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The Red Dragonhawk mount is a rare and lustrous creature, native to Quel’Thalas, and is mainly tamed by blood elves, high elves, and forest trolls that inhabit those lands. It is an adept predator that hunts down and renders its prey with razor-sharp talons.This dragonhawk is among the deadliest predators. Because of its keen vision, the mount is able to spot prey from great distances, rush in and rend with talon and beak. Although it has “Red” in the name, this particular dragonhawk has a clear and distinct golden color.Dragonhawks liberated from troll enslavement are considered the most loyal of their kin. In addition, they are capable of breathing fire! This mount is the Horde reward of the Mountain O'Mounts achievement.This powerful critter is quite hard to obtain, but with our World of Warcraft Red Dragonhawk Farm Service, you can easily acquire it!
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