or you don’t have the free time, just get our WoW Mummified Raptor Skull Boost Service and our team will obtain it right away!
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