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Plagued Proto-Drakes are proto-dragons plagued by the Blight of the Scourge. Although these mighty drakes resemble dragons they are vastly different from them. It’s unknown from which dragonflight the first generation of plagued Proto-Drakes was changed from, the following generations were raised and hatched from small blight pools within Scourge loyal frost Vrykul villages.Small in numbers, these creatures are mostly used as mounts for the frost Vrykuls that serve the Lich King. These flying beasts usually scout the frigid steppes of Storm Peaks and are found in frost Vrykul villages.This mount is a 310% speed mount, however, it is no longer obtainable by achievement. You can only obtain in from the Black Market Auction House, but this is a difficult task, so just rely on our WoW Plagued Proto-Drake Mount Boost Service!
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